CS3 Autoplay A Button Click?

May 19, 2009

Anyways I have my main page that has a picture on it, then if you hover your mouse over the right edge of this image a tranparent window pops up with scrolling pictures that move in the direction of your mouse movement.

How can I have this scroll bar stay on always? I am looking thru the code but cant figure out exactly what code to put where to have this popup open when this page opens.

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May 12, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Click On The First Button Loads Ok But When Click On Second Still Showing The First Movie Clip In The Back

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I have read all threads and can not find a solution but i am not somebody with a lots of knowledge about actionscript so here is my problem i am using this script .


the problem is that when i click on the first button loads ok but when click on second still showing the first movie clip in the back ,,,,, i have try everything without luck ,,,, i guess i need to keep reading but will like to find an answer to this situation ,

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Actionscript 3.0 :: If Function - When Click On The Button Takes To Another Page Without Showing The Click Animation

Sep 11, 2010

I created a movieclip animation that only activates when i rollover the movieclip button. I further extended the frames and created another frame animation that i active only when user clicks the button. So i have a roll over/out animation and click animation in the same movieclip in the same layer. Now the problem is that when i click on the button, its supposed to take me to another page, and it does, unfortunately without the click animation. That means after i click on the button its supposed to first finish the click animation and then go to another page. But when i click, it takes me to another page without showing the click animation

SO I tried the If function, but i seem to make a mistake somewhere and i dont know what to do. Now there is no error in script, but onw there is a problem in link, the button finishes the click animation but it does not go to the tarrgeted"about" frame. here's the code


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Flex :: Menu Control - Click A Button And A Menu Is Displayed. Click That Button A Second Time And Hide That Menu?

Jun 20, 2010

Basically, I have a button and on click it displays a menu. I want to click that menu a second time and the menu closes. Currently, every time you click the button, the menu reopens. I pasted the Flex livedoc example below. If you click the button, the menu keeps reopening.Now, I rigged it up by setting a var to open and closed, so when clicking the button it does a check. However, if you click away from the screen, the HIDE event gets dispatched, and the menu closes. This messed up the open close var being set.

How could I make this Flex example below show the menu on button click, and then on a second button click, it closes the menu? Take into affect that if you click away from the menu, it closes it.Also, I played around with the MOUSE_DOWN_OUTSIDE event for the button and set the preventDefault, and the FlexMouseEvent event.cancelable is set to false.Changing to a PopUpMenuButton is not an option. I have to much skinning involved.Here is the Flex example:

// Import the Menu control.
import mx.controls.Menu;


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I am building a flash interface and I would like a menu where it is hidden to begin with (just a tab). You click the tab to expand it, and click again to collapse it. I've made a movieclip with animation of the menu opening up and closing, but I can't seem to work out how I'd go about making the movieclip open and close properly.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Click Button To Play And Click To Reverse?

Nov 12, 2009

I have a test button i would like to have play a movie where a graphic expands. Once stopped, I would like to be able to click that same button and have the graphic go backwards. I would prefer to have timeline reverse, rather than lengthen the timeline of the mc because then i have to line up the start and end, and if one changes, i have to remember to change the other.

btn_test.onRelease = function(){  if (_root.adinstance._currentframe != 1) {  while(_root.adinstance._currentframe != 1) {  _root.adinstance.prevFrame();  else {    _root.adinstance.play();  }}


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Jul 26, 2010

I am trying to work out this issue in as3 and I'm sure its simple but can't seem to get my head around it. If anyone can see a sollution I would be very happy to hear from you. [URL]..If you click on the red button and click back and previous you will notice that the speed it goes back when you click previous is much slower the further through the slides you go?


This is a simplified version on the code, I'm sure its in this chunk somewhere.

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How To Autoplay After 5 Seconds

Nov 17, 2011

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Im using macromedia flash pro 8 to edit this file.

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Aug 14, 2009

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Flash MP3 Player 3 Without Autoplay

Jan 20, 2009

However, this mp3 player autoplays when loaded. make it stopped when loaded, maybe with a welcome message in the place of track title?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Way To AUTOPLAY Youtube Videos

Nov 29, 2011

I use this code to show YOUTUBE videos in my flash[code]...

But at the moment I load the video I want it to play, I dont know hoy to implement de AUTOPLAY, or how to play video without clicking on the actual video

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FLV File Downloads Despite Autoplay=false

Nov 3, 2009

I have a webpage with a video component (swf file) with a separate .flv file and skin.  The .flv file is intended to progressively load from the webserver.
In the swf file I have set autoplay=false to stop the move playing when the page is loaded.  This works fine.
However, the problem is that the movie still downloads in the background.  i.e. Each time the page is loaded, the .flv file is being loaded.
Is there a way to stop the .flv file being loaded until the Play button is pressed in the player?

