Feedback About First Fully Flash Site

Nov 20, 2011

So I've been working on this website for quite a while now. It's my first website fully in flash. I finished it in the beginning of November and have been slowly fixing bugs here and there. I'm just wondering what your thoughts and comments are? [URL]

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AS3 on 1st frame:

addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loaderFF);
function loaderFF(e:Event):void{


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Feb 9, 2012

I've been searching for this for a while, and either my google-fu is weak or there is no easy to find answer yet...

I am using a NetStream to stream a video file from anywhere. The NetStream is NOT connected to any server. Here is the code:

// Create new connection and stream
_netCon = new NetConnection();


This basically works, of course, but the video always starts playing only when it is fully loaded. It also passes the metadata only then. But the main reason to use a NetStream is so that you can play a video BEFORE it is fully loaded.

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Is it possible that the "real" streaming only works when really connected to a server? Or am I missing something else?

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onClipEvent(load){this.t.v = _root.contacts_txt9;}
on (rollOver) {this.gotoAndPlay("s1");}
on (rollOut) {this.gotoAndPlay("s2");}[c ode]............

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Full Screen Flash Site With Scroll - See The Complete Site

Feb 25, 2012

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Professional :: General Feedback For Adobe

Nov 20, 2011

I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, but I looked for a place to send general "feedback" and could not find one.I just wanted to let the management at Adobe know a couple things related to recent Public Relations blunders. Ever since the announcment that you were ending Flash Player for Mobile, I have had many conversations with people about this topic and there is SO much misinformation due to your announcement, it's going to tank Flash as a broader platform.

- Some think Flash doesn't work on Macs
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This perception seems to come from people of various levels of technical knowledge, from basic users where it's understandable they might be confused about the specifics of the recent news (but still not a good thing!) on up to key decision makers who don't know tech but are key to making certain spending decisions with regard to tech platforms (CEOs). This is a horrible place for Flash to be in right now and you need to quickly change the perception with a "Flash is alive and well" type of announcement.Remember, most people only retain sound bites and a few words from headlines. You may have announced "Adobe ends Flash Player for Mobile" originally, but what people retained was "Adobe ends Flash Player". You need to make a new announcement that the short attention span people will come away from with knowledge that all is well. "Flash not dead" for example.Man, whoever plans your PR needs to be fired. You could have killed off the Mobile player back before the MAX conference and then followed up with the news about Flash Player 11 and Stage 3D. That would have a perfect one-two punch, but instead you reversed it and all the excitement from FP11 @ MAX was blown away.

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Company: a or b (radios buttons I think)
Country (they want a drop down list for this)
Select: a, b,
Select: a, b, c, d
Message or comments.

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Oct 18, 2011

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ActionScript Code: 
function dragSetup(clip, targ) { clip.onPress = function() { startDrag(this); this.beingDragged=true; }; clip.onRelease = clip.onReleaseOutside=function () { stopDrag();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Feedback Text For A Drag And Drop Interaction ?

Oct 18, 2011

I've developed an drag/drop interaction which works well, the issue is with the behavior of the submit reset buttons. If the "correct" drag objects are on the "correct" target - no issues

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On Frame 1:

ActionScript Code:
function dragSetup(clip, targ) {
clip.onPress = function() {[code].....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple Choice Question Not Displaying Answer Feedback?

Jun 9, 2011

I have a few multiple choice questions using ActionScript 3.0 that are not displaying the answer feedback when tested as a movie or published to a swf. The way the question is set up is that a learner clicks a radio button and then clicks a Check Answer button. A red X or green checkmark appears next to the selected answer choice.Incorrect/Correct feedback should then appear below the Check Answer button.Currently the Incorrect/Correct answer feedback is not appearing in the output box when published.
 var currBtn = "";
var currSelected:Number = 0;[code].......

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Jun 28, 2011

I have a scheduling application that allows users to save any changes. When the user clicks the save button, Flex sends all the information to a coldfusion script which picks the information apart and sends saves it to the database. That all works well and good, but I would like to be able to display some sort of text to the user saying something like "Your file was successfully saved" or "There has been an error.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Display Button Feedback State Based A Click?

Sep 9, 2010

I have some code running a media player and pulling multiple xml lists in depending on what button is pressed. What I would like to do is display button feedback state (to show what section is being played) based a click.I am thinking that I could create a conditional statement based on last button clicked but not 100%.

/*import flash.display.MovieClip;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Provide Feedback To User When They Click On Copy To Clipboard Button?

Aug 21, 2011

I used code that kglad suggested to add a button that copies the embed code for a SWF to the user's clipboard:

function clipcopy(e:Event):void{
Clipboard.generalClipboard.setData(ClipboardFormats.TEXT_FORMAT, s);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Feedback Go Back To Blank When Mouse Leaves The Drop-box Area?

Jul 21, 2006

It uses drag-n-drop interactivity. When I drag a MC and drop it in a "drop-box", feedback pops up. When the mouse leaves the drop-box area, the feedback remains. Is there a way I can have the feedback go back to blank when my mouse leaves the drop-box area?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Array Re-initializing - Screen To Display Feedback Based On The Answer Of The Question

Jan 9, 2004

I have some code that initializes an array (arrQAnswer) that stores what button the user clicked on (0,1,2, or 3). That option it put into arrQAnswer, then compared against arrCorrectAnswer to see if the user got the question right. The problem is that for each time the user clicks on a button, they are taken to a new screen to display feedback based on the answer of the question. If the user gets the question wrong they are returned to the original screen and try again. This is where arrQAnswer is screwing up (or more likely, where I am screwing up). On the first question where the user chooses an answer, then returns to that screen, arrQAnswer re-intializes. Is there a way to stop this from happening? Note that it only happens on the first question, I think that is because the first question is on the same frame as the code (below):


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Logging Into PHP Site...Another Log In For Flash Site?

Mar 3, 2012

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Loading Swf File Into An Existing Flash File - Script For Waiting It To Play Until It's Fully Loaded?

Feb 6, 2010

I have a flash file that is 1.5mb in size. As it takes about 6 minutes for someone on dialup to load this file, I have created a smaller swf file and loaded the larger one from it but I don't want the larger one to begin to play until it's fully downloaded. How do I set this up? I have set up the action script 2 as follows: loadMovieNum("top2.swf", 0);

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