Flex :: NumericStepper With Leading 0 On Numbers Below 10?

Jun 15, 2011

Is there a way to make NumericStepper shows leading 0 to numbers which is below 10 ?
(like 01, 02, 03 ... 09, 10, 11)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Format Numbers With Leading Zeros?

Dec 2, 2008

Im returning the time as a string from a function like so

return minutes + ":" + seconds + ":" + millisec;

But I need each part to always display with two digits and show leading zeros.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: FLEX - Using NumericStepper In DataGrid?

Mar 19, 2008

I have this code for uploading files to a PHP-script. It works fine when I place my NumericStepper(id="sida") outside the DataGrid but when I try to put it inside, Flex can't find the property "sida". What code goes where to solve this, anyone?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Panel xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" xmlns:com="*" headerHeight="8"


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Flex :: Set Property Of NumericStepper Declared As UIComponent

Mar 9, 2010

I have a NumericStepper declared as a UIComponent:

private var component:UIComponent;
component = new NumericStepper();

I need to change the .maximum value of the NumericStepper but due to the UIComponent not having a .maximum property the following code fails with the error: 1119: Access of possibly undefined property maximum through a reference with static type mx.core:UIComponent.

component.maximum = 11;

how would I define a property in this scenario?

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Flex :: Row Specific Limits On A NumericStepper In A DataGrid?

Sep 30, 2010

I have a datagrid in Flex 4 with a NumericStepper as editor for a numeric value. I can set pre-defined maximum and minimum values for the NumericStepper, but I need to be able to have different limits for each row in the DataGrid. How can I do this?

This is the code for the datagrid:

<mx:DataGrid x="0" y="45" width="272" height="525" dataProvider="{dp}" variableRowHeight="true" editable="true" id="equipmentDG" verticalAlign="middle">


but now I get a StackOverflowError when I click on the cell to change the value. I posted a new question regarding that here: [URL]

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Flex - Giving NumericStepper's TextField A Unique Id?

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I am trying to use the NumericStepper component in Flex and would like to give its textField (not just the whole thing) an id but not sure how. I have already given an id to the NumericStepper itself but would like to give an id to its textInput field.

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Flex :: StackOverflowError On DataGrid Row Specific Limits In A NumericStepper?

Oct 1, 2010

I have a DataGrid with a NumericStepper as the item editor for one of the columns. The numeric stepper is supposed to get its max an min values from the data for each row. My MXML is like this:

<mx:DataGrid x="0" y="45" width="272" height="525" dataProvider="{dp}" variableRowHeight="true" editable="true" id="equipmentDG" verticalAlign="middle">
<mx:columns> [code].....

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Flex :: Cannot Restrict NumericStepper To Include Negative Sign?

Dec 19, 2011

I want to restrict my NumericStepper so that you can't type invalid characters into it (like a comma). I'm trying this, and it works:
stepper.textDisplay.restrict = "0-9 - .";
<s:NumericStepper id="stepper" />

Except the negative sign can't be typed anymore, even though I specify it. If I do it directly on a TextInput, it works:
<s:TextInput restrict="0-9 - ." minimum="-10" />
Why doesn't this work?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex: NumericStepper Rounding Up Decimal Number?

Jan 16, 2012

I have the following NumericStepper:

<s:NumericStepper id="estimertTidCell" value="{isNaN(hostComponent.estimertTid)?0:hostComponent.estimertTid}" stepSize="0.5" maximum="5" change="hostComponent.estimertTid=estimertTidCell.value"/>

When i set the value to e.g. 1.5 through the NumericStepper and store the value, the alert in the following code correctly displays 1.5:

private var _estimertTid:Number;
public function get estimertTid():Number {


Problem: My problem is that once the NumericStepper refreshes, or reloads the variable, it displays 2 instead of 1.5, or 4 instead of 3.5 etc. Anyone got any ideas of what is causing this behavior? I would think that by setting the stepSize=0.5 it would correctly display those decimal numbers.Additional information: When i display the same variable in a spark Label, the value is correctly displayed as a decimal number.

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Flex :: TextArea Leading Invalid?

Mar 30, 2010

When I set leading to 0 with Verdana (and others to) for a Flex TextArea I get strange results:

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8 -> 10 (125%)
10 -> 12 (120%)


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Flex :: Force The User To Edit The Value Of The NumericStepper By Using The Arrows Only So They Cannot Type A Value Directly Into The Value Field

Jan 21, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [CS3] Setting The Default Value Of The Numericstepper

Feb 1, 2009

i am having problems with setting the default value of the numericstepper. what is happening is that each time i change the value of Ath in the numeric stepper then change the frame the Ath value changes to it's max value. this happens with all of the numericsteppers that i set a default value with using actionscript. all relevent code is bellow along what each frame is for/does


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ActionScript 3.0 :: RadioBtnGroup - NumericStepper And The Use Of Multiple

Jan 27, 2010

I have a RadioBtnGroup with (8) RBtn, and also One NumericStepper which uses the change property to address a changeHandler, and to count appropriate values up or down. At the moment I can only select the first RBtn and the changHandler' associated with it, but now I'm trying to find a way to use the change property of the NumericStepper multiple time (as per One RBtn to One changeHandler) within a switch or case statement ??? To try to avoid to use more than the One NumericStepper. Note: I do have to use One changeHandler per RBtn! as all the values from one to the other are different.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: NumericStepper - Range From Say 100 To 200 With All Integer?

