Flash And Remote Data Storage

Apr 8, 2011

A few years ago I was up-skilling form AS2 to AS3. In the process I could have sworn I came across a resource that was all about using SQL and Flash AS3 together. It looked like native AS3 SQL communication.I remember thinking "That's cool, will use that one day" and then putting the book down. Well it is now one day and I need to remotely read and update data from a Flash file. The thing is I can't for the life of me remember where I saw it.Searching online has been a bit discouraging. All I can find is a lot of people saying there is no native Flash AS to SQL communication. Was I dreaming, or are all the posts I'm finding old and referring to AS2?If this is the case, is there a way to save shared objects or XML files to a remote server? Or is my only option calling php files from Flash?

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import flash.net.URLLoader;
import flash.net.URLRequest;
import flash.events.Event;


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<div style="width:444px">
<object width="444" height="493">


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Here is the AS3 code I'm using in the flash file..

ActionScript Code:

contact_name.text = contact_email.text = contact_subject.text =
contact_message.text = message_status.text = "";
send_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, submit);


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this.addScheduledJob(5000,new IScheduledJob() {
public void execute(ISchedulingService jobs0)


it doesn't shows error or warning, but my flex function doesn't work, even Alert in my function not working.

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IDE :: Flash Pro 8 - Local File For Variable Storage?

Mar 28, 2009

Presently I'm building an interactive CD-ROM based presentation for stand alone individual machines. I'm using AutoPlay Media Studio 7 to package a flash movie along with a licensed adobe reader and adobe flash player. One of the buttons on the autoplay package will install and create folders and files on a local machine.

I've uploaded a file for you flash gurus out there to look at, it may help to examplify what I'm trying to achieve. What I'd like to do, is to be able to use a file (perhaps XML?) that the flash movie can reference and make changes to. If this is possible then such file would be included in the AutoPlay package (see background info above) and installed on the local machine.Security is an extremely low key issue here and the username password is simply a means for flash to lookup and recognise an existing user (if there is one) and set the states of some variables.

Why? - The project is like an interactive training manual with questions and animated examples split into 8 modules. I would like to be able to provide users a means with the of not having to review previous modules by logging in at the login frame.

Assigned to 'signInUser' button
on (release) {
if (user_name == storedUserName) {
if (pass_word == storedPassword) {


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Flex :: Pass Data Retrieved From A Remote Object Service To A Modules Interface?

Jun 9, 2010

I found at this Adobe tutorial a nice "RemoteService" class that creates a RemoteObject and contains the functions for handling the result and fault events. If I wanted to use this approach, how could I pass the data from the result handler to interfaces that modules from the main application could use?

I could put the RemoteService/RemoteObject in the modules, but (in my opinion- and I could be wrong) the best design seems to be using the remote calls in the main app and passing the data along to the modules.

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Flex :: Flash Shared Objects Storage Location Changing Occasionally?

Feb 15, 2011

When running a flash application that I run locallyie I get to it from a browser but with a file pathNow, most of the time the shared objects are stored in%APPDATA%MacromediaFlash Player#SharedObjectsXXXX#localWithNetBut occasionally, it reverts and thinks this application is running on localhost%APPDATA%MacromediaFlash Player#SharedObjectsXXXXlocalhostwhich means all previous saved settings are gone.I'm wondering if anyone knows how flash decides if the application is infact localhost or localWithNet (local with Network access)

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Flex :: Flash Shared Objects Storage Location Changing Occasionally

Jul 3, 2011

When running a flash application that I run locally i.e., I get to it from a browser but with a file path

Now, most of the time the shared objects are stored in
%APPDATA%MacromediaFlash Player#SharedObjectsXXXX#localWithNet

But occasionally, it reverts and thinks this application is running on localhost
%APPDATA%MacromediaFlash Player#SharedObjectsXXXXlocalhost
Which means all previous saved settings are gone.

How flash decides if the application is infact localhost or localWithNet (local with Network access). Rebooting can sometimes make it revert, but I've also had it stay localhost for a few days then revert.

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Data Integration :: Loading Remote XML File Into SWF File?

Jan 28, 2007

I have a problem loading remote XML file into SWF file. Im doing a banner for a client with adds that is supose to load constantly updated XML file from my clients server and load some images into flash form it. Everything works fine when i test the movie (CTRL+ENTER), but when i publish it and test it from explorer, XML file is just not loading into flash.

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Feb 4, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Xml Local Storage From Url?

Jun 27, 2011

i am hoping that someone can put me right on this question (apologies if this the wrong forum too)...i have an .ipa file that uses xml for it's content. i can load the xml/images etc... fine from both a url and also locally on the handset.but what i wanting/trying to do is for the .ipa to check to see if there is an updated xml doc/images from the url - if there is then it downloads/saves the xml doc and any associated images to a local folder/location - if there isn't (or the handset can not access the internet) it simply loads up the xml and images locally.i have seen a few methods of doing this - but am not sure how it all ties together with flash?

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Ruby On Rails :: Use The Fleximage Gem And S3 For Storage?

Mar 17, 2010

I have a rails app that I'm going to host on engineyard and want to store image files on s3.But I don't know if I want all developer machines to beusing s3 for storage of all our test and dev images. Maybe it's not an issue -- but it seems like a waste to have everyone storing all our images in s3.I've heard of some ppl who store images on s3 'hacking' dev environments to store images locally on the file system -- and then using s3 in prod only.

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Actionscript 3 :: Can AIR Tell If A USB Storage Device Has Been Plugged In

Apr 26, 2011

How can I tell from an air app if a USB storage has been plugged in?

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Actionscript 3 :: Adobe AIR System-wide Storage

Jun 30, 2011

I'm working on an AIR app that will have a free basic version and a more advanced paid version that's unlocked with a license key. Ideally once a license key is entered I'd like it to unlock the application for all users of the computer. However, I haven't been able to find a suitable system-wide location for storing the license key file. All of the preconfigured locations in the File class (e.g. File.applicationStorageDirectory) are either user-specific or read-only.

Is there a standard system-wide location in AIR where I can store things like this? If not the file system, maybe shared objects, or SQLite, or the encrypted local store? Failing that, are there standard locations on each system (Windows, Mac, Linux) that I could hardcode that are guaranteed to be writable by all users? The last option is made more difficult by the lack of access to any environment variables.

If all else fails I guess I could just require the application to be unlocked per-user, but that doesn't sound like a recipe for happy customers ("What do you mean I have to buy it twice for my wife to use it? We only have one computer!"). (Okay, yes, it it's per-user I'll probably let one key unlock the app 3 or 4 times to be nice about it, but it's still less convenient for the user to activate multiple times).

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