Flex ::How To Identify Client Web Browser

Jun 23, 2010

How do we identify the user's web browser in flex ? Based on the browser I have to display some text in my flex application.

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Flex :: Load The Swfs Through Http So That The Client Browser Can Cache Them?

Dec 25, 2009

The client-side application is a Flex application and communicate with server-side java application using blazeds.As you know,most browsers don't cache SWFs loaded over https,but i want load the swfs through http so that the client brower can cache them and communicate with the server-side over https ?

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Flex :: Identify The Component's SelectedItem

Mar 17, 2010

I am creating a lot of dynamic flex components like RadioButton, Combo Box, CheckBox.


When i click on Submit finally i need to get all the selected Values in each question. All the components are dynamically created at runtime.

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I have tilelist, which is dynamically loaded XML file with pictures,How do I do that would be when you click on a picture in the Label gave her name?

<mx:TileList id="tileList"


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As in Java I want to know if my reference is declared as Interface.

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Flex :: Identify The Original Message That Triggers MessageFaultEvent?

Nov 30, 2010

I'm using BlazeDS to send messages in Flex. Inside the UI component, I defined a producer like the one below:

<mx:Producer id="producer"

I was wondering inside faultHandler how I'm able to identify what message causes the error. As it seems there's no way to get the reference to the original message.This is the code snippet how the message is constructed and sent.

private function sendMessage():void {
var message:AsyncMessage = new AsyncMessage();
message.body = userName.text + ": " + input.text;


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Javascript :: Determine IP# Of Domain From Client Browser?

Mar 26, 2010

I would very much like to determine the IP# of a domain from client script. It's for use in a testing application to determine whether or not a certain domain is set to a QA address as opposed to the address live on the . The testing machine will have it's host file set to resolve a domain to the QA address.Pinging from the server won't help since the server is getting the public DNS address.

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Ajax :: Establish A TCP Socket Connection From A Web Browser (client Side)?

Nov 8, 2011

I've read about WebSockets but they don't seem to be pure "sockets", because there is an application layer protocol over them. "ws:"Is there any way of doing a pure socket connection from a web browser, to enliven webpages?Here are my random stabs in the darkApplets sockets provided by Java (need java installed)Flash sockets provided by Flash (need flash installed)But about HTML5, Why are they called WebSockets if they aren't Sockets?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Read Or Write Browser Cookies, Using A Flash Client?

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I'd like to read or write browser cookies, using a flash client.

Lets say, If I have a website with users... And they can play all sorts of movies (the client). I'd like to have a way to recognize the user. Maybe there's a different alternative?

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Flex :: Identify All The Display Objects In The Display List?

Jun 28, 2011

How do I identify all the display objects in the display list in ActionScript, bellow the one that I have clicked? All the other objects are shadowed by the first one. What if other objects have visible parameter as hidden?

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Flex :: Make A Flash Browser App That Could Receive Data From Browser Plugin Or Other Windows App?

Dec 18, 2009

in other words, suppose I want to send data, like text, programmatically from a Windows app (such as a browser plugin) to a Flash app running in the browser. Well, conceptually, an example of this might be a Flash instant messenger with a textbox and button "Send"; so let's say I want to be able to programmatically paste the text and press Send or otherwise activate it. That's NOT what I am trying to do here in reality (i.e., no,I am not trying to spam other people's chat rooms or anything)but just an illustration of a similar situation.I can include in it whatever widget or hack that may be necessary.The reason why this problem is arising for me is that AFAIK the SDK that is providing me the data I want cannot be directly accessed from Flash, so I need a way to pipe the data from a regular app into Flash. can I have the Flash app interact with other apps through localhost IP? Or are there draconian restrictions on which server Flash in browser can and cannot interact?

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Flex :: Debugging - Running A Webapp Base Flex Client In IntelliJ?

May 10, 2011

Is it possible to run a Flex client in IntelliJ internally and have it talk to a separately deployed server instance? The server's a java webapp. This will make developing, especially debugging, much easier. What I'm trying to avoid is having to rebuild and redeploy the webapp to get the updated Flex code in it. I want to just build flex and run it against the server.

The flex client is embedded in an HTML page on the server, so in production the users access the client by going to a web page. We're using GraniteDS if that's important.


