IDE :: Site Not Fully Showing On Laptops?

Jun 29, 2009

After publishing my fla file and uploading it, everything seems s Ok on large monitors like 23 inch. It works with Explorer firefox and Safari but, looking at the site on a laptop, the top of the site is chopped up. There is no way to redraw the windowThe issue seems to be only on laptops from 12 inch to 17 inch.It looks like the site is too big for the screen so, the top area is not viewable. As my buttons are at the top, you cannot navigate through the site There are no scrolling bar on the right hand side so you cannot scroll up or down. I am including some screen shotsI tried a few things in the Publish settings and things like the percentage and

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IDE :: Set Site So Look Decent On All Types Of Desktops And Laptops?

Feb 14, 2011

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Dynamic Text Not Fully Showing

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Feedback About First Fully Flash Site

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Site Not Working Fully In Chrome And Safari?

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I produced a website a year ago now, and up until now it has been working fine. My client brought to my attention today that there are suddenly problems when viewing the site in chrome, IE and safari. You cannot get past the landing page as the 'enter' button is not there despit the graphics being in the right place.I have updated to flash player 10.1, and opened, published and uploaded the flash file in a newer version of flash to see whether that helped, but no go.

AS3 on 1st frame:

addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loaderFF);
function loaderFF(e:Event):void{


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ActionScript 3.0 :: SWF Not Showing Up On Site?

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My swf file on my site doesn't show up on the first time. It shows my loader and intro but I have to refresh around 3 times for it to show the full site after my intro.

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IDE :: Flash - Site Not Showing IE?

Jan 29, 2009

I am working on one flash website. i uploaded it to online . it working fine in FFIt is not working in IE.andafter intro when i click enter site button home page loading but not showing preloader it is showing only wight screen

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Flash :: Site Not Showing In Internet Explorer?

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I have been asked to get a website up and running.  It is a Flash site, which works fine in Firefox and Safari, but its just a white screen in IE.  Does anyone know why?the website isand the scrip is : -

if ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf('iPhone') != -1) ||


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Flash :: Not Showing Online / When Loaded To Hosting Site

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Flash :: Css - Showing A Large Amount Of HTML Alternative Content With Swfobject & Swffit Site

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I have a full flash site which uses swfobject to embed it 100% height and width. I'm using swffit to force a browser scroll bar for pages with a large amount of content. This is all fine and works perfectly. I also have the content in HTML format, as alternative content and this also works apart from in order to get the flash swfobject to work I need to add the overflow = hidden in the CSS, like:

height: 100%;
height: 100%;

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Professional :: Video On Site - Showing Error - Warning : The Linkage Identifier 'FLVPlayback' Was Already Assigned To The Symbol 'Video/FLVPlayback',?

Apr 27, 2010

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**Warning** The linkage identifier 'FLVPlayback' was already assigned to the symbol 'Video/FLVPlayback', and cannot be assigned to the symbol 'FLVPlayback', since linkage identifiers must be unique.

I really don't know what that refers too.

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Make The .swf Files Fully Automated?

Dec 15, 2009

I'm actually an artist who happened to stumble on flash and have been subsidizing my income with animation projects for some time.My question, query, bane of my existence is the automation of my e-cards.Many many people ask how they can send my cards. Up to now I have been manually customizing cards. whew.I would like to make the .swf files fully automated so people can fill out the "to, from, text message" and e-mail a notice to a customized animation.Is there a generic code I can cut and paste? Beyond basic html code,(seen on my site)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unload Not Fully Functioning?

Mar 16, 2010

I am making my website by loading each of the external pages in to the main swf file. I've used a tutorial and it manages to load all of the correct pages when the corresponding button is pressed, however I can tell that the Unload isn't working because each page has audio and I can hear them playing over the top of each other when I navigate through the pages.

Here's the code.

var Xpos:Number = 0;
var Ypos:Number = 102;
var pageSWF:MovieClip;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: FLVPlayback Not Fully Removing?

May 5, 2009

I am trying to remove a FLVPlayback. When I do this it visually removes it but the video is still playing because I can still hear it. I've removed the container child that holds it & I even tried removing the FLVPlayback itself, still keeps on playing.

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Detect Whether An Object Is Fully Ontop Of Another?

Mar 26, 2010

With Flash, is it possible to detect whether an object is fully ontop of another ?E.g. I have a rectangle (floor surface) and a circle (furniture).

Now I want to detect whether the circle is fully in (=over) the rectangle, and not just whether it hits the rectangle somewhere.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Check That The 1st SWF To Be Fully Loaded?

Dec 2, 2003

My header swf on load took longer than the hobbies swf. It is surpose to appear only after the header swf is fully loaded. See link below.


Is that any properities/condition I can use to check that the 1st SWF to be fully loaded (return true value) b4 proceeding to load 2nd SWF using do while statement.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Swf Plays Before Fully Loaded

Sep 28, 2006

I'm using a preload function with the Movie Clip Loader. Everything works like it should except the external swf's will play before they are fully loaded. At first I only had one frame in each swf, and they wouldn't show up until 100%. Then i added some animations, and now they play out at around 60% loaded.

