Adding Fade In Steps From One To Another Keyframe?
Dec 17, 2009
I am making a comic in Flash CS4 using AS2 and I'm trying to figure out how to add a quick crossfade from one keyframe to the next. When the user presses the "next" button, I want the current image to fade down and the next image to fade up. The images are arranged so the heads and text are positioned to the left and right, so as one head fades up the other would fade down, see picture below. It's a conversation.
I understand how to do it if the scene plays automatically, but I want it to stop on each keyframe so the user can take their own time to read the text. I'm just starting out and used another tutorial to come up with the AS that is controlling it now. That AS was written when all the keyframes were in a row next to each other. Now I've adding some blank frames between them to create space for the Tweens, but I don't know how to modify the AS so it steps from keyframe to keyframe. It's still stepping though one frame at a time.
What I want is a background sound. I want, when I rollover the picture, the backgroundsound starts playing and when you roll out, the sounds fades. Not that the sound just stops playing, but that it really fades. I don't know how to do it because it should be dynamic, I only know how to link a fade out to a keyframe. But that isn't the case here because someone can hold it's mouse for example 2 seconds on the picture or half a minute or 26 seconds. In all of these cases I want the music to fade out when they roll out of the picture (the picture is a movieclip ( achter_mc)).
So I'm getting a memory error when I try adding a keyframe to a rather large flash file that says "Not enough memory available" but I know I have plenty.
I'm running a 3.0ghz Quad core with 8GB of ram and about 100 gigs of HD space free on every drive (save the one where flash is installed, it has 16gb).
I've increased my virtual memory to 4096 - 8192 on my C drive and to 2048-4096 on the drive flash is installed to so it shouldn't be a page file issue either.
I have a simple flash that has 2 layers 2 images. one image is on the first frame and the other image is on the second keyframe. Actionscript starts on 1st keyframe. What I have it doing is loading frame one stop() reads the actionscript checks the date if the date is met it goes and stops on frame 2 and plays other image:
Everytime the flash refreshes it plays frame one then jumps to frame 2 if the date is met. How do I avoid playing frame one if the date is met what it's doing is playing the first image before the date change and a split second after it plays frame 2. (you see a hiccup)
i need the flash to "preload, check the actionscript before it loads if the date is met automataclly go to frame 2 avoiding frame one all together.
actionscript used on frame one:
stop(); var year:Number = 2012; var month:Number = 3; var day:Number = 22;
i am creating a game now this is complex but i have been told by my fellow actioncript co worker that its doable, What it is i have a game "Reaction Tester" and It is inside a car going along the road so its psudeo 3d and i have the "walls" and road sorted now i want a movie clip in the road to throw out random objects From a Movie clip, now i will call them from frame names, say..
frame 1-10 is a tween with a box coming down and then frame 11-20 is a cat and frame 21-30 is a hole in the road Etc i want it to call a random frame to frame, to play
i'm making a game and to score some extra performance im rendering every frame of every entity into an array of bitmapdata's the first time the frame is seen, and it works well, but its wasting alot of memory because we have alot of animations, and most of them are double framed at least, so more than half of the bitmaps could be ignored if there was a way to determine if a frame is a keyframe or not
I was able to take an existing Flash file created in '06 and make a simple slideshow. See it at: [URL]. Now I've been asked to add buttons and make the slides fade instead of slide into each other. They want it like this: [URL]. So I created a very simple mock up: [URL]. I just can't get the buttons to work like the prosolassociates one above. I have attached the FLA here for review. Attachments: (9.0 K)
I'm looking to add an element to this function to make my text fade. On (release) of my 'biog' button this function starts. But also I need my text on the page to fade from 100 to 0 on release, before this function begins. I've tried applying code that I have but can't get it to wrk. Not sure how these functions work exactly and no matter how much reading I do I can't get this right.
When I place some codes in a keyframe, these codes are showing on all the following frames up till the next keyframe with codes. My question is, does Flash execute codes only in the keyframe or it execute whatever is in the frame regardless whether its a keyframe or not?
I'm taking a Flash CS4 class at the local community college. Our teacher is making a LOT of assumptions about what we know. Our first assignment is to set up a web site (I've already taken web design I & II, but this is my first exposure to Flash). What I'm looking for is some guidance about the orderly steps to take when setting up a flash web site.I'm thinking I need to go into Photoshop or Fireworks first and design the pages so I can import them.But what about when I get to Flash? Page set-up, size, create layers for each of my pages, import things, where to start adding effects first... I can't decide the most efficient ORDER in which to do things.
I did an ActionScript 3 version of my old algorithm made in c language to solve the �Tower of Hanoi� puzzle.
The problem is that I knew how to show the intermediary steps in c language but I don�t know how to do that in ActionScript 3.
The below .as file code uses just three disks of successive bigger diameters ( and different colors ) created as MovieClips in Flash which must move from the first peg to the third one, through appropriate moves, in such way that they end up piled up in the same crescent order as they were in the first peg.
