Actionscript 3.0 :: Dynamically Resizing Background-picture?
Apr 24, 2008
I'm testing this idea of mine, but so far I've not been awarded, here's what's my idea about:I want to load a big background-picture into my Flash, and then I want it to be resized so it fits the screen-resolution that the user has on his/her browserit loads perfectly, and - from what I can see - keeps it's dimensions.but it does not resize to the size of the browser as it should....if you go to the link, and then manually resize the browser-window, you'll get the resizing of the background-picture going on,'s how it's all build:I have a test100.fla with a Document Class
Code: Select allpackage {
import CustomBackgroundTest;
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Apr 3, 2009
I want to create a website with a background that will auto-resize according to the stage size using AS3.But what i need to know before I do it is: What is the right resolution for the background picture?I want people with resolution starting from 1024x768 to view the website correctly and I also want people with 24'' monitors to view the background with good quality so I guess the image needs a high resolution. I started with 1936x1288 but when I resize the stage to fullscreen the bottom of the image gets cut off.
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Apr 24, 2008
I want to load a big background-picture into my Flash, and then I want it to be resized so it fits the screen-resolution that the user has on his/her browser.[url]...
it loads perfectly, and - from what I can see - keeps it's dimensions.but it does not resize to the size of the browser as it should....if you go to the link, and then manually resize the browser-window, you'll get the resizing of the background-picture going on, though.[code]...
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Jul 24, 2009
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Mar 24, 2010
I have a code for a page I am using and I would like to add a background and have it resize with the screen like the rest of the page. I have created a movie button named "pic" with the image in it but I don't know how to write the code and place it in the existing AS3 code to place the code like i was in 3rd grade, that would be great. Here is the existing code.
package com.modules
import flash.display.*;
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Aug 4, 2009
I am making a web page with about 13 buttons. some are dropdown menu Items.I would like to have a background linked to each of the buttons, such that when I click on a new button the background fades into the new background.
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Jun 11, 2010
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Mar 9, 2007
writing a code that will change a picture base upon the time.
i want to have a picture of the sun rising between the time 6am to 11 am
then from 12pm - 5 pm a pic of the ocean showing
from 6 pm - 10 pm- a pic of the sun setting...
then from 11pm- 5am a picture of the northern lights..
ohh yeah i have the time being called in a # from 1-24, = var = hour
idk if u can write if statments with a range of numbers . ex. if (hour > "range of time/#'s") ....
or have a shape in the backround and have it change as the time changes??
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Mar 24, 2010
I have a code for a page I am using and I would like to add a background and have it resize with the screen like the rest of the page. I have created a movie button named "pic" with the image in it but I don't know how to write the code and place it in the existing AS3 code file. I am brand new to this so if someone could tell me how to place the code like i was in 3rd grade, that would be great. Here is the existing code.
package com.modules
import flash.display.*;
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Oct 20, 2009
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Apr 23, 2010
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Mar 6, 2007
I pretty much got it working. The only problem I'm having is that it's only full screen based off of the width. I want the picture to maintain it's scale, so I need it to fill the height if necessary and cut the sides off of the picture. You can see what I mean by clicking [URl]. Resize the browser so it's a lot taller than it is wide and you'll see what I mean. I want it to fit both height and width no matter which is taller. I've played around with it all morning and nothing.
// pic_mc is the movieclip that I used to load my full-screen background image.
function bgResize() {
pic_mc._width = Stage.width;
pic_mc._yscale = pic_mc._xscale;
if (pic_mc.height >= _yscale) {
pic_mc._x = (Stage.width)/2;
pic_mc._y = (Stage.height)/2;
[Code] ......
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Aug 7, 2007
I have visited the [URL]. I like the most of the things in this site but the only thing which really amazed me is the navigation bar. On mouse over the menu the background picture transition take place. I guess there are three pictures, and they are doing it with the Action script.
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Apr 6, 2011
i want to minimize window to not-fullscreen (i meant restore down (icon in the top right corner betwen - and x)) browser window and ajusting size of window manually over arrows in the corners of the window) and retain background picture full size (i need to picture proportionally follows screen minimizing).
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Feb 12, 2009
I have a baground in my swf. I want the background over the browser screen.
Select allfunction ImageonBaground(mc:MovieClip) {
}if (mc._width==0 || mc._height == 0) return;
var imagein:Number = mc._width/mc._height;
var stagein:Number = Stage.width/Stage.height;
if (stageRatio>=imagein) {
// match image width and adjust height to fit
[Code] .....
In the code are other things ( Stage.scaleMode = "NoScale" , listener an etc.) I have a problem, the picture is big. I publish the fla to html and I looked in it... in the browser the bottom of the picture cropped. Is there a possibility that the browser show me the rest of the background with a scrollbar. I have a widescreen laptop and I want to optimize for that.
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Apr 22, 2002
I want to make a picture gallery and use buttons that move you from picture to picture and backwards, but I don't want to tell button 1 to go to frame 2 and button 2 to got to frame 3 and so on (I hope you know what I mean)Can I use on button on a separate layer with the same action set? I tried something like that, but it didn't work:
on (release) {
thisframe =+1
but it didn't work. I'm kind of new to any action script other than gotAndPlay, easy functions and all that.
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Apr 6, 2011
i want to minimize window to not-fullscreen (i ment restore down (icon in the top right corner betwen - and x) browser window and ajusting size of window manually over arrows in the corners of the window) and retain background picture full size (i need to picture proportionally follows screen minimizing). The site is [URL]
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Jun 27, 2011
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Feb 5, 2009
I have a Label inside a VBox.
My VBox has a width of 100% so when the widow is resized the VBox scales to the size of the window.
I want the Label inside the VBox to scale relevant to the size of the VBox containing it, so for example if the VBox is scaled to a very small size and even height of "0" the label will not be visible.
is there anyway I can do this in ActionScript?
I have tried so far to add a resize listener to the vbox performing math calculations on the label height and font size, which worked to a certain degree, however was jerky and the performance was v-slow when the calculation was performed on many VBox containing Labels simultaneously.
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Feb 16, 2009
I have a problem on resizing dynamically loaded swf in to a flash movie. The senario is
1) swf files are uploaded by users and the path of the swfs(flash banners) are taken in to the flash via flasvars.
2)so swf uploaded for each user is displayed in a loop
The problem is user may upload swf with different sizes.So I want to re size them to main movie size(ie 500*70) So what i tried to do is using MovieClipLoader and fix the size in onLoadInit function.But it gives really different sizes
than expected.
I cant understand why flash behave like this.
1)Can i resize the extaernal swf by using above method?or
2)what is the approach to re size dynamically loaded swf s?
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Oct 27, 2004
I'm looking to resize and move a movie clip with Actionscript and Easing. Here's an example of kind of what I'm looking for...
I'd really like to do it using Flash 5, is it possible?
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Apr 21, 2009
I am building a flash site for my own photography business and the site is designed in such a way that it will scale from 1200x720 down, but never up. So on the biggest monitor, the biggest this should get is 1200x720.
I am having an issue where after you resize the page down smaller than the biggest, i the main container of the content "mainStage" is too small, and even after maximizing the window, it is still stuck on a small size.
-- if you refresh the page with the window at ANY size, it works PERFECTLY.
-- if you resize the browser without refreshing the page, you will reproduce my issue.
I have uploaded the page here to be seen. [URL]
-- Here is the source for this. [URL]
i really want to get this resizing dynamically to work before i work on the rest of the page.
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