Coloring A Grid Layout?

Apr 13, 2009

I want to make an area where I can make a grid of varying colors, starting with a small 3x3 grid. The final goal is to reduce the size of each element and increase the number of squares to get a higher resolution. The shades of color are stored in an array and I can get the drawing going, but the shapes don't get deleted when repeating the function call and they go on top of everything else I've put on the stage.

Here is part of the code I'm using:

Code: Select allfunction grids():void {
for(var i:Number = 0; i<3; i++) {
for(var j:Number = 1; j<3; j++) {
var child:Shape = new Shape();


where w is the width, h is the height, and myArray has the shading I need.

How can I get rid of the rectangles afterwards and start clean? Better yet, is there a more efficient way to make and color a grid on the stage?

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onClipEvent (load) {
topDog = "window1";


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graphics.lineStyle(1, 0xFFFFFF);[code]....

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Apr 1, 2012

Could you suggest me any tutorial which teach me how can i make a "coloring book?"

I need to do this for my website and only with one shape. (so not a big book:) )

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Flash :: IDE - Coloring Book In Tutorial

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i am leaning Flash for about 3 weeks now, and i am quite good in that. I am AMAZED by all cool effects and trying to learn atleast 1 new every day. This tutorial, Coloring Book in Flash , is giving me headache for the last 2 hours. On the beggining of tut, it say to download and open souce FLA file- I saw that there is only drawing in start FLA file, so I make my own. Is that mistake, right at the beginning? If so, where I can find tut in the whole, so I can use my own images?

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Is there a tutorial or anything on making a coloring book game like this?

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Need Detailed explanation on the difference between skinning, coloring and themes.

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