Flash :: Professional - Banner Does Not Load

Jul 19, 2010

I am posting this because I purchased a package on FlashComponents.net, and spent 167 dollars on a set of flash components that were suppose to be easy to install and highly customizable. I messaged the creater of this package, snowcat, but he does not reply to my inquiries on why it does not work.

What I thought might be wrong was what I changed in the xml file, so I uploaded the entire folder from stock. the index.html page worked, however as soon as i copied the source code into my page I wanted to to actually play in. It does not even show, when I right-click the area in which it is suppose to be it says "Movie not loaded...".

I literally copied and pasted, there were no changes to the code whatsoever from the working one. After that I continued to try to arrange it the way I wanted it to be anyways, storing the source files in a folder of the site rather than having it in the root of the file. This folder is "index_banner" The developer DID have a posting about that issue on his website which I read four times to make sure that somehow that was not the culprit either.

Below is the code for the page; I am hoping I inadvertantly messed something up because then my 167 dollars is not wasted. But with the lack of support for a supposed "well documented" package it is a little disheartening.


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1084: syntax error: expection rightparen before self.

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Attachments: MatterAd.swf (32.3 K)

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Just do double check I thought maybe I would try to upload an AS2 file.
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here as it has to be a problem within the object code above which is the code I copied from their support page

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Error opening URL 'file:///C|/Users/Tim%20Backx/Documents/2.%20Stage%20werk/Website%20V isual%20Brand/Bronnen/Sliders/undefined'

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playclip._visible = false;
menu.button_mc1.title_txt = title1;
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menu.button_mc3.title_txt = title3;
menu.button_mc4.title_txt = title4;


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Attatched are download links to the two files in question, sorry if they're a little on the large side.


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Jul 13, 2010

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btn1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, buttonClickHandler1);function buttonClickHandler1(event:MouseEvent):void {    navigateToURL(new URLRequest("http://www.google.com"));}


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Sep 16, 2010

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Professional :: Adding URL Link To Animated Banner?

Jan 5, 2011

I have created a basic animation in Flash CS5 and I need to add a clickable URL link to it. I've tried a few tutorials that looked promising, but none of them solved my problem. I've tried a number of things including converting parts or all of the images to simple buttons or movies and linking them that way as well as typing in code for ActionScript 2 and 3, none of which were successful. The animation plays correctly when viewed in my browser, but when I click on it, the link does not work. I would prefer that the entire banner be clickable to take viewers to the linked website rather than using hyperlinked text. Also, when I open the Code Snippets window, it is empty, no matter what image or frame I've selected. Do I need to import code snippets from somewhere or am I simply going about things the wrong way?

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