Actionscript :: What Are Benefits Of Spring Considering Dynamic Proxies And Reflection Is Limited

Aug 14, 2009

What are the benefits of Spring Actionscript considering Dynamic Proxies are not possible in the current version of Actionscript and Reflection is quite limited.So for example I could specify my object creation in an XML application context, but why would I do that when I can simply specify that in code, and hence take advantage of static type checking etc.It is by no means my intent to belittle the work done on Spring Actionscript but more to find an application for it in my projects.

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Java :: Secure A Hybrid Spring MVC + Flex Application With Spring Security

Jun 7, 2011

I tried asking this on the Spring forums ([URL]) but did not get a response. I'm working on a web application that has an (end user) user interface built in Flex and a management user interface built using Spring MVC. I'm trying to secure both interfaces and can get each one working separately, but not together. I'm using a snapshot build of spring-flex-core 1.5.0 with Spring Security 3.1RC1 and Spring 3.1M1


I'm obviously missing something but while the Spring Flex documentation describes how to configure a hybrid MVC+Flex application at the servlet level it appears to only consider security from the perspective of a flex-only application.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Added A Reflection Class But Can't See Any Reflection

Mar 6, 2009

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Flex :: What Benefits Does An AIR App Have Over A Browser App

Oct 2, 2010

feel free to add multiple answers, each with a single point, to make the voting work well... and don't add something someone else already said. All I know about AIR is you can have local storage, but there must be more to it... offline access is another key one but then you can run a SWF locally if you save it to your PC.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Benefits Of Yantram 3D Architectural Visualization And Rendering?

Mar 1, 2012

The new Yantram Architectural Visualization modeling and visualization know-how offers a bursting 3D (3-dimensional) scrutinize of in the least accommodate or else building. 3D animations or else views are used extensively in the sphere of building and construction industry allowing stakeholders to visualize how the live project preference looks like. With 3D modeling, renderings and 3D visualizations you can contain an first-rate opportunity to sport with your imaginations or else opinion.

Architectural 3d rendering and modeling is a creative process. 3D rendering in favor of a building project often involves realistic lighting, textures and supplementary property to your landscapes or else buildings. Architectural visualization in addition helps you determine realistic color in favor of building architectural rendering exteriors and interiors.

Architecture visualization is the largest part flexible and well-liked tool used in the sphere of fresh era in favor of planning and development of building devices. Catch less various of the remuneration of using architectural visualization services:

To promote and marketplace building scheme in the past construction succeed is ongoing and offer prospective buyers a new realistic media to communicate their ideas.

To get a hold accurate detailing of a project and existing design devices from various angles by very reasonably priced cost.

To render building in the sphere of the largest part realistic way in the past construction in the sphere of order to research new with the furnishing and exteriors.

To put up for sale architects design to all the essential stakeholders such as builders, planners and customers.

architectural visualization is considerably cheaper than hand-made drawings these days with availability of sophisticated software and reasonably priced services from 3D rendering professionals.

3D Renderings of a wished-for propose remove in the least uncertainty and gives resident the system confidence in the sphere of favorable project.

Architectural visualization tools can generate or else make a replica almost in the least building material, create in the least landscape ecosystem and quite symbolize lighting property while delivering true-to-life images. 3D Renderings of your designs help reduce the luck of design false impression like 3D Panoramic view. Builders at this moment can visualize projects better and this takes several of the deductive reasoning or else speculation old hat of bidding. Better transmission results in the sphere of new accurate bids.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Proxies And Interfaces And Context

Jan 6, 2011

Does anybody know a way to apply an Interface to ObjectProxy, so that you don't have to declare the Interface implementations within the proxy?In other words, if the purpose of ObjectProxy is to proxy the Object in question (passing requests for properties and methods silently to the embedded Object), is it possible to tell the interface "hey, the functions you are looking for are already proxied, so don't bug me about them!"[code]But the function declarations kinda defeat the purpose of using ObjectProxy to begin with... I'd like the Interface to just "know" that "nemesis" is managed by the proxy, but still use the Interface for displaying context-help.which is how to code the context help so people using my MeatwadProxy will see context-help for the Meatwad class it contains?(And yes, I can already hear DrkStr and ASWC snickering at me in the background for continuing to believe in ActionScripts Proxy class. I also believe in Santa Claus, so there!)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Object Proxies Into ArrayCollections?

