Flash5 :: Gather Multiple Flash Movies Into One Moviefile?

Apr 7, 2009

I'm using flash CL4, and here is the thing:I got a few minigames that I made in flash, each is a separate file, and now I've made a new file which is gonna be the menu to navigate between them. What I want is that a user can press "game1" button, in my menu flash file and he get to my game1 flash game. Likewise with game2, game3 etc.

How do I do this? is it possible to import my flash games into this menu file, and still get it clean? I tried doing it, but it gets very messy with all the timelines and such.Or would it be easier to just do a URL link and redirect the user to the different files when he press one of the game buttons?

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Multiple Flash Movies On One Webpage?

Jul 11, 2011

I have obtained the Free Video to Flash Converter v 4.7.25 build 602 from www.dvdvideosoft.com, and find it creates flash movies from my .wmv files fine.

I selected the 'New Maxi' player and after converting a file, sample HTML script is provided to put onto a web page. Also, it directs copying the contents of the folder in which the movie is created into the folder that contains the web page.

I've done this OK, as can be seen on [URL] where there are four movies selectable amongst the 'still' pictures (e.g. 9th row, first column).

Each uses a hyperlink to a separate page for each movie containing the script provided above in its own folder with the copied contents mentioned above. This all works OK, and enables a full-screen view of the movies if required.

My query concerns the fact that I duplicate most of the files and folders for each movie page, when only the actual .flv and preview .jpg are different.

I've tried putting the 'common' files into a separate folder ( fl ) and only keeping the html page and settings.xml in each movie page folder. I put all four flv files in the fl.videos folder.

I amend the references to swfobject and videoPlayer in the individual four movie html pages by putting ../fl/ in front, and similarly with the videos location in settings.xml

When I do this, I get a black rectangle, but no controls, no start picture and no video.

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Nov 18, 2009

I'm making a binary socket server for Flash and I'm trying to figure out a way to run Multiple clients in a local environment for testing purposes. Tried to run the exported flash movie in my browser (to open multiple tabs of flash swf) but I just could not figure out how to solve the cross-domain problem. I'm running my server right from my PC (localhost) and just simply want to test my darn Flash document multiple times so I can simulate multiple clients.

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Javascript :: Do Multiple Flash Movies On A Webpage Download And Run In Parallel Or In Sequence

Nov 5, 2009

We have a flash website built using flex and CS3. Majority of the site has been done using flex. We have multiple flash movies on a page and we obviously have the page loading very slow. Now that we are looking into options for making the page fast, we are trying to understand whether we can run these flash movies in parallel ? Is there some provision in CS3 to make the flash understand that this object will be loaded and ran first and then the second object.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: GetFontList() Does Not Gather Alphabetically?

Aug 21, 2004

i have a combobox with instance name fonts and this code on frame 1:

fontAr = new Array
fontAr = TextField.getFontList()


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ActionScript 2.0 :: GetFontList() Does Not Gather Alphabetically

Aug 21, 2004

i have a combobox with instance name fonts and this code on frame 1:

fontAr = new Array
fontAr = TextField.getFontList()


it simply populates the combobox with all the fonts on your system...

but it is not very user friendly....

it would appear it orders them in order of date, which were last installed/made....

but if i am to actually USE this it would actually have some use if it were alphabetical...

so my question is this:

how can i re-arrange an array in alphabetical order?

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IDE :: Loading Multiple Movies?

Sep 21, 2009

I want to create a website having one main stage file(main.fla) with different swfs(movie1.swf, movie2.swf,movie3.swf) for various sections. Am not sure what I am doing wrong here but somehow when I click the button it does not load the respective flash file

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Keep Multiple Movies Loaded Simultaneously?

Jan 2, 2010

Is it necessary to unload Movies in Flash, or can I keep multiple movies loaded simultaneously? Are there memory requirements that make it necessary to limit the number of Flash movies loaded at one time?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Load Multiple Movies

Aug 14, 2009

I bought a template from flashmo which comes one main flash file and photoalbum fl. file. The main flash file plays swf. file from photoalbum. I like to create many photoalbums and play them on the main file.I have no idea how to do that. I spend hours and hours searching online but I cannot find information.The actionscript that is related to playing movie is below.

import mx.transitions.*;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
var numMenuX = 605;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: MovieClipLoader With Multiple Movies?

Feb 27, 2004

I'm using the MovieClipLoader () class to load 1 swf and 1 jpg, what I want is that once BOTH are loaded a certain command get executed.

