Flex :: Recover The HttpHeader Information From A Flex Client?

Aug 11, 2009

Is it possible to recover the HttpHeader information from a flex Client? I want to do the following:

User download the flex client from a web site

In each communication flex client catch the HttpHeader information in order to change (If it is necessary) the host information to be connected (For example in a HA configuration)

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Recovery - Flex: Recover From A Corrupt Local SharedObject?

Mar 29, 2012

My Flex app uses local SharedObjects. There have been incidents of the Flash cookie getting corrupt, for example, due to a plugin crash. In this case SharedObjects.getLocal will throw an exception (#2006).

My client wants the app to recover gracefully: if the cookie is corrupt, I should replace it with an empty one. The problem is, if SharedObject.getLocal doesn't return an instance of SharedObject, I've nothing to call clear() on. How can I delete or replace such a cookie?


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Flash - Obtain System Information Or Cpu Information Using Adobe Flex?

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I want to build a program built around my pc specs. Is there a way to access such information as how much ram I have or how much cpu usage is being consumed, etc.?

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Flex :: Output Database Information In A Text Input Field In Flex By Using RemoteObject(cfc)

Mar 16, 2011

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Flex :: Debugging - Running A Webapp Base Flex Client In IntelliJ?

May 10, 2011

Is it possible to run a Flex client in IntelliJ internally and have it talk to a separately deployed server instance? The server's a java webapp. This will make developing, especially debugging, much easier. What I'm trying to avoid is having to rebuild and redeploy the webapp to get the updated Flex code in it. I want to just build flex and run it against the server.

The flex client is embedded in an HTML page on the server, so in production the users access the client by going to a web page. We're using GraniteDS if that's important.


I'm managed to cobble something together, but it's ugly.I made a copy of our wrapper HTML page and fixed the links to refer to the SWF in target.I setup the IntelliJ run config to point to that HTML page.I set the 'Place SWF file in a local-trusted sandbox' to true

Hardcoded the {server.name}, {server.port}, and {context.root} values in the service-config.xml GraniteDS config file to localhost, etc.

I can mavenize #1, but #3's isn't really a permanent solution. That part is still a problem because I can't check this in.

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Flex :: Adobe Flex - Doing Group By At Client End (DataGrid To Pie Chart)?

Dec 23, 2010

I am in a situation where user gets the cars data from the database based on the selection and displays it in datagrid like below ( for example)

Company Model Year No
GM Chevy 2010 10
GM Chevy 2009 5
GM Pontiac 2010 12
Honda Civic 2009 12

and there will be a link next to datagrid to get Pie chart based on the data displays in the data grid . The pie graph should display grouping by company and the count . I mean for the above example that should give with two pie items , one for GM showing the number of vehicles ( in this case 3 ) and Honda showing the number of vehicles ( in this case 1 ).

I thought of getting it from the database by querying and grouping it .But here the problem is after getting the data above in the datagrid user can able to filter at client end ( By year or model ) and can say get graph . This time that should only display the graph for the data visible in Datagrid .Grouping on database for every operation is becoming expensive. Since we have already data available at client end , is there any way to group it at client ..?

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Flex :: Generate Flex SOAP Client Using Maven?

Aug 9, 2011

I have a java server side project which contains JAX-WS web-services (using JavaEE 6 and the @WebService annotation).

Is there some kind of plugin that would allow me to generate Flex client stubs during my maven build ?

I have taken a look at enunciate, but it seems to generate only AMF client.

I've also tried to look at GraniteDS, but their doc seems a little opaque to me.

Notice my Flex project is compiled using flexmojos, which contains a flexmojos:generate mojo that should be able to generate domain object (however I don't understand how to say it to use domain classes from ANOTHER project, and not from a different folder).

So, is there any maven plugin that would allow the kind of feature described in this Adobe page ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Read Client Information

Jan 10, 2011

I want to get client IP and mac address,can as3 do it? Which class can I use?

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Actionscript 3 :: Can Flash Read Client Side Hardware Information

Sep 28, 2010

Can flash read client side hardware information such as RAM, CPU, Computer unique id hard drive size?

I know it can read the camera and maybe the monitor size but the above is still remain unknown to me.

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Flex :: BlazeDS+ActiveMQ Disconnection Of Flex Client From A Durable Topic Does Not Remove It From ActiveMQ

Jul 2, 2011

I'm trying to make a Flex-based desktop application consume messages from an ActiveMQ topic with a durable subscription, using the JMS bridge of BlazeDS. The basic scenario is as follows: Messages are produced by other producers in the topic to which the Flex client is subscribed. The Flex client may go offline from time to time, but it must receive all the messages it has missed while being offline when it connects to BlazeDS again. (Of course the Flex client connects with the same client ID every time). It can not be guaranteed that the Flex client is shut down gracefully.

