How To Configure Flash Player In Firefox

Dec 9, 2010

I can view flash videos with chrome in my computer but can't view flash in firefox. How to configure firefox to view flash videos?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Configure Size Of The Flash Player Window?

Nov 16, 2009

I'm wondering how to configure the size of the flash player window directly in actionscript code. I've searched on google but i can't find a solution.

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ActionScript 3.0 ::configure Flex To Publish To Firefox Rather Than Internet Explorer?

Sep 1, 2009

just started out using flex (man it rocks compared to cs4! wish i had switched earlier).I have two questions that i can't seem to find the answers to

1) how do i configure flex to publish to firefox rather than internet explorer?

2) is it possible to publish to the standalone flash player without bothering with a browser you can do in the Flash IDE ?

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Flash :: Video Player Not Showing In Firefox

Sep 29, 2010

I am trying to implement a Flash YouTube video player on this page. [code]...

The only problem is that the player does not show up. Scroll down the page and right below Secondary Headline there is a large white space - this is where the player is.

I have tried it in isolation here and it works fine, but something is messing it up on the destination page.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Player/FireFox Different Results?

Jul 27, 2009

Without too many details, I have a flash project that has a MOUSE_OVER function that works perfectly when I test the movie within flash and even when I play the swf in flash player. However, when open it in firefox, my mouse over doesn't work properly. Instead of it execution the function on mouse over it executes on mouse down.

Are there any known differences between a web browser and flash player that may cause this to happen.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Performance Flash Player | IE8 Vs FireFox 3.5?

Aug 14, 2009

For some reason the performance of the application is slower in Internet Explorer 8. I've tried several tweaks but the performance difference still remains. The 'core' of the application, placing brushes on the canvas, is driven by a Timer event:

_myTimer = new Timer(1, totalSections);
_myTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, goPaint, false, 0, true);
_myTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, distributeLevels, false, 0, true);

I allready tried the ENTER_FRAME option, this just slows both versions down (IE and FireFox).I mean Timer and slow performance in Internet Explorer? Or have other ideas to improve performance?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Why Do MC's Display Blurred In IE And Not In Flash Player Or Firefox

Aug 13, 2009

Why do MC's display blurred in IE and not in Flashplayer or Firefox?

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Flash :: Media Server - Firefox 10.0.2 - Player And AllowedHTMLdomains.txt

Mar 1, 2012

I have a Flash Media Streaming Server 4.0 running for more than a year now. I protect the access to my server through the "allowedHTMLdomains.txt and allowedSWFdomains.txt feature" (amongst other things...). We noticed that with Firefox 10.0.2 (last version) and Flash Player (last version) our customers can't connect anymore. In the admin console we can read things like: Authentication failed for pageurl: [URL]


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Firefox - Flash Player Debugger Plugin Crashes On Mac OS

Jun 9, 2010

I recently started using Mac OS X for a flex/actionscript project and having a problem with flash player debugger plugin for the browsers:

OSX: 10.6.3 Browsers I tried: firefox, safari and chrome Flashplayer debug "Flash Player 10 Plugin content debugger (Intel-based Macs)

Whenever I open a page containing a flash content, my browser crashes due to flash player plugin's crash.

I checked the version of my flash player debug plugin with [URL]

and as the version checker is written in flash, my browser crashes a few seconds later.

I am using version 10,0,42,2 (debug edition: yes)

This is what I see in the crash log:

Process: WebKitPluginHost [338]
Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/


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Debugging - Confirm That FireFox Is Using The Debug Version Of Flash Player?

Mar 18, 2011

I know I can look at plugins and their version under Firefox, but how can I tell if I'm running the debug version of the Flash Player?

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Flash :: Firefox - KeyboardEvent Keycodes Work In Player But Not The Browser

Aug 25, 2011

I'm using ActionScript to listen for key presses and route to a method to handle them. It works fine in Flash Player Debugger 10.1, but does not work with the SWF in a browser. I've tried it with all sorts of keys: letters, numbers, etc. But I can't get it to work at all in the browser. I'm using Safari 5.1 and Firefox 3.6.8 on the Mac. Here's my relevant code:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Internet Explorer / FireFox Flash Player Difference?

Mar 21, 2010

There frequently tend to be posts "My SWF works in FireFox but not Internet Explorer! I'm wondering, is there REALLY ever any truth to these and not just silly mistakes?
Is there any real difference between the Flash Player in Internet Explorer and FireFox?

Aren't they the same, and all the browser is doing is relaying those commands to the library/executable already on the computer? The reason I'm guessing this is because when you install Flash Player, it works for all installed browsers, and you don't have to install it to specific browsers, right? Or?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 : File Upload Not Working With Flash Player 10.1 In Firefox?