I'm managed to cobble something together, but it's ugly.I made a copy of our wrapper HTML page and fixed the links to refer to the SWF in target.I setup the IntelliJ run config to point to that HTML page.I set the 'Place SWF file in a local-trusted sandbox' to true

Hardcoded the {server.name}, {server.port}, and {context.root} values in the service-config.xml GraniteDS config file to localhost, etc.

I can mavenize #1, but #3's isn't really a permanent solution. That part is still a problem because I can't check this in.

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Media Server :: Find Client Disconnected When Client Lost Net Connection?

Oct 27, 2010

how can I find on fms server that client disconnected if if client disconnected due to power cut off. I client manually close the application then onDisconnect on server is called but if due to power cut off it does not called.

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Actionscript 3 - Flex / Flash - Open The Swf In A Browser Window That Doesn't Have The Browser Control Bar Or Menu?

Oct 27, 2010

The title essentially is the question, how do I open the .swf without the browser's control bar junk? and maximize the window?

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Flex :: Adobe Flex - Doing Group By At Client End (DataGrid To Pie Chart)?

Dec 23, 2010

I am in a situation where user gets the cars data from the database based on the selection and displays it in datagrid like below ( for example)

Company Model Year No
GM Chevy 2010 10
GM Chevy 2009 5
GM Pontiac 2010 12
Honda Civic 2009 12

and there will be a link next to datagrid to get Pie chart based on the data displays in the data grid . The pie graph should display grouping by company and the count . I mean for the above example that should give with two pie items , one for GM showing the number of vehicles ( in this case 3 ) and Honda showing the number of vehicles ( in this case 1 ).

I thought of getting it from the database by querying and grouping it .But here the problem is after getting the data above in the datagrid user can able to filter at client end ( By year or model ) and can say get graph . This time that should only display the graph for the data visible in Datagrid .Grouping on database for every operation is becoming expensive. Since we have already data available at client end , is there any way to group it at client ..?

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Flex :: Recover The HttpHeader Information From A Flex Client?

Aug 11, 2009

Is it possible to recover the HttpHeader information from a flex Client? I want to do the following:

User download the flex client from a web site

In each communication flex client catch the HttpHeader information in order to change (If it is necessary) the host information to be connected (For example in a HA configuration)

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Flex :: Generate Flex SOAP Client Using Maven?

Aug 9, 2011

I have a java server side project which contains JAX-WS web-services (using JavaEE 6 and the @WebService annotation).

Is there some kind of plugin that would allow me to generate Flex client stubs during my maven build ?

I have taken a look at enunciate, but it seems to generate only AMF client.

I've also tried to look at GraniteDS, but their doc seems a little opaque to me.

Notice my Flex project is compiled using flexmojos, which contains a flexmojos:generate mojo that should be able to generate domain object (however I don't understand how to say it to use domain classes from ANOTHER project, and not from a different folder).

So, is there any maven plugin that would allow the kind of feature described in this Adobe page ?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Client To Client File Transfer

Nov 19, 2008

Can we perform client to client file transfer, client to server can be done by FileReference. but how do we do client to client transfer, for example if a user wants to send file to another user to whom he is chatting online.

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Php :: Bundling PHP MySql With Flex To Be Given To A Client?

Aug 1, 2009

I made an application using Flex,php,mysql. Now to give it to a client, I am bundling this flex application with xampp. There are few problems with this approach :

1. Whenever the flex application runs, an xampp window also opens up.

2. The Apache port number, which I am giving to the client is fixed. Same for mysql port number.

What could be a better alternative to overcome these?

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Flash :: Flex - Do Sessions With A Client

Jan 28, 2010

Since the Flash Player (or, more exactly, the URLLoader class) will not let you read HTTP response headers or cookies set by the server, and if you get hold of a session cookie through some workaround like reaching out to the browser and run JS, you can't send it to the server, because, among others, the Cookie header will be blocked. Now I'm building a Flex client against an HTTP API for my server product. I control both sides, so I can get get around the above limitations, now I'm wondering how. I see the following options:

include the session token in the HTTP payload include the token in the URL build my own HTTP client (... with blackjack, and hookers ...) in AS, using the Socket class I don't like (1), because I'm reimplementing functionality in my protocol that is already built into Struts, which I'm using to implement the server side. I then have to ensure that either both behave the same way, or turn off the usual way of session management and force other clients to use my protocol where they could just have the browser deal with it. I don't like (2), because I understand that there are security concerns with this, although I'm not too sure which

I don't like (3), because it's 2010 and tons of HTTP clients have been written by smarter people than me. So, are there other opportunities? Which of my "don't like"s do you reckon least severe? Are there ways to mitigate the problems I listed? For example, how insecure are session tokens in URLs really?

