Flash :: Drupal - Audio Player - Displaying Content Header And Characters?

Apr 20, 2010

Not sure how to describe this issue, but I only get it in Firefox and not any other browser. When clicking around, the page sometimes blows up with the attached pic. Sometimes it has even more characters than that, and you can see things like LAME encoder referenced. Anyone know what the deal is? All site caching is disabled. I am no pro with flash so I don't know what is causing this. I am using the Boutell XSPF player due to its support of Autoresume, if that helps. I added it to the list of players, and have the flash embed code in a block. I am achieving this using the Drupal Audio module and submodules supporting it.

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<thumbnail filename="/mo*******s/01.JPG" label="Vjagg"
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var requestHeader:* = new URLRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/octet-stream");
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Is there a new syntax for displaying international characters?

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Jul 2, 2006

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Feb 24, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use Local Languages Like Tamil, Hindi, Other Than English In Flash Not Only For Displaying The Content?

Dec 10, 2009

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Mar 12, 2009

I bought a flash news ticker from the site Flash Den but haven't been able to do much with it because it's in AS2 and I only really know AS3.The news ticker loads the text/link from an XML file, but it has a problem loading characters such as forward slashes (/), colons (:) as well as other characters?

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Flex :: Fonts - Displaying Thai Characters In FTE Components On Mac?

Nov 14, 2011

I am running into issues displaying Thai characters in Flex components that make use of the Flash Text Engine (FTE), specifically on Mac OSX 10.6.8 Snow Leopard.Here's a blurb of my compiler font managers in flex-config.xml:

<!-- Specifies the version of the compiled SWF -->[code].....

Thai characters render correctly in mx components such as TextField so far. However, FTE components such as TextLine show those crappy-looking boxes as a substitution. My initial guess was that somehow one of the compiler font managers declared in flex-config.xml was not finding the right system font to fallback to for Thai characters. So, I ensured the system font was installed by going to System Preferences > Language and Text > Edit List. Then I changed fontFamily to Arial, Ayuthaya.Still was seeing the boxes of evil.

Next I figured that perhaps the Arial font might be assigning a box for each unicode value corresponding to a Thai character. So it was effectively overriding the Ayuthaya system font. So I changed fontFamily once more to just Ayuthaya and this worked with one issue - Ayuthaya looks inherently different from Arial for non-thai characters.is there a less invasive way to support Thai in FTE components such that the appearance of the text is closer to the Arial font? I would rather not embed a font because I'm constrained on SWF size.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Xml File (characters Not Displaying Properly)?

Apr 10, 2007

this is my xml file

<question type="image">


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