ActionScript 3.0 :: Movie Reset After No Activity

Aug 14, 2009

im making an image recignition app. for a kiosk and im trying to figure out a way to make the movie start over if it hasnt been touched after a certain amount of time. i tried to use a timer class but it doesnt seem to be working the way i want it to.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Reset/Stop All Activity?

Jan 14, 2006

I have created an application in Flash and in the first frame u enter a number of parameters for the application. Then you press start and it continuose to the second frame. Here is all my code and mc.

Now I have created a RESET button and when it is pressed. I want all the functions, variables to be deleted i.e. nothing should happen.'

My first attempt was to just tell the main timeline to go to frame 1 (which is empty, only the textboxes with the param. are there), and i thought that all running functions from frame 2 would just stop. But they dont.

So how can i stop/reset all activity, cause i dont want to close the app. each time i would like to enter new values?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Force Mouse Activity Of Button Under A Movie Clip?

Jun 11, 2009

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I've tried simply adding a movieclip to the back of the buttons/images and make the MOUSE_OVER listener on the whole movieclip that holds all the images but for some reason whenever the mouse goes from one image to the next it pauses the movement and then continues it, which looks like it identifies different movieclips (images/buttons AND the mc in the back) and re-does the MOUSE_OVER listener for each of them instead of the whole movieclip that holds all of them..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Force Mouse Activity Of Button Under A Movie Clip

Jun 11, 2009

I have an invisible movieclip over some buttons/images. I have it so that on mouse over that invisible button the images start panning from one to the next. The thing is that these images/buttons are supposed to be clickable, but with the invisible movieclip on top I just can't do that. Is there a way to force mouse activity on the buttons/images?I've tried simply adding a movieclip to the back of the buttons/images and make the MOUSE_OVER listener on the whole movieclip that holds all the images but for some reason whenever the mouse goes from one image to the next it pauses the movement and then continues it, which looks like it identifies different movieclips (images/buttons AND the mc in the back) and re-does the MOUSE_OVER listener for each of them instead of the whole movieclip that holds all of them.

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Jun 6, 2007

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I have an avatar that's made up of several child movie clip sink points such as head, arm, pants, etc. I'm trying to be able to swap out items, such as a new hat, new gun, etc dynamically based on the user's selection.

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IDE :: Reset Drag And Drop Items Without Restarting Movie Clip?

May 11, 2009

Sounds strange, but let me explain. What the user sees: Loading the page, color swatches fade in and slide over into place, row by row. Once in place, user can drag and drop swatches around, place side-by-side, etc. The script necessary to attach to a button so that all swatches can be reset back into place where they were, and not generate a replay of the initial movie clip from the beginning. (a goto and play is not what I'm looking for) Here's my code so far:


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Jan 6, 2010

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Everything is working perfectly but when I return to the home scene, the pictures are still being displayed from the acitivity even though they are on a different scene... they go away if I navigate through to different places.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Screensaver That Starts When No Mouse Activity?

May 6, 2003

I have a very large projector movie with many loaded in swf files. I want to make it so as you are reading and viewing the whole movie the screensaver is not active. I then want it so after 10 minutes of no activity a screensaver (or movieclip in the movie) starts playing and then goes away when there is activity again. How do I do this? What would be the best way... just have the screensaver (movieclip) the only thing in the first scene and it just goes to this after 10 minutes?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Create Generic Activity Interactions

Jun 15, 2004

As I have done all my work for the week already I have been given the basically pointless takes of creating generic functions, classes and maybe components for a number of possible e-learning interactions for the projects we have, things such as sliders, drag and drops, multiple choice questions, scenario driven things and so on. How would I go about making things like this generic? The graphics will always be different and more then likely so will the kind of things needed from them, in many cases we don't know the capacity these things will be used in!

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Code To Toggle Button Activity?

May 13, 2009

I have a set of 5 button that change their opacity when clicked to a lower opacity. What I need to add is the ability to "toggle" the button to go back and forth from 100% opacity to 20% or whatever and then back to 100%. I would also like to add the ability to fade the opacity instead of it changing all at once. Her is the code as I have it so far.

ClickMe.buttonMode = true;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Reset All Variables - Command That Will Reset All The Variables In A Swf At Once?

Nov 25, 2009

With out getting into a ton of background I am wondering if there is a command that will reset all the variables in a swf at once with out having to do them individually?

I've googled and searched my books and can't find anything. Another option I could see is having the current flash reload, that would set everything back to the start but I couldn't find how to do that either.

Anyone know?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Optimize Script To Do Similar Activity For Various Buttons?

Apr 5, 2009

Iam having 3 buttons in stage and three corresponding movieclips. When I clicked on one button, it should play its corresponding movieclip from the second frame. (Same case for the rest of the buttons).Here the action for the three buttons are almost same, only the movieclip differs. In AS2, I can optimize the script for the above activity as below

for (var i = 1; i<=3; i++) {
_root["btn_"+i].onRelease = function() {
myname = this._name.split("_")[1];[code]..........

My Question is ===>is there any way to add the Event listeners for all the 3 buttons using "for loop" instead of initializing it for each buttons seperately ? [Imagine if we have more than 10 buttons and it will be very boring to add the listener for each button in a seperate line ].

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tween Activity Doesn't Seem To Be Working Properly

May 26, 2010

Take a look at [URL] I have made a preloader for a site but the tween dosnt seem to be working properly. Stop the page from loading as soon as you see the preloader. You'll notice that the preloader circle appears to shimmer, i have no idea why. its basically a photoshop psd file that i have dropped to the stage as a graphic and then done a motion tween to make it rotate across 24 frames. I have set the html page to show the flash at 'best' quality and tried it on a black background to see if it was an optical effect, but its always the same.

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Aug 29, 2010

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To download the ZIP file I passed onto my laptop: [URL]

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