Jun 14, 2011

1 . Retrieve data from MySQL table using PHP and echo it in XML - This part is working fine and prints the data in XML form2 .I receive that XML and assign it as ArrayCollection . Then pass that ArrayCollection into a Component - For this i have done :

ActionScript Code:


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Actionscript :: PureMVC Proxies Send Notifications Themselves ApplicationFacade?

Aug 24, 2009

In the PureMVC framework, Proxies communicate with the ApplicationFacade (and thus any interested components) via a Notification. Should this Notification be sent via their own instance, or the Singleton instance of the ApplicationFacade? Frankly, does it matter?


The second method looks more verbose and less intuitive to me. Moreover, the Proxy has the ability to send Notifications, which, in my mind, means it probably should. Are there instances where the Proxy should only send a Notification via the ApplicationFacade instance?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Xml In HTML Pages From Aspx Proxies?

Aug 20, 2007

I'm having a problem retrieving xml data from aspx proxies only when the swf is embedded in an HTML page on a staging server. I developed the swf on my local machine, providing urls to the proxy pages via full urls to my local machine (a la, [URL]. While this worked, I need the path to the proxy page to be relative to the html page, so that when it's on the site, it can still reach the proxy page.

The code looked like this when it worked:

var localProxyPageUrl:String = "http://machinename/sitename/proxypage.aspx";
var proxyPage:XML = new XML();
proxyPage.ignoreWhite = true;


PS: Forgot to mention that I tried even putting the absolute url in the 2nd version to the proxy page, to no avail... <sigh>

PPS: The proxy page is in the same folder as the swf & html page...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: PureMVC Dilemmas - Getting References To Proxies/mediators By Global String?

Jan 26, 2009

As part of the learning PureMVC I've created this example (sources). And I must say that I'm quite disappointment about PureMVC.Here's things that I don't like:

1. Getting references to proxies/mediators by global string.


var model:SomeProxy=facade.retrieveProxy(SomeProxy.NAME) as SomeProxy;

What's the point in this? In that case why just don't create bunch of references in static public variables in some main class (ApplicationFacade.someProxy)? And after all, what if I want to have dynamic number of proxy/mediator class instances? Ones removed, another ones is created in running time.

2. "The events (notifications) from nowhere, handled by anyone" Let's say I have at my app five models of clocks. And I have also five corresponding views of clocks. With every thick of every clock model, one of clocks views should be updated.In normal approach there's just created control class which create view and model instances, and make decisions if there's any events from them.In PureMVC looks like there's only "global events" - ApplicationFacade.SOME_EVENT so if I want to do my 5 clocks I will have to:

- create notfication id: ApplicationFacade.CLOCK_TICK

- broadcast about it. But I will have to also pass the reference from what clock model it's:

sendNotification(ApplicationFacade.CLOCK_TICK, this);Now, from some command class that handle that event, should be made decision about updating certain clock view. The question is - from where that command class will know *which* clock view it is? And why this must be so complicated? Updating all clocks with every tick event is not the answer.

BTW: comments from INotification.sendNotification

@param notificationName the name of the notification to send
@param body the body of the notification (optional)
@param type the type of the notification (optional)
"name" is name, "body" is body, "type" is type - o rly?

3. Only "one level" model allowed?

I don't know how to say this clear so maybe images will be better

In PureMVC conceptual diagram things looks like this: But in real world things looks more like this: Our SubSubModel should have some kind of proxy? Or only "first level" models "deserve" for proxy?What if SubSubModel visual representation is so complicated that it should have dedicated view. How that view will get reference to that "deep-level" model? How they communicate?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating A "Tea/Benefits Chart" That Allows The User To Search For A Type Of Tea?

Mar 4, 2007

I'm creating a "Tea/Benefits Chart" that allows the user to search for a type of tea and find out what problems it can cure, or search for a problem and find out what types of tea assist with it. For this I've created 2 arrays - arrTea and arrBenefits - to store a list of the possible types of tea and benefits a user can find.


PHP Code:

var arrTea:Array = Array("lemongrass", "chamomile");var arrBenefits:Array = Array("anxiety", "cramps", "indigestion", "PMS"); 

For example, if the user searched for "chamomile" the Chart might return "anxiety" and "indigestion". If they searched for "cramps" the Chart returns "lemongrass".