Everything works fine if I explicitly disconnect my consumer on the Flex side by calling disconnect() - I do it in the exit handler of the application. However, due to #3 above, it is not guaranteed that disconnect() is called all the time. When the Flex client shuts down without calling disconnect(), it seems that the subscription of the "proxy JMS client" that BlazeDS creates and associates to the Flex client stays active towards ActiveMQ, so ActiveMQ still thinks that the client is logged in. When the Flex app starts up the next time, it is unable to log in to BlazeDS because ActiveMQ refuses its subscription, claiming that the client ID is already taken. Why is it so and what can I do here to ensure that BlazeDS makes the "proxy JMS client" offline in ActiveMQ when its real Flex counterpart terminates unexpectedly?

More detailed information: some debugging revealed that:


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Flex :: Retrieve Information From Sql Database

Sep 30, 2009

I use flex and php to retrieve information from my sql database. What i have been doing is formatting the result from the database query into xml and then putting the result into an arraycollection. It all works fine except one of my database fields contains a lot of text that website users enter and as xml doesn't like tags like <> so I leave it un formatted but I would like to format it. Would I be better using flashvars or text than xml? Or is there another way?

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Flex :: Editing Datagrid Information?

Jan 29, 2010

I have an edit button at the end of each row, when clicked it brings up an editable form with that rows information in it. I am using event listeners to pass the information back to the main datagrid. The only think i don't understand is, how do you update the datafield values in the datagrid.I've tried a lot of different things, variations myDatagrid.nameField.text = "Person's Name"nameField[1].text = "Person's name"Anybody know how I can target the specific rows of the datagrid to edit the values in them?I have looked a little into data binding, but I can't figure out how to bind the form (in a seperate class) to the datagrid in the main mxml file.

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Flex :: Get Information Of Tabs Open In TabNavigator

Jun 19, 2009

i am opening tabs with click event on tree list view. Problem is that i do not want open tab Pista as u can see in image again. i want to focus that open Pista tab.

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Php :: Push Information From A Proxy To A Flex Application?

Jul 29, 2010

So I have a PHP proxy that gets information from a website. Let's say the proxy gets the information from (www.example.com). It checks if the number of lines returned is the same as before, if not then there are more lines, it counts the difference then it need to push this information to the Flex client saying that it has new information, (x) more lines have been written.I am not really sure how to do the push mechanism on the php proxy because I am not sure how to actually push from the proxy to the client, never done it before.

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Flex :: Access Log Information For ColdFusion Server ?

Mar 30, 2011

I have Flex front end talking with ColdFusion as the back end. I have to debug my application and need to: Add log support to ColdFusion where I can add my custom messages to log list.Access this log at Flex end.Is it possible? Has anyone tried it before?

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XML :: Flex 3 - Using Repeater And Sending XML Information To Component

Apr 26, 2011

I trying to import an XML file, and send bits and pieces to a custom component. My XML file is structured like this:

<projName>{Insert title of project here}</projName>
<startDate>{Insert date here}</startDate>
<daysOffset>{Insert a number here}</daysOffset>
[Code] .....

When I save the project, I do not get any errors or warnings. However, when I attempt to output the values in the component, the projectPositions piece comes back as Null.

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Flash :: Flex: SSL Certificate Information Gathering

Feb 9, 2012

I need to get some SSL information (such as the 'issued by' parameter and so on). I know you can get the certificate status with a recent Adobe addition (secureSocket.serverCertificateStatus) but i need to know as much as possible about the certificate and hence my question.

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Flex :: Passing Along Information On A FileReference Complete Event?

Nov 11, 2009

I need to pass along a string with my FileReference, or provide that string as an argument when an event fires. To be clear, it really annoys me that AS3 doesn't allow you to pass parameters on events.Right now, I've extended the FileReference class to include an additional variable. I'm trying to get this to compile, but it won't compile; I think I don't know how to import this class correctly. If you can tell me how to import this class correctly so that I no longer get Error: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant at compile time that would be great.

This is the extended FileReference class:
import flash.net.FileReference;
public class SxmFR extends FileReference {


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Flex :: Getting Feedback From URLLoader After Sending Information To A Coldfusion File

Jun 28, 2011

I have a scheduling application that allows users to save any changes. When the user clicks the save button, Flex sends all the information to a coldfusion script which picks the information apart and sends saves it to the database. That all works well and good, but I would like to be able to display some sort of text to the user saying something like "Your file was successfully saved" or "There has been an error.


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Actionscript 3 :: Flex Using Sharedobjects To Store Information On Server - Crash

Aug 26, 2011

I am working on a flex project using sharedobjects to store information on my server. I am not 100% sure how to do this, so I was looking up tutorials and came across this bit of code:


But when it gets to the 3rd line, it crashes. I don't know how to use the debugger for flex sadly enough

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Media Server :: Sending Information From Server-side Script To Client?

