Facebook Canvas App Saving Flash Vars To DB?
Jul 19, 2011
I have made a flash game for facebook. All happened right expect when I am saving score in my Db. I had sended vars from flash to php , which I think is not working://Here is how i am sending vars from flash
loadVariablesNum("highscore.php?uid="+iduser+"&usc="+score, 0);
I had check it on my localhost its working perfectly. But when I upload same on facebook it doesnot work out.I had used Php SDK 3 and havenot used fbml. embeded flash with Object and Embed tags
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I need to embed a flash application(that will access FB API from within) in Facebook Canvas page.If I use , some FB related details(like session key) will be automatically passed to the flash. But since, FBML is going to be deprecated, I want to use iFrame. Is there any way to pass those variable automatically or do I have to retrieve them in PHP and pass it to flash through loadvars?Also, if I have to do it manually, is there any documentation for the php sdk 2.1 ? (already searched about it a lot, and I think there is no doc nor tutorial for 2.1)
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If I have set up the following facebook application settings[code]...
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Jul 19, 2009
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1) it's written in actionscript 2 so I can't use any actionscript 3 abilities.
2) it breaks as soon as one of the images on the stage is defined as a variable brought in through $_GET rather than hard coded. (the image comes in fine but then the rendered finished product is a blank white image)
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Feb 25, 2010
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Jun 10, 2011
I have an image loaded from an url and added to canvas as child. Then I am drag and dropping another image on it which also uses the senocular transform so the image can be transformed on the canvas. I have coded in such way that the transform handles shows up only after it's dropped on canvas. The image shows up correctly. But I am trying to save the result image (that is the main image and the dropped image on top of it), I only end up with the main image that was loaded earlier. The dropped image doesn't show up.
Below is the code for handleDrop() that is fired on dragDrop event and prepares the final image.
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Feb 10, 2009
I made a program in Flex that uses the actionscript 3 drawing api. I am drawing on a Canvas and on every mouseUp event I save the bitmapData in an Image component and clear the the Canvas. That works great, but the problem appears if I want to add a background to the paint that was drawn.
Here are the mxml components:
<mx:Canvas id="_backgroundColor" width="100%" height="100%" x="0" y="0" />
<mx:Image id="_image" x="0" y="0" mouseEnabled="false" />
<mx:Canvas id="_paper" x="0" y="0" />
And here it is the function I have on the Canvas (_paper) mouseUp
private function onSaveModifications(evt:PaperEvents):void{
var bmpData:BitmapData = new BitmapData(this._paper.width,this._paper.height,true,0x00FFFFFF);
this._image.source = new Bitmap(bmpData);
I want when I set the _background Canvas background color to see it, but I cannot because the Image component(_image) where I save the bitmap is masking it.
This is how I set the background
Do you know how can I make the pixels of the bitmap that weren't drawn to be transparent?
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Sep 27, 2011
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Mar 12, 2010
I'm using CURL to upload files to a service. Currently I'm getting the file content with $GLOBALS["HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA"] then save it on my server. After that, I'm using CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS with the file's full path. Is there a way to send the file content directly, without saving it on my server, as if I saved it? Or is there a way to upload a Photo from a flash app to facebook album, without saving it on the server?
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Oct 24, 2010
I'm currently building an application using the Adobe Facebook API and I've run into an issue where for the login method the Facebook login popup displays but when doing a Facebook share/post the popup is blocked.
This code works fine and displays me a Facebook login popup without question (Firefox):
var permissions:Array = ['publish_stream'];
Facebook.login( onFacebookLogin, { perms:permissions.join(',') } );
However, the following code running in the same application throws up a popup blocker (again Firefox):
Facebook.ui( "stream.publish", "popup", params );
Does anyone know of a work around this issue to make the share popup come up just like the login popup?
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Jun 1, 2009
I'm trying to determine the practical difference between using the com.facebook.session.WebSession and com.facebook.session.JSSession. The documentation ([URL]) has more around WebSession - but the example I have which is closest to what solution I'm trying to implement uses JSSession and it looks like I could avoid all of the JavaScript pass-through & ExternalInterface calls I'm making. It appears that the benefit of using this new ActionScript Facebook API is to avoid having to make all of the Facebook calls via JavaScript.
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Jan 13, 2012
i need to connect to have a button on my website that connects to facebook (if not already logged in) and posts to the users wall.I've only done this from within an iFrame - do i still need AppId etc etc?
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Apr 4, 2012
I have a facebook application where the user choose 4 of his friends and then it creates a video (swf) with the pictures of your friends in it (loaded via xml). So I need to share this video on the user timeline. Everything works fine but the video is not embedded in the post on his timeline, there is only a post with the link to the page in it.The weird thing is, if I post the url directly on my timeline, the video is embedded, but not if the same link is posted via the application.here is my code called by the share button in js :
function postToFeed() {
var obj = {
method: 'feed',[code].........
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Dec 6, 2011
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What do they mean by 'Media' exactly? I can understand a ban on autoplaying audio content but does the ban extend to something as harmless as an animated GIF? Or more to the point, does an autoplaying .swf file fall under this?
Lastly, what course of action would Facebook take if I did violate this rule? Would they issue a warning (giving me an opportunity to remove the 'offending' item) or would they just shut down my page without any consultation?