Right now the command get executed twice, since it does it once the swf is loaded, and once the jpg is loaded:

var pagecontent = new MovieClipLoader();
pagecontent.loadClip(page + ".jpg", _root.mc_foto.mc_fposition);
pagecontent.loadClip(page + ".swf",_root.mc_cposition);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Multiple Movies Preloader?

Feb 9, 2005

i save this code from some forum, but it has some problem I do understand,look and try it and see if it can solve this out.

contArr = ["01.swf", "02.swf", "03.swf", "04.swf"];
function preloadClips(nr) {


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IDE :: Using Multiple Flv Movies And Timeline Control?

Apr 26, 2010

In short I am trying to have a looping movie clip (already an flv) on the 1st frame with a button that goes to the next frame where the movie only plays once (transition) and goes to frame 3,loads up a menu with a movie clip thats looping and from then a menu that links to other looping movies on different frames with text etc.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Fmx Preload Multiple Movies?

Oct 22, 2003

Does someone as a multiple movies preloader proto?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Multiple Movies In Background?

Jan 10, 2011

I am currently using AS2 and I have three movies (a,b,c) and one Master movie that loads those movies in each frame.


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Oct 26, 2005

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Attach Multiple Movies With OnMouseDown For Each?

Dec 1, 2005

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function createSlideIcons(num){
var targetMC:MovieClip = this.form1.slideNav.slider;
var spacer = 5;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Spacing Between Multiple Loaded Movies

Nov 10, 2006

I'm trying to load multiple .swf's into a horizontally expandable flash page (it's for a portfolio). The problem is, being a bit of novice when it comes to actionscript, I can't work out how to create the correct spacing for my images. I've got the code below but obviously the x position is simply a fixed amount (210px) which is no good as some images are much wider than others. I've tried to use _width to make the spacing dependent on the swf width but nothing seems to work.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Multiple Movies With Keystrokes

Apr 4, 2007

I have a movie with a blank mc on the stage. I have it set up so that when you press the RIGHT keyboard key it loads another movie in that mc. Here's the code for that:

this.onKeyDown = function() {
if (Key.getCode() == Key.RIGHT) {


If I have more than one movie, how do I code it so that when I press the RIGHT key again it loads another movie as well as goes back when I press the LEFT?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Embedding A Font ONCE For Multiple Movies?

Oct 10, 2007

the flash movies I am working on contain many dynamic text boxes. I need to embed the fonts in each movies (about 15) in order to have characters, caps, punctuation and accents.

Right now, the flash files are only 5-10kb, but when I embed the font, they become 50-60kb. I know this is normal. However, I would like to be able export the font only once, and have it attached to all movies.

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Flash5 : Wix Flash Transition Copy?

Aug 10, 2010

[URL] is where the page is located but i want to copy the transitions between pages into my own flash document and i have literally no idea where to start. I have flash cs5.

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Play Sound File Across Multiple Scenes / Movies?

Jan 18, 2010

Most of my flash movies have been reasonable sizes, but the one I'm working on now is kind of a beast. It's up against the 16000 frame limit, so I'm looking into ways to chop it up. The problem is that I need a way to keep my background music playing across multiple scenes or movies. Is there a way to start a sound file in one movie, and have it continue when another scene is loaded or when a second movie file is loaded with ActionScript?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scroll MC With Multiple Attached Movies Inside

Jul 12, 2006

i am loading some thumbnails from an xml file into a movieclip using attachMovie() - each thumbnail loaded is in it's own MC inside the 'container' MC. everything works great but i need to be able to scroll the thumbnails b/c the number of thumbnails can change but the space they have to fit into cannot. make sense? if attach them to a scrollpane or a textarea instead of a MC it only shows the last thumnail loaded or iterated in the for loop.

articleNos = seasArts.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes.length;
var item_spacing = 55;
var item_count = 0;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Random Motion Tutorial With Multiple Movies?

Sep 26, 2006

The random motion tutorial works just perfectly with one movieclip, but when I try to make a new movie clip and assign the same code to it, it really doesn't duplicate at all. The original movieclip has an instance name of dot so I created a new movieclip with instance name of dottwo.But for some reasob the following code doesn't duplicate the dottwo at all

i = 0;
while (i<25) {
dot.duplicateMovieClip("dot"+i, i);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Giving Multiple Movies Actions With For Loop

Oct 2, 2007

What i want to do is assign actions to each individual movieclip using a for loop.. let me explain Say i have 5 MovieClips on the stage... With instance names clip1, clip2, clip3.... Now what i want to do is assign a OnRollOver and OnRelease to each 1 So individual code for each would be something like this.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Keeping Multiple Nested Movies Separated?

