Flex :: DataGrid Editing Cells In Same Row Not Firing Collection Change Event

Mar 20, 2010

I am using the flex datagrid to allow the user to edit some data. My update process relies on a CollectionEvent of type update. Basically I catch this event package the values and update the database. However, if the user edits a cell then moves to edit a cell in the same row the value is updated but a collection event is not fired. Only when clicking out of the row the event is fired. Has anyone had experience with this. I have heard the datagrid is a little quirky is this one of those quirks or am I doing this all wrong?

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private var _dataProvider : Object;
public function get dataProvider() : Object

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I have a Numeric Stepper. If I click on the plus or minus my event will fire.


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<mx:DataGrid id="dgCompetente" includeIn="Competente" x="10" y="66" width="547" height="468"
change="dgCompetente_changeHandler(event)" dataProvider="{colCompetente}"


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Thats a somewhat pruned down version of what the real code is, but I don't think I trimmed out anything important. The key, as I see it is that we fire up the params dialog, then start to listen for the closed event. Then, we show the param dialogs close function. What happens when it fails is that the trace message "caught close event.." is never generated, and, consequently, the closeHandler is not getting called at all.

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


I'm trying to achieve 2-way binding with the Booths variable.the COLLECTION_CHANGE event never fires even when I add 2 new items in the Booths variable in the App.mxml

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Flex :: Programmatically Firing Event Listeners

Nov 10, 2011

I would like to programatically fire an event on a spark checkbox. I have a tab bar which has tabs enabled according to various checkboxes. I am loading data into these tabs. Sometimes tabs 1 and 2 will be enabled. Other times tabs 2 and 3. Other times tab 4 by itself (and all the other combinations). I have tried to enable the VBox (in action script) which is in my view stack but it seems to freeze the application. The VBox enables correctly upon user input on the check box. If I set the checkbox to be selected it does not fire the event and so does not enable the tab.

Is it possible to manually fire an event in Flex. I have tried to see if I can take the checkbox and get the event and fire it. Unfortunately I can only see addEventListener, hasEventLister and removeEventListener. There is no way of getting the events that are already on the checkbox

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Mar 25, 2010

enter code hereBeen really frustrating just trying to load a swf from a swfloader in Flex and then accessing it's content. I'm sure once I figure out how to do it once then it'll be fine, but I've gone thorugh a bunch of tutorials and somethings not right. Here's my flex code:and the as code:

public function initHeaderSwf():void

Here's the problem: The swf loads, there is no problem there.i see it in my compiled swf. but the complete event doesn't fire. CreationComplete will fire, and then I try, after that, to make a event listener for loading the actual swf, that doesn't fire.I've tried it a variety of different ways with no luck.All I am trying to do is change a text field in the loaded swf.I imagine this might be a problem with the sequence of things loading or something like that, but not sure.

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Sep 1, 2010

I have a HTTPService:
<mx:HTTPService id="scoreService" url="http://" method="POST" result="onResult(event)">
<s:request xmlns="">

And a script for (event):
private function onResult(e:ResultEvent):void {
if (e.result.status == true) {
} else {
Alert.show("...", "...");
The problem is that none of the event possibilities fires after I POST data to my php.

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Flash :: Check Spark DataGrid Cells' Contents Programmatically?

Jan 24, 2012

I'm using the Spark DataGrid for the first time and finding it generally very usable.There's something I'd like to do with the contents of my grid now that I've drawn it though and I'm a bit stuck as how to proceed.I'd like to make a function that runs through each cell of a certain column in the DataGrid, that checks each value against an Array of predefined values; if it finds a match, it should then highlight the cell as conflicting, by changing its colour.I know you can access a particular cell's item renderer, by using the getItemRendererAt() function, and passing the column and row indices. But I can't see how I would, for example, loop through the values in each column

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Flex :: ChangeWatcher Not Firing On Bound Property Change?

Sep 30, 2010

On creation complete my parent component executes an "init" function which simply sets public bindable variables in child components. I'd like the child components to watch these variables and upon being set use them. However, for some reason the ChangeWatcher is not firing with the change of the variable. Below is my code;

Parent Component
private function init():void
userInfo.user = new User("Tom");


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Flash - Enable Tab Key Navigation On A Datagrid Where The Cells Are Custom Item Renderers?

May 26, 2011

This is a snippet of code in our custom item renderer which is in actionscript:

Alert.show( "Without this alert focus goes to next grid " );

Right now tab navigation works (on tab, focus goes to next editable cell) with the alert inserted in the code but I'm not sure why because I believe the alert in the code breaks the flow of event bubbling. However without the alert (which is what we are going for) the focus goes to the next grid in our UI.

You can see the attempts of trying to stop the event from going to other components. I have also tried to call preventDefault() and stopPropagation() on the datagrid when it receives a tab key event.

how to allow proper tab key navigation without an alert?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Combing CellRenderer Individually But Not Simultaneously For Cells In A Datagrid In A Flash Document

Nov 2, 2009

I am attempting to combine two AS files that are acting as cellRenderers individually but not simultaneously for cells in a datagrid in a Flash document I have created. The first styles the cells to have alternating row colors and the second allows for non-text content to be rendered. The issue is whenever I attempt to combine them the document reports errors with "super" and "override" among others.


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I am a bit stuck here for the past few days. I have a SWF running in Security.LOCAL_TRUSTED sandbox. I can load my JPEGs and simple SWFs without any problems


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Sep 14, 2004

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