Apr 18, 2010

I have created a script for an Adobe FMS application to broadcast a playlist of video files as a live stream. (internet tv)
I am now working on a custom Flash-based video player to play my stream.

How do I send information from my server-side FMS application (main.asc) to the client-side video player? (e.g: title, duration of current video player)

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Php :: Bundling PHP MySql With Flex To Be Given To A Client?

Aug 1, 2009

I made an application using Flex,php,mysql. Now to give it to a client, I am bundling this flex application with xampp. There are few problems with this approach :

1. Whenever the flex application runs, an xampp window also opens up.

2. The Apache port number, which I am giving to the client is fixed. Same for mysql port number.

What could be a better alternative to overcome these?

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Flash :: Flex - Do Sessions With A Client

Jan 28, 2010

Since the Flash Player (or, more exactly, the URLLoader class) will not let you read HTTP response headers or cookies set by the server, and if you get hold of a session cookie through some workaround like reaching out to the browser and run JS, you can't send it to the server, because, among others, the Cookie header will be blocked. Now I'm building a Flex client against an HTTP API for my server product. I control both sides, so I can get get around the above limitations, now I'm wondering how. I see the following options:

include the session token in the HTTP payload include the token in the URL build my own HTTP client (... with blackjack, and hookers ...) in AS, using the Socket class I don't like (1), because I'm reimplementing functionality in my protocol that is already built into Struts, which I'm using to implement the server side. I then have to ensure that either both behave the same way, or turn off the usual way of session management and force other clients to use my protocol where they could just have the browser deal with it. I don't like (2), because I understand that there are security concerns with this, although I'm not too sure which

I don't like (3), because it's 2010 and tons of HTTP clients have been written by smarter people than me. So, are there other opportunities? Which of my "don't like"s do you reckon least severe? Are there ways to mitigate the problems I listed? For example, how insecure are session tokens in URLs really?

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Flex :: Setting Up Web Service Client?

Jun 1, 2010

I am new to Flex and needed some help setting up Web service client.I have a web service of method: public String printEchoStr(String str);I am facing problem while creating action script to call this service.I am getting error1067 : Implicit coercion of a value of type String to an unrelated ty generated. webservices:PrintEcho.I am not sure if this is the correct way.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute"

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Flex ::How To Identify Client Web Browser

Jun 23, 2010

How do we identify the user's web browser in flex ? Based on the browser I have to display some text in my flex application.

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Flex :: Html5 - App Be A Websockets Client?

Dec 13, 2010

I don't see why not! Has somebody implemented this so far? Any links?

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Flex :: Detecting Client Screen Resolution?

Oct 23, 2009

How can i detect my client's screen resolution .. in Flex??

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Flex :: Use Dto's To Transfer Data Between Server And Client?

Oct 28, 2009

I've read some books on creating stateless websites, I've read some about stateful client applications, but a lot of complexity comes along when you have to combine both. We have a Flex application that needs to persist data to a database via .NET services. Things to keep in mind are:

- Concurrency (optimistic/pessimistic)

- Performance: Flex needs to load in lots of data so lazy-loading is often necessary.

- Do you use Dto's to transfer data between server and client?

I'll tell you the history of our product. We've used SubSonic from the beginning as a o/r mapper. SubSonic objects are converted to dto's written by us and these dto's are transferred to the client. Clientside the dto's are converted to the domain model. If clientside a domain model object needs to be saved, it is converted back to a dto and send to the server. Server side the dto is converted to a subsonic object and saved to the database.

Now, some time ago, we needed the domain model on the .NET server side... so now we have like three models on the server side, the subsonic model, the dto model and the domain model. The dto model is more simple and resembles the database more, the domain model has much more logic. It gets complex... We now have to synchronize the AS3 domain model code with the C# domain model code. If we could do it again (of get time to refactor) I think we wouldn't use the dto's anymore, but transfer the domain model between client and server. Dto's are simple objects so easy to transfer. Domain model objects can be very complex.

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Flex :: When Mapping Inheritance In Web Service For A Client

Dec 1, 2009

I have an issue when consuming a web service from a Flex app. In the backend I have a hierarchy, let's say I have an abstract class Fruit, and 2 implementations: Apple and Orange. Fruit has a property, name, Apple has a property color, and Orange has a property radius. Then, I have a service wich returns a collection of Fruit. When I consume it from Flex, this collection returns objects wich type are Fruit, with its name property; but I lose all the properties for the implementation classes (color nor radius). So, the question is, does Flex support inheritance mapping when using web services? If not, is there any workarround?

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Flex :: Send Typed Object From FMS To Client

Jan 2, 2010

I have following object in the FMS

User = function(userName,userId)
this.userName = userName;
this.userId = userId;

I need to send the list of user to the client swf. Once I initialized the User object collection to an array, array element is undefined when I read it from the client.


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