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Flex - Design - Mediators Coupled To Proxies In Flex PureMVC?

Aug 14, 2009

I've just recently learned the PureMVC framework, and am a little confused as to the coupling between Proxy and Mediator objects. The links on this page connect to some documents describing the framework. (Please note, the links on the aforementioned page open PDFs.)

The diagrams and examples of PureMVC I've examined often show a direct coupling between a Mediator and Proxy. When the proxy's state is updated, rather than sending a new Notification, the Mediator (which retrieves a reference to the Proxy from the Facade) has its state updated.

This certainly seems to simplify the logic of the code, but it also directly couples two seemingly disparate components together. To my understanding, a Mediator's purpose is to translate Events from a view into PureMVC Notifications. Proxies are meant to perform some function to gather data and relay it back to the view. These two components seem to exist in different layers of the application, and perhaps shouldn't necessarily be coupled together.

Wouldn't it make more sense to have the Proxy objects send their own Notifications when their state updates, which are forwarded to the interested Mediator by the Facade?

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XFL Import From AE CS4 Limited To 1000 Frames?

Jul 22, 2009

I'm currently working on a JibJab style project where a third party agency have done an animation. Now we have tracked the head motions in AE CS4 and done an export to Flash using XFL, and the motion does not work.
Before this we have done several tests to see if this method would work, so we know it actually does work, but the tests where only a couple of 100 frames long, now the project is over 1500 frames.
The final animation is 60 sec, 25f/s, and after importing the motion into FLASH using XFL nothing happens. The motion is there if we look in the motion editor, the image is there, but nothing happens when i scrub back and forth. This all worked like a charm with the test projects. AND if i try and rightclick the picture or motion editor FLASH freezes, so i know something is REALLY wrong here.
After four hours of bug hunting i have isolated the problem to the number of frames you try to import into FLASH. If the end sequence is more than 1000 frames (exactly!) a extra keyframe is added on the first frame in the motion editor, so there is TWO keyframes on the first frame, where there should only be possible to have one. This happens only if the sequence is more then 1000 frames. If i take the same sequence and export if from AE so its less then 1000 frames everything is fine.
I have attached a screenshot of the extra keyframe that apears in the motion editor. It's allso noteworthy that this extra keyframe can't be changed or adjusted as it does not actualy "excist".
I would like to have this bug confirmed by someone and if someone has a solution? Right now im looking at cutting up the export into "999 frames" sections and then patch it together again in Flash. 

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Limited Number Of Else Statements?

May 10, 2011

In a change of statements, i have if, else if, and else. Can I add a fourth condition? if so how?

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Flash :: Add Acceleration To Limited Movement?

Dec 18, 2011

For a maze game, I'm trying to add acceleration to the movement of my character.Because the character shouldn't walk through walls, the movement function and hittest are in the same function.

I tried adding the acceleration in if statements in this function, but that doesn't work properly. [code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Looping A SWF Limited Times?

Jul 31, 2002

I need to loop my SWF 3 times and have it freeze on the last frame of the movie. I assume a conditional "if" "else" action is needed but cannot get it too work.

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IDE :: Limited FullScreen Keyboard Access?

Mar 31, 2010

Limited FullScreen keyboard access Everyone is talking about the new Flash Player 10 features that you can have limited keyboard access while you are in fullscreen. But nobody publish the code for this. I'm using the regular onKeyDown function in AS2 and this is not working. Does someone know if we can have this limited keyboard access in AS2?

This is my code (that work in normal state but not in fullscreen mode):


Adobe Flash Player 10 Whether or not you want to make a game or a video player with keyboard shortcuts, the restriction of keyboard support in fullScreen has been an annoyance to a lot of developers. The restriction was placed there because of heightened possibilities of malicious attacks while in fullScreen mode such as password phishing.In Flash Player 10 we are easing this restriction to allow non-printing keys to be used while in fullScreen. Non-printing keys are arrows, space, shift, tab and similar keys that can�t be used to provide private information. These keys are very important however to let users do many types of selection and gameplay inputs.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Limited Space For Sketching?

Oct 4, 2003

onMouseDown = function (){[code]....

How do we use this code on a movieclip (limited space for sketching) created by us ? If i'm not mistaken the onMouseMove = null function for the code below is not correct ..

onClipEvent (load) {

View 14 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Zoom In For Limited Time?

