Actionscript 3.0 :: Fla File And The Sample Activity Image?
Apr 22, 2009
i attached my fla file and the sample activity before i create like this activity i try basics of this i got proplem.there are lot of line drawing
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could some one please tell me why the hell my fscommands don't work???[AS]fscommand("allowscale" , "false");
fscommand("showmenu", "false");[/AS]
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I am attaching ta sample fla and the html file.
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Dec 26, 2009
My sample templates are missing, all that shows now are Cateregory: Advertising and different size banners. I searched my harddrive and found the rood folder where they are stored but only the folder for Advertising exist. I haven't deleted anything, so could it have been a glitch at installation, I had startup problems with Flash constantly crashing at the splash screen and finally had to uninstall and reinstall.
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Mar 6, 2012
Is there a way within ActionScript 3.0 to:
Get all URLRequests() that are made within the application?
Get all RTMP:// connections to a Flash Media server?
Since my application contains SWC files which were compiled by another developer, I cannot directly access the ActionScript which creates the URL requests and RTMP connections.
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Jan 14, 2006
I have created an application in Flash and in the first frame u enter a number of parameters for the application. Then you press start and it continuose to the second frame. Here is all my code and mc.
Now I have created a RESET button and when it is pressed. I want all the functions, variables to be deleted i.e. nothing should happen.'
My first attempt was to just tell the main timeline to go to frame 1 (which is empty, only the textboxes with the param. are there), and i thought that all running functions from frame 2 would just stop. But they dont.
So how can i stop/reset all activity, cause i dont want to close the app. each time i would like to enter new values?
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Jan 19, 2004
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May 6, 2003
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Mar 27, 2010
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on (release){getURL("[URL]");}
It opens that page at swf file's spot but I don't want it. I tried
on (release){ getURL("[URL]", "_blank");}
But it opens in new tab. I want to open new page in same tab. Is there any way to do that?
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Nov 9, 2010
where is the source code for the multicastplayer sample that is located in <installed directory>AdobeFlash Media Server 4 oolsmulticastmulticastplayer directory? The StrobeMediaPlayer does not use the same html code and does not playback a rtmfp multicast stream.This is the code used in the multicast sample player to pass the manifest.f4m file into the player to playback a Multicast Stream which is not used in the StrobeMedia player sample.
var flashvars = {}; <!-- Add manifest file location e.g. flashvars.manifest = "manifest.f4m"; --> flashvars.manifest = "manifest.f4m"; <!-- Enable debugging --> <!-- flashvars.debug = "true"; --> <!-- Adjust buffer time  - default is 4 seconds --> <!-- flashvars.bufferTime = "10.0";
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May 23, 2010
I have to detect avtivityLevel of microphone in Flex. I am using the activityLevel property of Microphone class but as I found out it always return -1 even if I have done Microphone.getMicrophone(). To detect activity level we have to set microphone.setLoopback = true;
how to do this without using loop back as I do not want to hear my sound back just monitor the activity level
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Jan 11, 2011
Can some only indicate a small piece of FLEX/AS code which plays mp3 and with play button only,the objective is to play a sample sound for around 5 to 10 seconds.And the compiled swf should have the mp3 embeded in it
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Feb 8, 2011
The reference doc ( here ) tells us to download the sample application: Included in the project distribution is a collection of samples called the Spring BlazeDS Integration Test Drive. This samples project is set up to be built with Maven and then imported into Eclipse for running the application via WTP.
The samples in question, must either be which is linked to in the document or based on the notion that this is release 1.5.0.M1 (docs and samples).After I configure maven as described with the proper environment variable:
MAVEN_OPTS="-Xms256m -Xmx512m -XX:PermSize=128m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m"
I then execute (per instruction) the command to install: mvn clean install from the extracted samples directory (in my case C:spring-flex-testdrive ), I receive the following error:
C:spring-flex-testdrive>mvn clean install
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[ERROR] The build could not read 1 project -> [Help 1]
I have managed to get a "Spring BlazeDS" application working (with Flex), but now I'm at the point where I need to implement security, and if the samples would compile and run correctly.
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Apr 7, 2011
i am trying to detect the microphone activity level. In windows XP, it's returing the activity level. But in windows vista, even if the mic is not connected it's returning an activity level. has anyone come across like this.what is the problem?
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Sep 14, 2011
I have a swf file (little animation) created in swish and I want to put it in my windows form app like a header, I was reviewing the below link but it doesn't say too much, could someone give an example of how to do this?
Embedding Flash in a Windows Forms .NET app
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Jun 26, 2009
we use all the time loader class with its loader.contentLoaderInfo and all listeners.Two question :1/ Is there a soft to make as3 class diagrams for soft design.2/ I would like to encapsulate loader class, the things which are not constant are urlmessages when load is complete objects to update when load is in progress (loadbar or textfield
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Jun 15, 2004
As I have done all my work for the week already I have been given the basically pointless takes of creating generic functions, classes and maybe components for a number of possible e-learning interactions for the projects we have, things such as sliders, drag and drops, multiple choice questions, scenario driven things and so on. How would I go about making things like this generic? The graphics will always be different and more then likely so will the kind of things needed from them, in many cases we don't know the capacity these things will be used in!
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May 13, 2009
I have a set of 5 button that change their opacity when clicked to a lower opacity. What I need to add is the ability to "toggle" the button to go back and forth from 100% opacity to 20% or whatever and then back to 100%. I would also like to add the ability to fade the opacity instead of it changing all at once. Her is the code as I have it so far.
ClickMe.buttonMode = true;
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