ActionScript 3.0 :: Run An Enterfram For A Limited Period Of Time

Jun 25, 2010

when I'm leaving (mouseOut) an object, I would still like to perform my enterframe to decrease a value, for lets say 2 seconds and then stop. I dont quite understand how to do that with Timer events,

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Zoom In For Limited Time?

Apr 28, 2004

quick zooming question here. I have this AS so far :

function zoom() {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Zoom In MovieClip For Limited Time

Apr 28, 2004

I have this AS so far :
function zoom() {
square._width += speed;
square._height += speed;
} var speed = 2, id, interval = 100;
[Code] ....

What this does: when the mouse is passed over the movie clip "square", it begins to zoom, or enlarge. What i need to do is have the AS function perfectly on frame 1, then on frame 15 the script does not function at all, and the movieclip returns back to it's original size. (or after 15 seconds, whichever is more flexible).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add The Eventhandler After A Certain Period Of Time?

Apr 14, 2009

I have a simple app that stops on frame 1. There's a button that after clicking moves me to frame 2. On frame 2 I have another button to which I would like to add an eventhandler similar to the one for the first button - I am however unable to, as I get the following error :

Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

I tried to add the eventhandler after a certain period of time (with the use of a timer) and that works, but seems a totally dumb workaround - and the error obviously pops up because the code that tries to add the eventhandler launches before the second button is actually created. How should I solve such a scenario ? I tried to fiddle with other events like Event.ADDED and Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE but the first one seems sort of wild - it goes off every time I even wave my mouse cursor over the first button (why ?) and the second one doesn't go off at all when my app moves to frame 2 - shouldn't it trigger ?

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Removing Object From Stage After A Period Of Time?

Jul 28, 2011

I have an item that I want to appear on stage (see code below); but only for 5 seconds. After 5 seconds I want the object to disappear. I know that I can use removeChild to remove the object, but I don't know how to keep the object on the stage for a specific amount of time.

Here's the code:

//Add a movie clip to stage
var sample_mc:LibrarySymbol = new LibrarySymbol();


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Rotate A Movieclip 360 Degrees Over A Period Of Time?

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75% of the time it works.Im wondering if flash balks at ram/processor usage and just quits fading, but cpu is only at 16 when it fades. Or if the tween class is buggy.

import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;[code]....

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Set the level of mymusic.mp3 to 2 (on a scale of 10) over 4 seconds

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Actionscript 3 :: Stopping A Function To Run More Than Once In A Period Of Time

Nov 12, 2010

I have this MouseEvent function that I have totally no idea why it fired twice. Is there a way I can disable the function in a period of time? I tried disabling the button, but seems like it directly called the function and does not trigger from the button.

Addition info:When I add in more object to the array, the function fired more time

The Class the handles the button

package classes
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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May 3, 2010

Basically im making a completely flash/as3 website.I have a transition effect which lasts 2 second which is triggered every time some buttons are clicked.

My problem... The transition effect includes variables for x,y, size etc etc and if the button is clicked again inside these 2 seconds these values have not reset to their starting values and the effect gets screwed up.

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Loop One Frame After A Certain Period Of Time?

Jan 19, 2010

Is there a way to loop one frame after a certain period of time. I have only one frame in the timeline, and about 10 layers with a single frame containing a container to load external mcs. These frames are all lined up in one row and the mcs play after a certain number of seconds. The last layer containing my last mc that plays fades out to black and then nothing plays again but id like to have it so that all the mcs play again like the first time, like a loop.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Increase Time Period In Between Transitions

Jul 29, 2005

I got this transition: [URL] (you need to wait a bit + reload). The pictures are coming via xml (same folder). How do I increase the length (time) in between the transitions? And Why does it stop after the first image and why does it chooose always a certain image to be the first one? why are there diff. behaviours on different systems (local <-> server; mac <-> pc;)

#initclip 1
ImageFader = function () {
this.__init__ ();
ImageFader.prototype = new MovieClip ();
[Code] .....

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onClipEvent (load) {
var radius = 100
var speed = 5[code]......