Mar 23, 2009

I was just wondering: When using the NumericStepper-component, is it possible to have a range from say 100 to 200 with all integer values in bewteen (i.e. stepSize = 1), but have the value increase/decrease by another value (e.g. 5) when pressing on of the arrows?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Setting Value For ComboBox And NumericStepper?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: NumericStepper Ruins KeyboardEvent?

Feb 3, 2010

I have a NumericStepper in my stage, and I have a Keyboard listener which listens for pressed keys.The listener works fine until I change the value in the NumericStepper.I think it's the textField in the NumericStepper that ruins it.

But i've tried

myNumericStepper.textField.enabled = false
myNumericStepper.textField.selectable = false;

But nothing works.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: NumericStepper - KeyboardEvent Stop Working

Feb 6, 2010

I have a keyboardEvent which listens for pressed keys. I also have a NumericStepper. If I change the value in the NumericStepper, the keyboardEvent stops working (I think the reason is that the textField in the numericStepper, or the numericStepper itself, gets active). So, I've tried alot of things.
numericstepper.textField.enabled = false
numericstepper.textField.selectable = false
numericstepper.textField.editable = false etc...
But nothing seems to work.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: NumericStepper - How To Get The Manual Text Input

May 14, 2010

I have a numericStepper that has a change"  listener  that works just fine when using the up/down keys on the stepper (I can retrieve the value of the numericStepper). However, if the user manually types in a value and then clicks away from the stepper,From researching the web, I know that the "change" event is only activated via the up/down arrows on the numericStepper OR when the user presses the enter key in the numericStepper text field.y problem, I cannot retrieve the manual value typed into the numericStepper.The ".value" property always contains the last value set by the up/down arrows or pressing Enter

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Css :: Apply Images On Spark Numericstepper Using Stylesheet

Dec 14, 2010

I want to customize the images on increment and decrement buttons in spark numericstepper and I trying the following in my css file. But it doesnot work for spark numericstepper.

downArrowDisabledSkin: Embed(source="assets/componentImages/downArrowDisabledSkin.png");


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ActionScript 1/2 :: NumericStepper - Modify BorderColor And Show Decimals?

Mar 31, 2010

Two questions concerning the numericStepper component and I think they both have to do with how to access the textfield part of the component.
1. How do you change the color of the textfield border in the numericStepper component.
2. I'm using the numericStepper to step up/down by increments of .25 (25 cents) and would like it to always show 2 decimals. But when it reaches a whole number (like 25) it will not show the 2 decimals. Do I treat this like a textfield to force the text to have 2 decimals? And if so, how do I access the .text?

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IDE :: HtmlText Leading And Kerning?

May 30, 2007

problem stated in my title. Attach is my code.

//bgPic._alpha = 25;
var titleS:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
titleS.font = "TradeGothic";


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IDE :: How To Set Text Leading In Flash

Feb 28, 2008

How do you set the leading of a block of static text in flash?? As I couldn't find a "leading" control in the panel... (only kerning)

Is there such way to do so without using actionscript such as myText in html format...?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Leading Zero Using The ToString() Function?

Mar 15, 2010

I've looked in the user manual and I can't find any reference to toString() for syntax information. Isn't there a parameter for me to use to specify the string lenght? And whether to add leading zeros or not?Here's the code I need to add leading zeros:

playbutt.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playSound);
function playSound(e:Event){ SoundMixer.stopAll(); var num:Number = Math.ceil(Math.random()*43); bigNum.text = num.toString(); var path:String = "Track No" +


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Professional :: Adjust Text Leading In CS5?

Mar 7, 2011

I tried the line spacing button, but even setting it at 0 does not get the leading small enough.

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Actionscript 3 :: Delete Leading Characters?

Aug 1, 2010

I'm a noob to actionscript so this should be easy:How do I delete leading characters from a string? I have a string that contains (at times) both numeric & non-numeric characters. If I want to delete all the leading 9's, how would I do that?var testVar:String = '999998gjek74k'; want the testVar to be 'gjek74k'.So far, I have (though not working):

var testVar:String = '999998gjek74k';
testVar.replace(/^0/g, "");

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Generate A Variable Number Of Random Numbers Less Than 16 With No Duplicate Numbers

Nov 2, 2004

how to do this and not found much, so here goes:

I want to generate a variable number of random numbers less than 16 with no duplicate numbers

Ive posted the fla, and what i'm doing is generating a random number and putting it into an array then using a for loop to cycle through the array for each new random number to check if its already there. if it is, then i want to regenerate that number.

if you test the fla you'll see that all i get in my array is some lovely zero's and i sort of know why this is, but don't know how to stop it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: AIR Handling Large Numbers - Convert A String Having Numbers To An Integer

Feb 18, 2010

I am trying to convert a string having numbers to an integer.

//15 9's are there
var str:String="999999999999999"
var res:Number = new Number(str);

But it is not able to convert correctly as the the var res now has the value 100000000000000000. I know that the number has 52 bits of memory, then why is it not able to do the conversion?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Leading Wont Work If AutoSize Is On

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why I cant apply leading to a text field if autoSize is on? I am using a new TextFormat and applying the leading after I autoSize...


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Mar 14, 2010

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Feb 19, 2011

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