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[code]... in the first  (and only) frame of fla file... nothing worked.

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How to add autoplay Video to this script
function playClicked(e:MouseEvent):void


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Flash :: Professional - Site Won't Autoplay

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Flash :: Autoplay Youtube Video

Feb 23, 2011

i have a site and in the home page i have an embedded youtube video, the div that is containing the player is initially hidden (display:none),so, when a button(video) is clicked, i hide the content of the page and show the youtube player, all works ok, but i would love that when the button(video) is clicked, the player shows up and start to reproduce the video automatically, but i've faild in each attempt, i'm using a code that i find in other web and made some changes

swfobject.addLoadEvent( ytplayer_render_player );
function ytplayer_render_player( )

i've post the entire code i'm using, so, how can i make autoplay here,

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Actionscript 2.0 :: XML Flash Tutorial Autoplay

Mar 12, 2009

I was wondering if there was a way to make the XML Flash Slideshow begin playing once it loads and to possibly have a pause feature. I saw this asked in another thread but there was no response to it.

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Oct 6, 2009

how to turn the autoplay off. I searched around the forums for about 15 minutes, but any mention of autoplay didn't seem to answer the question. For example I found someone who had a subject relating to autoplay and they started the bit by saying "So I turned autoplay off" but never explained how.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Text Color In Previous Button When Click A New Button?

Mar 11, 2010

If I have say 7 buttons, each containing text that changes color on rollover using the "Up" "Over" and "Down" keyframes in the buttons' timeline.  Is there a simple way to get the button's text to change color when clicked, stay that way, and then change back to the original color once one of the other 6 buttons are clicked?
The only thing I can come up with is writing pages of code for each button that changes the color of every other button regardless of whether it was active.

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Flex :: Make A Button Change It's Shape With Every Click (music Button)?

Sep 20, 2010

I want to design a music button for a game like geochallenge

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Menu - When I Click On The Button , Alpha Return To 1 For The Previous Button?

Jan 12, 2011

i was making asimple menu .

ActionScript Code:
var currentLink:MovieClip = a_mc;
//buttons mode[code]...........

when i click on the button the alpha of this button will be 0.5 , when i click on another button the alpha of the previous button is still 0.5 , and so if i clicked on all buttons the alpha of all buttons will be 0.5,,,i didn't want that , i want when i click on the button , alpha return to 1 for the previous button .

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple Button Functions - When Click The Button, The Mc Does Not Stop Playing And The Text Does Not Show Up?

Nov 8, 2009

I'm designing an interface for a class, and the buttons that I am using all have multiple functions.For example, when the story button is clicked, I need the mc to stop playing and change to text (in the same window/screen, just no mc playing).  The mc is 31 frames long, but if there's a way to just make it loop continuously until told not to, Currently, my code looks like this:

function story(event:MouseEvent):void { gotoAndStop(32);}credits_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,credits);[code]...

When I click the button, the mc does not stop playing and the text does not show up. 

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [F5] Button [renamed] - When Click On The Menu Button A Image Will Popup In The Ipod Screen

Jan 1, 2007

i new to actionscript and am not sure where to begin so i will explin what i would like to do. i have a myspace site that i have created a div overlay with...<a [URL] now what i would like to do is use actionscript so when you click on the menu button a image wil pop up in the ipod screen and when u click the play button something else will pop up

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ActionScript 2.0 :: When Click A Button It Plays The Movies Assigned To The Variables Gallery & Button To The Frames Mentioned

May 2, 2006


Ok- so the idea is that when you click a button it plays the movies assigned to the variables gallery & button to the frames mentioned. Then the variables are changed and then when another buttons is clicked it does the same - 'except it doesn't - it does it once then sits there I have to use variables because there's a lot more buttons..but i don't understand why it doesn't work - it seems such a simple and obvious thing to try and do - why is it so HARD???

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Disable A Button After It Is Click And Then Enable It Once Another Button Is Clicked?

Sep 8, 2009

I'm trying to figure out how to disable a button after it is click and then enable it once another button is clicked. I'm stuck on how to enable the button.

on (rollOver) {


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Actionscript 3 :: Make A Button And When Click The Button It'll Change Direction?

Dec 18, 2011

by the way you need to make a symbol and need to export for ActionScript and class name is "ball". And the button instant name is:bButton. So here's the script I wrote so far.

var boundaryRight:Number = stage.stageWidth;
var boundaryLeft:Number = 0;
var balls:Array;[code]....

As you can see that code made the multiple ball go to left and looping over and over again. So here's what I want to do. I want to make a button and when I click the button it'll change direction like click and it change direction to right. I click it again and it'll go left again. How do I write the code for that?

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