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Flash :: Send A SMS Text Message After Period Of Time Via PHP

Jun 30, 2011

I have a flash application. I'm trying to send users text messages via php after they did certain things on the flash.

For example,

Text user 1 hour after they did
Text user 10 minutes after they did


I'm thinking of setting up a table for the list of things that will trigger the text. Then have a cron job set up to check the timestamps of each user finishing those things.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Exe Timeout And Quit After Designated Period Of Time?

Mar 22, 2010

i trying to find a way to have an exe time out and quit after say...ten minutes.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use A Function To Enlarge And Change The Alpha Of A Button But Make It Span Over A Period Of Time Like It Was An Animation?

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can someone give me an idea how I would use a function to enlarge and change the alpha of a button but make it span over a period of time like it was an animation.a long time ago on I think he used functions to make his buttons do what they did and it was badass. if I find another site I will post a link. if you don't know what the heck I am talking about tell me and I will try and explain it more.

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XFL Import From AE CS4 Limited To 1000 Frames?

Jul 22, 2009

I'm currently working on a JibJab style project where a third party agency have done an animation. Now we have tracked the head motions in AE CS4 and done an export to Flash using XFL, and the motion does not work.
Before this we have done several tests to see if this method would work, so we know it actually does work, but the tests where only a couple of 100 frames long, now the project is over 1500 frames.
The final animation is 60 sec, 25f/s, and after importing the motion into FLASH using XFL nothing happens. The motion is there if we look in the motion editor, the image is there, but nothing happens when i scrub back and forth. This all worked like a charm with the test projects. AND if i try and rightclick the picture or motion editor FLASH freezes, so i know something is REALLY wrong here.
After four hours of bug hunting i have isolated the problem to the number of frames you try to import into FLASH. If the end sequence is more than 1000 frames (exactly!) a extra keyframe is added on the first frame in the motion editor, so there is TWO keyframes on the first frame, where there should only be possible to have one. This happens only if the sequence is more then 1000 frames. If i take the same sequence and export if from AE so its less then 1000 frames everything is fine.
I have attached a screenshot of the extra keyframe that apears in the motion editor. It's allso noteworthy that this extra keyframe can't be changed or adjusted as it does not actualy "excist".
I would like to have this bug confirmed by someone and if someone has a solution? Right now im looking at cutting up the export into "999 frames" sections and then patch it together again in Flash. 

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Limited Number Of Else Statements?

May 10, 2011

In a change of statements, i have if, else if, and else. Can I add a fourth condition? if so how?

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Flash :: Add Acceleration To Limited Movement?

Dec 18, 2011

For a maze game, I'm trying to add acceleration to the movement of my character.Because the character shouldn't walk through walls, the movement function and hittest are in the same function.

I tried adding the acceleration in if statements in this function, but that doesn't work properly. [code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Looping A SWF Limited Times?

Jul 31, 2002

I need to loop my SWF 3 times and have it freeze on the last frame of the movie. I assume a conditional "if" "else" action is needed but cannot get it too work.

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IDE :: Limited FullScreen Keyboard Access?

Mar 31, 2010

Limited FullScreen keyboard access Everyone is talking about the new Flash Player 10 features that you can have limited keyboard access while you are in fullscreen. But nobody publish the code for this. I'm using the regular onKeyDown function in AS2 and this is not working. Does someone know if we can have this limited keyboard access in AS2?

This is my code (that work in normal state but not in fullscreen mode):


Adobe Flash Player 10 Whether or not you want to make a game or a video player with keyboard shortcuts, the restriction of keyboard support in fullScreen has been an annoyance to a lot of developers. The restriction was placed there because of heightened possibilities of malicious attacks while in fullScreen mode such as password phishing.In Flash Player 10 we are easing this restriction to allow non-printing keys to be used while in fullScreen. Non-printing keys are arrows, space, shift, tab and similar keys that can�t be used to provide private information. These keys are very important however to let users do many types of selection and gameplay inputs.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Limited Space For Sketching?

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onMouseDown = function (){[code]....

How do we use this code on a movieclip (limited space for sketching) created by us ? If i'm not mistaken the onMouseMove = null function for the code below is not correct ..

onClipEvent (load) {

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Apr 12, 2012

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