Data Integration :: Updating Flash From A Dynamically Changing XML File?
Dec 4, 2006
Creating a non-interactive status display: I want to have theflash display reflect data in a server-based XML-file. So far thisis easy. But I want the display to change everytime the XML filechanges-- in order to reflect status changes. I've used anXMLConnector and specified it and the trigger in the first frame.The Flash code catches and shows the XML values initially . Butwhen I edit the XML file, the new values are never picked up byFlash- its almost as though the values are cached. How do I getFlash to regularly be updated from a changing XML file? I've alsotried putting the trigger in a loop- but that doesn't workeither.
I have an interface with two textfields and a combobox or a list. I want a user to be able to select a subject in the combobox and to input information in the two text fields. Once the user hits the send button, I want the input information appended to an existing XML file. Depending on the selction in the dropdown menu it should be appended to a specific node in the XML.
Im new to placing external data into Flash. I just got CS3 and Im trying to use Flash to dynamically load XML data via a FlashVars call in the HTML.
The problem is I have followed the very straight forward AS2 Help files for using FlashVars and URL variables.I have placed the code directly from the Help file into the Html between <noscript> <noscript>and i keep getting undefined.I have tried saving the file as flash 8 and i am publish flash 8.
I will be creating a program to use for data entry. I'll be studying zebras in kenya and I won't have the internet there as I'm recording the data. I'd like to be able to send the data I generate in flash to an external text file. I understand I need some sort of script to do that, but is this something I can run just on my machine? (I'll probably make the data into xml format).
this is my current cv, painstakenly written in flash: [URL] I was told that I can use an external data file and load this into a flash file with xml, i am trying to make an xml file that will do what you see here above. But i cannot get the information to load properly where each title is separate (bold) and the description underneath it (plain text). i cannot get my cv to show up in a linear format as it only shows the first entry and then stops.
I have a page with three frames. the left frame with images1 thumbnails, the right with images2 thumbnails. Both have Hyperlink in order to pass that to SWF file in middle frame. To be more precise - I have two ASP pages displayed in left right frames of my web page. I want the SWF file (which is to be loaded in middle frame on click events of these ASP pages) to receive paramenters from these files and change the image in this SWF file. e. g. middle frame test.swf files should load with image1.jpg when clicked on image1.jpg thumbnail in left/ right frame and when clicked on imageN.jpg thumbnails, the test.swf file should be loaded in middle frame with imageN.jpg
I've been struggling with LoadVariables, GetURL, LoadVars etc. etc. since last weak.
I have a Flash movie which is embeded in 'base.aspx' file, when a button is clicked in the flash movie another 'something.aspx' file need to be called.When I run the flash movie from the Adobe Flash Professional CS3 IDE , it (the flash movie) calls the 'something.aspx' file just as expected.However when I embed the flash movie in to the 'base.aspx' file it doesn't work as expected .
I need to hold a couple of variables in an outside file that can be incremented by user activity -- not just during one interaction with the swf, but with every one.I have no problems with using loadVars and I get the loadandsend process; it is just that I have no background in cgi or asp for holding the variable and being able to update it.I know I cannot write to a txt file -- that is what I have been using thus far with loadVars for importing values, but this will not help me here. I know it should be a fairly simple script -- I also know I ought to pick up php, but for the moment -- until a greater amount of time comes my way -- I turn to you.
. I heard that there's a 128 character limit for links in Flash. Is there any way around this?
What about forms? PayPal has the option of doing a form for a shopping cart. Flash won't even begin to recognize it when I just drop the form code in there.
Basically I have media being parsed and played by reference of an XML document using AS3. These media files are gonna be seperated into seperate XML files then what I was planning was to just dynamically change which XML file is being referenced. Problem is, the code only fires once on frame 2 and I can't seem to figure out how to switch out the XML file for a different one upon an event trigger. "new URLRequest [URL]" isn't I need to reload a whole other string of code to change to a different XML document?