The way the code is written just shows the beginning disks position and the end result but not the intermediary steps.
I want this code being capable to show the successive disks positions on the pegs in each step of the process, each time I right-click the mouse.[code]...
I'm about to start work on my first app which will be an internal release to gather customer information at a trade show.I'm hopefully looking into using air for ios or maybe one of the various html/js frameworks to develop this app as an alternative to learning C.ideally I would do it with some server based php > sql to store and share gathered information between a fleet of iPads, unfortunately due to the population of this trade show there will be no guarantee that i can maintain a wireless connection so need to prepare for these apps all being local access which case, how would you recommend going about the saving/reading of the stored data, and also how to sync it up with a sql server and then back to the iPads each night.
i put a shape tween on the timeline that shrinks a shape a certain number of pixels in a given time. my problem is that it shrinks too smoothly in the movie! I need it to shrink in a step by step fashion, and i'd like to be able to specify the number of steps. i'm hoping that there's a simple parameter that i can use to do this. or may be there would be a way to slow down this tween? by changing the fps locally without effecting the rest of the movie? i will need a solution that will work for motion tweens too, but imagine that the principle will be the same also, as a second question, is it possible to tween a bitmaps tint color style so that it changes from say red to green over a number of frames?
I am currently looking at a way of visualising data and a part of the algorithm needs something 99% the same as A* Path Finding but I cannot wrap my head round it fully. I know it will be a fairly simple modification. (specific cost instead of least cost)
Basically I need to plot a path (2D Grid, no Diagonals) from point A to point B in X number of steps.
E.g. If the start and end points were right next to each other and I needed the path to be 3 steps it would have a tiny loop. (moves: up, right, down). Is there a known name for this algorithm or is the use of this so rare it's uncommon? I am currently looking at this AS3 Librbay for modification as it is apparently very fast and seems clean and simple to me:[URL]..
how do i make so that when i press a button instead of juz moving from point A to B, it will move from point A to B then C then D then E. and then i will click again and it will go 5 more steps and so on..? because i tried to write it astargetIndex += 5;but obviously it won't work coz instead of going thru 2, 3, 4, 5... it jumps straight from 1 to 5
I have a circular mc (wheel2) and this should rotate 'smooth' in steps of 45º, to the left and to the right (buttons).The script I use on the button (right);
on(release){var rotate:Function = function (obj:MovieClip) { obj._rotation += 3; if (obj._rotation == 45) { clearInterval(interval); } }; var interval:Number = setInterval(rotate, 10, wheel2); stop(); }
It moves ok 'once' then it spins 360º. Should I set a new value for my mc?
I've noticed that some programmers animate objects based on the difference in time. I am not sure why or even if this is logical. Does anyone know the significance? Below is a snippet of code that explains what I mean:
I have 2 keyframes on my timeline.The first keyframe has an input text field (instance name: inputTxt) and a button (instance name: btnTester).When the user clicks the button it takes them to the second keyframe where their text should be displayed in a dynamic text box (instance name: txtBox).I get a null value in keyframe 2.
I have a bit of Flash experience, did a full featured movie player, other stuff in AS3 and got plenty of programming skills in other languages, BUT now I need to create a multi paged website. Quite easy, a few pages, some animations here and there, nothing fancy, got all the graphics.
But time is short on this one, so I need some advice about good practices (pack everything into one main MC or make separate swfs and load them in, etc.), where to begin, or what kind of book should I grab to make the job pretty.
I'm trying to get smoother steps in checking the ProgressEvent when loading the image to the Loader.At this moment my eventrogressEvent checks the progress aprox twice within a second. Is there any way to make it check constantly (or more often), so the progres bar "grows" smoothly instead of "jumping"?
I'm trying to work through the Vertical Shooter Game within the tutorials section of this site:[URL]I noticed an code error of if spriteX -= steps; (which should have been += steps)However there are further errors within the tutorial as on page 3 where the man should be able to move and shoot his arrows, mine just shoots his arrows and has stopped moving. I'm using CS5 ActionScript3 to do this tutorial.
//---- variables ---- var steps:Number = 5; var spriteX:Number = 265; var spriteY:Number = 265;
is it possible to modify this script to make images load like a fade in/fade out slideshow. It works with buttons to action the transition I want, but I want a similar script to play a simple slideshow with same transitions.
I have 5 buttons that need to, when clicked fade the image in the background out and fade a new picture in. each of these buttons has a specific image related to it. how can i achive this smooth transition in and out for all of the buttons?
flash version: CS3 AS2 Im having trouble making the pages for a website im working on. I have a row of buttons, and I want each one to open its corrisponding page ie. contact_us_button to open contact_us movie clip. the thing is I want each page to transition in and out. so when I click contact us, the contact us movie clip fades in and stops. When I click about us, the contact us movie clip fades out and about us fades in.
Is the way to do this to make each page movie clip have a fade start and fade end, and have it stop before the fade end, and on another page click continue playing the current clip to get the fade out and then open the new page movie clip?