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Jun 5, 2009
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I want to dynamically add different items to thumbContent canvas and use scroller canvas to scroll. I see than the height of thumbContent bigger than 7977 it truncate from scrolling. So - I see the scroller canvas with empty space on top. Then I scroll to bottom - I see the content of thumbContent and at bottom scrolling I see empty space too.
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Apr 9, 2011
I'm trying to skin a canvas with an image (which is essentially a custom border for the canvas). I've been trying the backgroundImage style as well as the borderSkin style. I can't get the image to scale to the full size of the canvas though. I was wondering what the best way to go about this is.[code]...
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Feb 24, 2011
Basically I want to go to frame2 when the cursor leaves the canvas. The code below contains no errors when tested but it still does not work.
We know that the function gotoAndStop(frame2); works in multiple situations which means the first 3 line is fine. I don't know if the problem is the MOUSE_LEAVE event or this.stage which i suppose is the identifier for the canvas. I sure that there must be an alternative code for the identifier this.stage or the whole code. Any solution on how to fire the given function in the event when the cursor leaves the canvas?
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Mar 13, 2011
I have literally spent HOURS trying to solve this mystery... but simply can't seem to get hold of it.
I am using the same code lines (literally!) as the example here (official adobe tutorial) and I get different result.
Everything works fine, i.e. everything till it is time to fire the loggedin event. I get asked to log in and all permissions are asked correctly. After I log myself in to facebook, the loggedin event doesn't fire. Is there any way of solving this problem??
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Sep 24, 2009
I am using a Flex widget for my facebook application. How can I get the current user's facebook ID?
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Sep 24, 2009
I can't find in the Adobe Facebook API how to log the user out of Facebook. The FacebookSessionUtil (and the related sessions and Facebook classes) all have a .logout() function, which will invalidate the user's current *session* within the swf, but it doesn't log the user out of Facebook.
What am I missing here? How are you supposed to log the user out of Facebook with this API? Since it's part of the TOS for Facebook Connect apps, you'd think this would be available in the API somewhere.
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May 19, 2005
i am trying to load vars from a text file into a load vars object.
var kitchentext = new LoadVars();
Once in the object, i thought i could reference them like so
but i am having trouble doing this.
i have a textbox called displytext.
_root.displaytext.text = kitchentext.name;
doesnt work
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Nov 8, 2011
After I upload a photo on a desktop facebook application i need to store it's post id in a database. From the facebook ActionScript SDK documentation:pi() methodpublic static function api(method:String, callback:Function, params:* = null, requestMethod:String = GET):voidMakes a new request on the Facebook Graph API.Parameters [...]callback:Function — Method that will be called when this request is complete The handler must have the signature of callback(result:Object, fail:Object); On success, result will be the object data returned from Facebook. On fail, result will be null and fail will contain information about the error.
So I implemented my callback function as follows:
protected function handleUploadComplete(response:Object, fail:Object):void{
status = (response) ? 'Success' : 'Error';
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Nov 20, 2010
I've done a lot of Flash development and have been meaning to try out canvas for a while, but after browsing through some tutorials, I can't understand how this is supposed to replace Flash.
Note: I ask a lot of questions down here. I don't really expect them all to be answered. What I'm really looking for is some basic guidance about how I should be thinking while developing on <canvas>.
From the spec, it looks like <canvas> is really more analogous to the Graphics class in Flash, which one would use something like this:
class ColoredCircle extends Sprite {
private var _color:uint=0x0;
public function ColoredCircle(color:uint) {
Should I be treating <canvas> like a Sprite? Marking everything as position:relative should allow me to basically duplicate display list-type behavior (I don't believe that you can nest <canvas> elements, but you could probably do so by throwing in a bunch of <div>s). However, I use a lot of Sprites in my projects. That's going to be a metric crap-ton of tiny canvas elements. Also, how do you handle mouse events in <canvas>? Do they trigger if someone clicks on a transparent part of the canvas's box model (bad)? If I have a canvas with two circles in it and I need to know which one gets clicked on, do I have to do bounds-math with the mouse position?
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Sep 9, 2011
Is there any way to erase a part of flash.display.Graphics canvas? Like
This produces just a red square (the last 3 calls are noop), and what i need is a transparent square hole in it.
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Dec 15, 2009
I'm creating a flash fun thing where you dress up a character by just dragging and dropping little images, everything is working fine.
I want to add an option to save the image you have created, I can do this but the problem is you have to set a movie clip to capture, the thing i want to capture is a few movie clips layered on top of each other(the finished character).[code]...
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Aug 1, 2011
I was told that you can export Flash CS5 creations into html5 Canvas.
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Jan 18, 2012
I'm trying to figure out how to resize a child canvas but I can't quite figure it out. I have a bunch of mini canvas' around a parent canvas like this:
<mx:Canvas width="10" height="10" backgroundColor="#040404" top="0" left="0" id="anchorTL" />
<mx:Canvas width="10" height="10" backgroundColor="#040404" right="0" top="0" id="anchorTR"
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Oct 13, 2008
I've got a flash animation of an extruding box drawn frame-by-frame for a "hand drawn" effect. The problem is that I now need to make twice as many frames to allow the box to extrude twice as far, and the canvas is too small to support this; the box would end up outside of bounds. I've tried resizing the canvas, but the extended space is at the opposite end of the canvas from where I need it. In photoshop you could chose where the added space "grew from" but I don't see that option here. Anyone knw a work around It'd be a pain in the tail to have to move very object in every frame for every layer.
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