Jan 22, 2005

Im making a game in which you controll some gattling AA guns..you start of with one and can later buy more...the gattling gun itself consist of 3 different movie clips and 1 text box (dynamic)WHen you buy more gattling guns later on , i just want to duplicate the original gattlinggun and let you place it anywere on the ground you want...

Firing is all good and dandy, each gun aims at mouse cursor and spews out bullets.. but for added realism ive made it so that each gun Can Jam (short delay befre can fire again)this does not work however because (as far as i can tell) what happens in 1 movie also happens in the others, so if 1 jams(the dynamic text box changes to JAM) all turrets get JAM in them(sticky i know)... now i want to know how do i make each movie completly separate , so they do not inherit properties from eachother...

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Flash5 Flash Ignoring Stop(); Function?

Apr 19, 2011

In main timeline I have a layer that contains my levels. So far 3 test levels. In the actions layer in the main timeline I have this code

if (circle_mc.hitTestObject(platforms.goal1))
nextLevel.alpha = 1.00
nextLevel.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, nextLevel1);


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Professional :: Play / Pause Controls While Loading Multiple Movies

Apr 22, 2010

I have a question in Flash play/pause button. I have created a flash slideshow which was exceeding 16000 frames, so I've split the movie into two. I'm loading the second movie at the end of the main movie using loadMovieNum. I have placed the play/pause button in the main movie which works fine until the second movie loads. This used to work for me in the older version of Flash (flash 8).I'm using CS4 now.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reflection Mask On Multiple Movies Makes Only One Clickable

Sep 11, 2009

I'm having a really strange problem with movieclips that use a mask for reflection. On my main timeline I'm creating two instances of a movieclip named 'item'. In item.as I'm setting buttonmode and cacheAsBitmap to true, then setting a gradient movieclip as a mask. When I run the movie I am only getting the clickable hand icon when I hover over the first clip. However, if I comment out 'this.mask = mask_mc' then both clips are selectable.

Main Timeline
Select allvar item_mc = new item();
item_mc.x = 0;
item_mc.y = 100;
var item_mc2 = new item();
[Code] .....

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Flash5 :: Image Forces Flash Page To Left?

May 13, 2011

I purchased a Flash template and went into edit it in Macromedia Flash CS5.

I imported an image into the library and swapped the image with an image that was in the template I bought. The image I imported into the library is is a little longer and wider than the image I am replacing. Yet it still fits nicely on the page visually.

When I upload the SWF and HTML for the flash site that I just changed the image in, the flash site hugs the left side of the display screen and is not centered. Also the scroll bar on the right is no where to be found.

I then uploaded the original Flash SWf and HTML I bought without changing the image, the flashsite stays centered on the screen and there is a scroll bar on the right. So I decided to make another image the size of the one I was trying to replace in the flash template. I swapped the image out after bringing the new one into the library with import. Still the same problem.

The original template said pre-school and was trying to change to Inspire pre-school with a logo. A picture file that zooms in on the screen.

Here is the live examples.

Original Flash Template: [URL]

Modified Template with Inspire: [URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash5 : Create A Little Adventure/flash Movie Game?

Aug 17, 2010

I'm trying to create a little adventure/flash movie game.. where you click around on things and something happens, but the main idea is a little quest where you trade items with few NPC's around the game to get to the end..

As an inventory I have plain drawn inventory, and invisable items/movie_clips on it, that only go visible once the NPC's did action of giving you them and making it visible in your inventory spot (I know, stupid but I'm a noob).. The reason for this is cause I wanted the Quest Items to be as Drag/Drop items while giving to NPC's, not just press/dissapear routine thing..

What I'm having problem with is, saving quest items the Character got from the NPC's.. (in other words they dissapear once the character goes back to the FIRST scene/frame of the game) What I'm looking for is a code that can check if in previous scene/frame were those movie clips visible or invisable, and apply that to the next scene.. so that the items/movie_clips wouldn't dissaear when switching between scenes/frames..

here is an example of what I'm doing, but with out the nessasery code for checking, so it doesn't work properly from the second frame and when you go back to the first one again: here is a link for the flash on deviantArt:the codes that I'm using are multiply drag&drop that I found:[URL] Code in frame for multiply drag&drop:

_root.blue_mc._visible=false; //makes blue ball invisable at start
_root.green_mc._visible=false; //make green ball invisable at start


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