I know I can fix it with stop() on the first frame and tell it to play after 100%, but I'm wondering if anyone else has had this problem, or is it something common with MCL and i just wasn't aware of it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Full Screen Flash Site With Scroll - See The Complete Site

Feb 25, 2012

i have made a site in flash. stage size 955x600 i have exported it as fullscreen with no scale. the problem is that if i browse the site with a resolution of 800x600 (760x420 if i'm not wrong), the browser dont' add scrolls and its impossible to see the complete site. How can i fix this without resizing the site. i want the users to see with the proportions that i have now.. ijust want a scroll on the browser.

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Creating A Fully Function Iphone In Flash?

May 5, 2010

im having trouble creating a fully function iphone in flash and create user interaction witht he to do this i have create the different app stages and how they look in photoshop

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader Which Is Not Appear Untill Fully Loaded?

May 20, 2010

i making flash website and i tried to put a preloader but it dosen't work ... if u wana see the example of what am talking about plz visit thisi spent alot of time and i visited all the threads posted here but i failed

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Preloader Bar Fully Loaded But Movie Does Not Play

Jun 8, 2009

I built a pretty simple Flash movie for a client and put a preloader on frame 1. The preloader works fine then the movie plays. What is happening is if you go to another page on the site and then go back to the home page all you see is the preloader bar fully loaded but the movie doesn't play. You have to refresh the page for the swf to play again. It is doing it to me in Firefox but not IE 8 and it is doing it in IE8 on my clients computer...

Here is the code.
this.loaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgress);this.loaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);
function onProgress(e:ProgressEvent):void{ var loaded:Number =; var total:Number =; var pct:Number = loaded/total; loader_mc.scaleX = pct; loaded_txt.text="Loading..." + (Math.round(pct * 100)) + "%";}function onComplete(e:Event):void { gotoAndPlay(2);}

Here is a screen cap of what is happening. After you go back to the homepage all you see is the rpeloader bar fully loaded without the load text.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Image Does Not Get Fully Displayed Even After Event?

Oct 19, 2009

i used URLStream object to load an image file progressively by reading it into a bytearray
My code is very much similar to that atthe problem that i got is a very rare problem i.e. it occurs very rarelythe problem is that sometimes the image does not get fully displayed even after event.complete of the urlstream object.(the last packet of image data is not shown);i used a timer with delay 100ms  after the event.complete event to address this issue for the time being.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Apply SetInterval After Fully Loading?

Oct 4, 2010

How do I tell setInterval to start calculating the time after the image is being fully loaded? (That's because some of my images take about 3 seconds to load) var IntervalID = setInterval(myShow, 10000);

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Actionscript 3 :: Play Video Only After Its Fully Downloaded?

Nov 8, 2010

Flv seems like can't be use with loader but NetStream. But I wanted to play the video only after I have completely download it (smooth viewing with no buffering time). How can I do it with NetStream? And Can I have multiple video load at same time, and play it according to some array arrangement?

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Canvas Component Fully Opaque In Flex 3?

Nov 19, 2010

I have a canvas component that I create and add as a child of a parent canvas component. I set the opaqueBackground property for the child component which makes it opaque over the parent component. However, when I add two child components, they are not opaque over each other. How do I set it up so that one child component completely covers up the other child component?

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Flash :: NetStream Only Playing When Fully Loaded?

Feb 9, 2012

I've been searching for this for a while, and either my google-fu is weak or there is no easy to find answer yet...

I am using a NetStream to stream a video file from anywhere. The NetStream is NOT connected to any server. Here is the code:

// Create new connection and stream
_netCon = new NetConnection();


This basically works, of course, but the video always starts playing only when it is fully loaded. It also passes the metadata only then. But the main reason to use a NetStream is so that you can play a video BEFORE it is fully loaded.

I tried playing around with the bufferTime property, but to no avail. Also made sure that there is no caching involved when loading the video. I always load a "new one" by adding some "?bla=date" value behind the url.

Is it possible that the "real" streaming only works when really connected to a server? Or am I missing something else?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Goto A Frame Only After Swf Has Fully Loaded?

Jan 27, 2009

I have Movie that has a preloader on the 1st Frame and then on the 2nd Frame a swf is loaded using this script.[code]This loads my test_1.swf into the test_1 mc inside the cc mc.This all works fine.... However what I want to know is how to only gotoAndPlay ("3") after the test_1.swf has been fully loaded?The idea I'm working with is that... an initial swf (simply an image with a preloader - test_1) would load into the background when the swf is started and then a menu would appear in frame 3 that would allow the user to replace the background swf with button clicks..... But at the moment the menu on frame 3 is loading before the background swf is loaded.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tell If Shared Library Has Been Fully Loaded?

Dec 9, 2009

Is there a way to tell if Shared Library has been fully loaded?

I have external SharedLib.swf with fonts inside

I imported those fonts inside Master.swf and that's where I am using textfields that rely on those fonts...

I just need to know if theres a way to tell when sharedLib.swf was fully loaded and ready to use,

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