Flash - How To Modify Image Dynamically

Jan 29, 2012

I'm trying to modify my bitmap to change their pixels to a random color. This is the way I do it (I'm using the FlashPunk library):
private var _v:Point = new Point;
private var _speed:Point = new Point(200, 200);
private var _bmpData:BitmapData = new BitmapData(24, 24, false, 0x000000)
private var _bmpImage:Image = new Image(_bmpData);
public function Player(p:Point) {
[Code] .....

So ok, the function that does this is render(), but in the line
graphic = new Image(_bmpData);
I get new memory for graphic, and this translate into a memory leak in the game. Here is an image of this:
And as you can see, the MEM: part is constantly increasing.

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//Turn it[code]...........

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PHP Code:[code]...

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import flash.net.URLLoader;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.net.URLRequest;


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<book id="bk101">
<author>Gambardella, Matthew</author>


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