Actionscript 3.0 :: Unable To Get Rid Of The Audio Even When Video Stops Playing?

Nov 8, 2010

I'm trying to load a movieclip that has some video running on it using a page container dynamically on the click of a button. however im not able to get the audio from pausing even when this page has been navigated to another. The video gets hidden behind the newly called page however the audio still continues to play on the called pagethis is the code i wrote to add the movieclip(page) to the container..

var gp1:gpage1=new gpage1;
function mediaclik3(event:MouseEvent ):void {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Playing Video - Unable To Stop Audio After Moving To The Next Frame?

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next1_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, ongoPage2);
function ongoPage2(Event:MouseEvent):void {[code]....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detect When A Playing Audio File Has Reached The End (stops Playing)?

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Media Server :: Fms 3.5.2 - Video / Audio Streaming Application - Audio Stops Or Lags Behind

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add A Button When Video Stops Playing?

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Media Server :: After 70 Minutes, The Video Stops Playing?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multi Video Player - Audio From The Last Video Remains Playing Even When Prompted To Stop??

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Aug 2, 2009

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Professional :: Video Component Disappears But The Audio Keeps Playing?

Jan 12, 2010

when a video is playing..and i click a button to play to a different label in the main time line..the video component disappears but the audio keeps playing.. all so the volume component, the slider indicator stays stuck to the stage.. what AS3 is stop the audio and fix the indicator..

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Code: Select allimport;

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May 17, 2010

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"TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object MinRecord/stopRecord()"

My deduction is that the 'if' statement in the 'startRecord' function is not resolving to 'true' and hence the label is not changing to 'Recording'. Also I feel that the assingment to the variable 'ns' of type NetStream is not being done and hence in the function 'stopRecord' I get the above mentioned error message when I click on the stop button. How do I rectify these problems?

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Streaming Audio / Loading Audio Into Swf First / Then Playing It?

Jan 28, 2012

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Aug 12, 2011

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Jan 24, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Animation Not Playing Just Stops In First Frame

Feb 22, 2010

I'm developing a simple application at the same time as I am studying some things in actionscript and I've got the following code:

ActionScript Code:
if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) {
x -= speed;
_xscale = -scale;
} if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) {
[Code] .....

I've got an object, and every time I press one of those keys those actions happen. My problem is that, when I press SHIFT, the object appears in that way (frame 3), but It doesn't play that animation it just stops in the first frame. How can I say "if you press SHIFT at the same time as RIGHT or LEFT, gotoAndStop(3); and the object that is in frame 3 only plays if either RIGHT or LEFT is down too"?

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Flash :: .swf File Stops Playing (ends Prematurely)

Sep 30, 2008

I have uploaded an .swf file to my site but when I embed it into my site page it won't play all the way through, it just freezes about half way. But the same .swf file will play fine in Flash.. I am using a content management system called Teamsite.

This file is not especially large only 377KB, I have tried removing images to reduce the size down to 96KB and it will still freeze. The file is just rotating images and uses no fancy effects just a simple fade.

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Professional :: Flash Plugin Stops Playing When Hidden Or On Different Tab?

Jan 14, 2011

I've noticed (a few months ago, actually) that in most browsers I use  to test my application (Firefox, chrome and explorer) the flash plug in,  while playing it's content, will stop, or freeze, when the actual plug in  playback window is out of the window (due to scrolling, or switching  tabs), or covered by another window (a different browser or program  window that will cover the visible area of the player), which is  something good, and nice, when you think about web pages full of  commercials slowing down your browser and computer in general, but what  happens when you a games programmer, who work with multiplayer games, on  games which are mostly turn based? If one of my players switches  tabs, open a new window over the browser, or god forbids, scroll down  the page, the game is essentially stopped, since no events occur on that  players side of the game!! And this does not effect just simple  frame based animation, but everything, onEnterFrame events stop,  setInterval stops... the only thing that I could find that does not stop  when this happens is a setInterval action done in a different swf,  which is loaded to a different level of my game file.

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Professional :: Movie Clip Stops Playing For No Reason?

Mar 9, 2012

I am making a banner that has multiple movie clips sharing the same area, creating different rainbow effects when different areas (invisible buttons) are moused over.
First of all I couldn't figure out if there was a way to have one invisible button over the whole area that changed to a different colored effect with each mouse over (first mouse over the black and whites would change to reds, second would change it to blues, third would change it to browns, etc.). Since I couldn't figure this out I settled on creating three buttons covering a third of the banner each, so when the mouse passes over one button it changes to reds, over another button it changes to blues, over the third it changes to browns.
The effects are movie clips where each frame has another stripe changing color so it goes in a wave effect from one to the next, and then goes back to white and black in the same manner.  The first frame of each movie clip I had to turn into a nested movie clip so I could turn the alpha to 0, since I was going to have these color effect movie clips on top of one another in the main timeline on different layers, and so you could see the effect even if that color layer wasn't on top. I used the same nested movie clip with zero alpha for the first frame of each color effect clip (reds movie clip, blues movie clip, etc), so I dont' know if that's an issue.
Anyway, it seemed to work fine for a while, but after working on it for a while longer (and not getting any further since I removed most of the changes I made), now when I test the movie the mouse over does not seem to work correctly. It works fine, seemingly, for the first time I mouse over each button, but in order to have it work again I have to mouse over the button twice, and then it will pause randomly during a part of the clip and I have to move my mouse back over for the movie clip to continue.
I can't tell if this is because of the overlapping movie clips, or because my buttons are messed up, or if my actionscript is messed up, or if the timeline has to be longer, or what. Currently the timeline is 55 frames, the same as each movie clip.
I put a movieclip_instance.stop(); command in the first frame of the main timeline, is there a better way to do this? Should I put the stop command in the movie clip itself?
Here is a section of my AS in the main timeline, this is my first time programming ever, in any language, and trying to learn from the internet is more difficult than I thought it would be.
red_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, playRed);
function playRed(event:MouseEvent):void

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Flash :: Applying A ColorTransform Stops MovieClip From Playing

Dec 2, 2009

I have a MovieClip that consists of multiple layers, one of those layers is an animated background Shape. let's call this MyMovieClip with the background shape have the instance name "mcBackground";

I'm adding the MovieClip to the stage from ActionScript by:

var myMovieClip = new MyMovieClip();

This works fine and when the movie clip is added to the stage it plays as expected (background is moving).

The problem is when I try to apply a colorTransform to the background shape, it stops from moving. what I'm doing is this inside the MyMovieClip class:


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Media Server :: Flvplayback Stops Playing But The Client Is Still Listed As A Connection In FMS 3.5

Apr 7, 2010

I have a live streaming application using RTMP. Sometimes the playback works fine but sometimes it stops without any trace or errors in the log file, while still appearing as a connected client.

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