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Flex :: Setting Up Web Service Client?

Jun 1, 2010

I am new to Flex and needed some help setting up Web service client.I have a web service of method: public String printEchoStr(String str);I am facing problem while creating action script to call this service.I am getting error1067 : Implicit coercion of a value of type String to an unrelated ty generated. webservices:PrintEcho.I am not sure if this is the correct way.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute"

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Flex :: Html5 - App Be A Websockets Client?

Dec 13, 2010

I don't see why not! Has somebody implemented this so far? Any links?

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Flex :: Detecting Client Screen Resolution?

Oct 23, 2009

How can i detect my client's screen resolution .. in Flex??

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Flex :: Use Dto's To Transfer Data Between Server And Client?

Oct 28, 2009

I've read some books on creating stateless websites, I've read some about stateful client applications, but a lot of complexity comes along when you have to combine both. We have a Flex application that needs to persist data to a database via .NET services. Things to keep in mind are:

- Concurrency (optimistic/pessimistic)

- Performance: Flex needs to load in lots of data so lazy-loading is often necessary.

- Do you use Dto's to transfer data between server and client?

I'll tell you the history of our product. We've used SubSonic from the beginning as a o/r mapper. SubSonic objects are converted to dto's written by us and these dto's are transferred to the client. Clientside the dto's are converted to the domain model. If clientside a domain model object needs to be saved, it is converted back to a dto and send to the server. Server side the dto is converted to a subsonic object and saved to the database.

Now, some time ago, we needed the domain model on the .NET server side... so now we have like three models on the server side, the subsonic model, the dto model and the domain model. The dto model is more simple and resembles the database more, the domain model has much more logic. It gets complex... We now have to synchronize the AS3 domain model code with the C# domain model code. If we could do it again (of get time to refactor) I think we wouldn't use the dto's anymore, but transfer the domain model between client and server. Dto's are simple objects so easy to transfer. Domain model objects can be very complex.

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Flex :: When Mapping Inheritance In Web Service For A Client

Dec 1, 2009

I have an issue when consuming a web service from a Flex app. In the backend I have a hierarchy, let's say I have an abstract class Fruit, and 2 implementations: Apple and Orange. Fruit has a property, name, Apple has a property color, and Orange has a property radius. Then, I have a service wich returns a collection of Fruit. When I consume it from Flex, this collection returns objects wich type are Fruit, with its name property; but I lose all the properties for the implementation classes (color nor radius). So, the question is, does Flex support inheritance mapping when using web services? If not, is there any workarround?

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Flex :: Send Typed Object From FMS To Client

Jan 2, 2010

I have following object in the FMS

User = function(userName,userId)
this.userName = userName;
this.userId = userId;

I need to send the list of user to the client swf. Once I initialized the User object collection to an array, array element is undefined when I read it from the client.


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Flash :: Push Data To Flex Client?

Mar 14, 2010

I want to push data to flex clients. I am talking about anywhere between 5000-15000 concurrent users, need to get data every time a currency is changed so that means lots of changes for lots of users.

I have been looking into WebOrb.net, but the performance seem very poor (100 users concurrent) for a product so pricy (we purchased a license).

So, I have to look into alternatives, I know there's fluorineFx but it seems no one is really using it for products and it lacks in examples and documentation.

My question is: what products can answer my needs (.net backend) and what are the performance I can expect out of these products?

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Flex :: Client / Server Messaging (RPC Or Socket)

Apr 9, 2010

I'm building a Flex application, which is going to perform many server requests (let's say, that almost all interactions require an update from server). At the moment I'm using remote procedure calls for it. But I was wondering if using a socket would be better. In other terms, is maybe better to keep the connection alive rather then performing many calls in sequence? For my demo app I only have 1 client. Is the number of clients connecting to the server a factor for this choice?

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Flex :: Blazeds - Disconnect Client From Server?

Jun 15, 2010

I am using BlazeDS. Does anybody know how to disconnect client from server? Client must be informed about this event.

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