Force A Swf To Loop?
Jan 18, 2010
I have a swf file. I don't have the flash file that goes with it. It is nothing but a holder for an flv or some flash-like movie format, and I can't extract it via importing, so all I get is blank frames. I just want to make it loop without paying hundreds for a swf decompiler.
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PHP Code:
myPlayer.visible = false;
loadMovieNum("Pano360.swf", 1);
_root.onEnterFrame = function(){
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Jan 10, 2011
I have an app w/ a login screen. When the user hits "enter", the state changes to "login" & a child component is triggered to load (though the child stays invisible at the moment). The child contains many functions that the user needs upon logging in (ie their screenname & settings are retrieved from a database). The following is included in 'Parent':
<local:comp id="localComp" includeIn="login" includeInLayout="false" visible="false"/>
<mx:Button label="login" click="currentState='login'"/>
<mx:Button label="logout" click="currentState='Default'"/>
My problem is when a user logs out (state changes to 'Default') & then logs back in (state changes back to 'login') the child doesn't get "triggered" again & the functions w/in the child don't reload. Is there a way to force my child to refresh?
Note: While it would be easier to just move the child's functions to the parent it is complex...I moved these functions to the child to make it easier to follow
UPDATE: I even tried adding an "exitState" to my state:
<s:State name="login" exitState="removeElement(localComp)" />
This doesn't work either, as I get an error: "RangeError: Index 0 is out of range."
UPDATE: Even though you are allowed to call a child's function from a parent, my problem is that the child needs to be "created" in order to not show errors. It makes no sense to me why the flex team would make something like removing & adding children so complicated.
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In the main app:
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Jan 31, 2011
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Mar 18, 2011
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The other way is to force playing a video in the mobile devices native player, like youtube does. I have no clue how this approach is realized.
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Dec 11, 2011
i want to have force download functionality only with Flash AS3, is it possible ?? i tried google but failed. here it is my as3 code......
var file_URLRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest ("mp3gallery/" + url);
var content_header:URLRequestHeader = new URLRequestHeader("Content-Type: application/force-download");
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Jul 31, 2009
When I load an image into a dynamic textfield using the img tag, the text flows around that image. Which is ok for me. The text wraps to the right of the left aligned image. But is there some trick to only have it wrap about halve of the images height? So halfway down I would like to be able to force the rest of the text to continue below the image. Is there some trick to that? Or could/should I only add some break tags until the text is below the image?
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Jan 8, 2010
I'm using a scrollpane component. Within it I have textfields with html text links. All works OK, but I have to click a link twice in order for it to work - the first click seems to "focus" the scrollpane component and then every click afterwards works OK. What's weird is other mouseevents - i.e. rollover/rollout - are working OK without clicking.Is there anyway to force focus to the component so I don't have to click twice?
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May 13, 2010
I would like to force objects to have the same rotation for images showed when mouse is rollover. Right now the images are shown relative to the rotation of the object the mouse is over.How do I force the rotation to make the mouse over image stay portrait?I have the same problem with the scale of the images. Right now the images are scaled relative to the objects the mouse is over...
ActionScript Code:
mouseoverimage1.scaleX = _origXScale;
mouseoverimage1.scaleY = _origYScale;
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