My company has a database-driven system of web forms, each ofwhich consists of many questions in various layouts (2-columnradio, 1 column checkbox, etc). The forms are never hard-coded.Each HTTP request causes Java code to perform DB queries todynamically generate the various questions and answers.Thosequestions are then rendered through JSP and Struts tiles into HTML.The HTML also contains JavaScript functions to hide/showconditional questions on the web page based on answers to earlierquestions. Now we're trying to figure out the best way to adapt thissystem to use a Flash front-end instead of HTML/JavaScript.My preliminary research suggests at least two possibleapproaches:
1. A pre-compiled SWF could send a request with certainparameters, and the server could respond with an XML description ofthe form to build. Then the SWF could parse that XML andynamically generate the form using attachMovie for each formelement (with a lot of math to determine relative positions ofelements with variable sizes, like text labels). 2. Flex might reduce the code for placing elements, by usingMXML to describe the form structure as well as visual arrangement.I haven't used this yet, and I'm wary of Flex 2 simply because itrequires Flash Player 9 which is only at 50% browser penetration
I have a project where I need to use XML to dynamically load PNG and GIF files not just JPEGs. I have found forums and information from 2004 of users complaining about the capability not being available but since then we now have Flash 8.
I can't figure this out. When I test a URL page with an embedded SWF file (using [URL]) I cannot get the embedded SWF to play more than one or two frames. However, if I upload this same flash-embedded html page, and test it on the WWW, then it seesm to play without a glitch.
We have a client who wants to share with us flash widgets whose contents can be updated using an external file. Our question is: Is it better to use a .txt file (such as notepad) or a .xml file to input data into Flash?
I'm loading a XML to Dynamic Text field and all is OK, but the SWF is show at left out site of the flash document, I only want put a icon and a text in the same line, something like this: <body><img align="left" src="icon.swf" width="15"><mess>You have 4 new messages</mess></body> I try with many kinds of tags, CSS and attributes and nothing.
I have the following code in place to move a variable from my Flash app to an XML file for storage [code] how do I go about getting my VoucherNo variable from.Flash to replace the value in the GoodVoucher field in my XML file?
Is it possible to pull questions from a data file into flash without having to create new frames for every question. This would be a multiple choice test. We currently hand type the questions into multiple frames and grade at the end.
I am seeing repeated comments on this discussion forum that it's not possible to save data from Flash into a locally stored XML file . . . but there must be a way to do this. Why is you can read data from a locally stored XML file but not update or add data to it. how absurd a design would that be, it simply wouldn't be logical!
I have a video player that is currently using XML for its video library which is all fine and dandy. Now I have some developers working on a CMS type page in PHP that is going to hopefully pass some sort of information to my player that will let it know where the video is stored on our server. Is there a way to do this without using FMS? If so does anyone have ideas where I can find the information for it.
I am attempting to get data from an xml file load in flash. I followed a tutorial in a new fla and it seemed to work fine, I then tried to adapt it to my own needs which worked fine. But then when trying to implement this into my news section it doesn't seem to work. I am trying to make a news section, that displays the date and news article. This is in within a movie clip, I even tried putting it in the timeline of the scene but still nothing.
- I have 2 dynamic text boxes, date_txt and news_txt
- The xml file is named news.xml,
- both the fla and the xml are in the same folder
This is the actionscript I am using:
function loadXML(loaded) { if (loaded) { _root.thedate =
I have a problem loading remote XML file into SWF file. Im doing a banner for a client with adds that is supose to load constantly updated XML file from my clients server and load some images into flash form it. Everything works fine when i test the movie (CTRL+ENTER), but when i publish it and test it from explorer, XML file is just not loading into flash.
I am building an application in flash that speaks to a database using PHP. I know you can remove rows from a database in PHP using a DELETE in the SQL statement. Does anyone know how to delete a file like a jpeg?, I would press a button in flash it would then call some PHP script, does anyone know the PHP to remove a file?
In my Flash application, the SWF file is located on a serverand is downloaded to clients in a controlled network. I want to beable to load XML data located on the client machines into the SWFfile. It looks like security settings is not allowing thi tohappen, as the local files are treated as a separate sandbox.If I were to use, how do Ipecify local files? It's not a domain or URL. Or is there another way to do this? I'm wading through thesecurity information, but I haven't found the solution yet.
I want to integrate following php-file into my Flash-movie, but something still does not work. Following error message appears: "This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below."
I would like to import text from a XML file into a dynamic text field. The XML file contains database records. I have found that Flash does not support the DOM command 'getElementsByTagName()' which I was endeavouring to use to find the record in the XML file that I wanted to associate with a particular dynamic text field.
Is there any other way to search through the XML file for the particular record I am looking for?