Apr 28, 2004

quick zooming question here. I have this AS so far :

function zoom() {


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ActionScript 1/2 :: XML Load Limited To 20 Child Nodes?

Mar 30, 2009

I use the attached code to load the attached xml file, but it will only load the first 20 nodes. I have moved the 20th to the 21st and the 21st up to the 20th and it will still load the first 20, so it isn't a formatting problem.

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Actionscript 3 :: Air For IOS - Handle Crashes Due To Limited Memory?

Apr 12, 2012

We're currently developing an iPad application using Air for iOS and from time to time experience crashes (on iPad1 with ios 5 only) which seem to be because the application is using up too much memory.

How to catch/handle such errors in the application? how to be notified when memory is low? trying to catch flash.errors.MemoryError doesn't seem to work.

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Flash :: Component Livepreview Limited To 160 X 160px?

Feb 21, 2011

One of my troubles so far isn't a big one, but the livepreview has being limited to 160px wide and high.. how to get rid of this limitation?

Edit: I've been following this tutorial and made the menu strip. In the livepreview, as it gets wider, it gets cropped. Then, I made another one, for the sake of certainty, and found out that the problem persists.

I've made a box with adjustable width and height.

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Actionscript 3 :: Add A Limited Amount Of Objects To The Stage?

Jan 5, 2012

So I have a box exported as Box in my library. I have tried :

package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;


What I am trying to do is make my box stay on the screen at a random place on the stage and remove it when clicked (but that will come later). This code is for some reason adding the object to the stage and then removing it and adding it again up to 16 times.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Image Upload Limited To 200k?

Mar 16, 2010

In the Files [URL]it says:


Following the example that builds the Flash application is an example that details the server-side code. Remember that image files are restricted in size: you can only upload images that are 200K or smaller.

That's not true is it? I'm assuming this only applies to the sample upload application they are showing. I've tried filereference myself and didn't had any problems uploading image files lager than 200k...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Zoom In MovieClip For Limited Time

Apr 28, 2004

I have this AS so far :
function zoom() {
square._width += speed;
square._height += speed;
} var speed = 2, id, interval = 100;
[Code] ....

What this does: when the mouse is passed over the movie clip "square", it begins to zoom, or enlarge. What i need to do is have the AS function perfectly on frame 1, then on frame 15 the script does not function at all, and the movieclip returns back to it's original size. (or after 15 seconds, whichever is more flexible).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Display Limited Characters Using IndexOf

Jun 27, 2007

I have a XML searcher thingy made and for the results in it I want to only display, lets say 50 characters to either side of the word that is searched. I am reading from a XML file and I am using indexOf to ge the current location of the word.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Run An Enterfram For A Limited Period Of Time

Jun 25, 2010

when I'm leaving (mouseOut) an object, I would still like to perform my enterframe to decrease a value, for lets say 2 seconds and then stop. I dont quite understand how to do that with Timer events,

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Create A Slow Motion Tween Within A Limited Keyframe?

Dec 23, 2010

Is there any ways to create a slow motion tween within a limited keyframe?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Limited Flash, But Unlimited Html Area?

Aug 22, 2006

so much entries here about full screen flash, but i coultnt find what i wanna know. i read the tutorial about the full screen flash, but it wont work the way i wish it would. what i wann have is a swf embeded in an html. the swf size is 950 px x 550 px and is in the absolute middle from all sides of the browser. if you scale your browser, it should scale itself smaller, but not bigger than the beginning resolution. within the swf file there is a game, that opens in a seperate window in front of the main swf. that window should be dragged whereever you want in the browser.

but i just figuered out what i have to do, to give the window some freedom. but when i want to drag it above the main swf i cant do that. i figured out that when i drag it to the left, there is the same problem, but the further right i press the mouse on the window, the further i can drag the window to the left. same is on top - on the right and the bottom site there is no problem.and the html code is:

ActionScript Code:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Resizing The Browser - Limited To Two Objects On The Stage

Feb 14, 2010

i have read your tutorial on the problem when resizing the browser. i found it really simple. but the example was limited to two objects on the stage. i have been working on a flash website and there are numerous objects on the stage already. since this is my first project i did not take into account the occasion when the browser will be resized. is there any way around this or do i have to specify each and every single object on stage to accommodate the resizing of the browser?

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