Jul 14, 2010

I have a file upload script to upload pictures to a server. It has been working fine in all browsers but when I upgraded the flash player to 10.1 in firefox 3.6.6 yesterday it stop working.I retested with another computer and as soon as i installed the flash player 10.1 it stopped working.I did some debbuging and noticed that the error return from the FileReference listener is I/O error.It doesnt make sense because the file is in the server and it works fine in all other browsers.I changed allowScriptAccess from "samedoamin" to "always" without luck. it works perfect in other flash player versions.the HTML that embeds the movie:

<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="550" height="300" id="test" align="middle">
<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />


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Flash 10 :: FileReference Upload Not Working On Firefox 3.6.6 Flash Player 10.1

Jul 14, 2010

I have an app that uploads pictures to the server. When I upgraded Firefox 3.6.6 FP to flash player 10.1 the uploaded stopped working. It still works perfect in other browsers. It works fine in Firefox 3.6.6 but different Flash player version. I did some debugging and noticed that it works fine when I run it in my development environment (Localhost). In the production server it returns I/o Exception but it doesnt make sense because it works for other players and also the file is there. I changed the permissions on the file to 777, the allowScriptAccess to always, tried to make the php path absolute also and no luck. The php file does not use sessions or cookies.


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Firefox - Flash File Upload With Flash Player 10.1?

Jul 14, 2010

I have a file upload script to upload pictures to a server. It has been working fine in all browsers but when I upgraded the flash player to 10.1 in firefox 3.6.6 yesterday it stop working.I retested with another computer and as soon as i installed the flash player 10.1 it stopped working.

I did some debbuging and noticed that the error return from the FileReference listener is I/O error.It doesnt make sense because the file is in the server and it works fine in all other browsers.I changed allowScriptAccess from "samedoamin" to "always" without luck. I also used absolute path in the upload url. When I run it in my local development environment it works but it doesnt work in the production server. I have changed the security settings of the folders in the server to 777 and still doesnt work works perfect in other flash player versions.the HTML that embeds the movie:

&ga=&sid=" />
&ga=&&sid=" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="550" height="300" name="test" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" pluginspage="" />


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Php :: Mp3 Player Does Not Play File In Firefox?

Feb 22, 2012

The player is meant to retrieve the mp3 file from the server through the path address that is stored in MySQL. It does this in Explorer but not in Firefox. By the way the swf file of the player and the database is stored on the same server so there should be no problem with that.

<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="165" height="37" id="niftyPlayer1" align="">


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Website Not Working On Firefox On PC But Works Fine On FireFox On MAC?

Jul 21, 2009

works perfect on my macbook pro (safari, firefox, and opera) but when I view the site on Vmare Fusion Windows XP and use IE and FireFox the pages don't load... I don't know what to make of this. Has anyone hear or seen anything like this happen before? BTW the website was created in Adobe Flash CS4/ AS 3.0 and published using Flash Player 10.

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Professional :: FLV Player Component Seemingly Not Working In Firefox?

Jun 20, 2010

Offline (on my drive) it works, but online (on my website) it loads the entire flv before displaying anything (..I get the animated barber shop sign scrub bar thing).Is there any additional coding or setup I need to do for it to allow me to play it even while it is downloading, as it's supposed to? I just spent a week trying to get my Quicktime .mov's to Fast Start, and it just isn't happening, despite everything I try.I had it work ONCE now using QT Pro, but now they aren't working again.

I gave up on QT, and am trying the FLV route using the FLV Player component... which looked promising, but is now giving me the same issue.Clip thumbnails (embedded movies) on my HTML page that don't download until you click play... and when you click play, it starts playing as soon as it has a good enough head start in the load.I've tried Fast Start QT' well as external FLVs loaded via a swf with a FLV Player component inside..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MP3 Player Not Working In Firefox (Error 1010)

Mar 31, 2009

The following mp3 player works fine in IE, but firefox is throwing:
TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.
at movie_fla::MainTimeline/initmcPlayer()
at movie_fla::MainTimeline/movie_fla::frame1()

HTML Code:
// vars
var sndObject:Sound = new Sound();
var chaObject:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel() ;
var sndTransform:SoundTransform = new SoundTransform();
[Code] .....

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Flash :: How To Configure FlashPlayer10.3

Aug 9, 2011

i am using flash CS4 for my flash projects. now how can i export swf for Flash player 10.3 i have downloaded flashplayer_inc_playerglobal_051211.swc from [URL] but i dont know how to use it.

by the response from George Profenza i have followed instruction from [URL] but when i publish swf for Flash Player 11 it opens following screen.


One new thing i find out when you debug movie it will export swf in flash player but when i tested following ActionScript code it displays incorrect details.


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Actionscript 2.0 :: Configure A Slideshow In Flash?

Mar 21, 2011

I've made a slideshow in flash, it was able to be previewed before i chose to debug movie. that was when an error appeared, regarding the class of MouseEvent...

The error states "The class or interface 'MouseEvent' could not be loaded". Gathered from what i have read, am i correct in my assumption that i need to import this MouseEvent?

To get an exact look at what i have, the following is my complete code as it is;


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Flash :: Configure A Button To Play An Animated Gif In Adobe?

Dec 15, 2011

This is an assignment for a web design class i am currently taking. the teacher provided this code for us[code]...

i substituted the name of my animated gif for "mighty" and i also substituted the name of my button for"blue_btn", however when i test it, the button does not do anything. i think it could be due to the fact that the code says function BlueplayMovie in the beginning, and then again at the end. I don't know what that is, or what it means.

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Flash :: Deal With Multiple Configure Files In A Actionscript 3.0 Project?

Feb 7, 2012

I'm now working on multiple config files(about 16 .txt form files) in a actionscript 3.0 project. I think it is not good to load so many files. maybe I should package them into a swf(But I do not know how to do this) or do sth else.

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Configure/control The Volume Level Of A Mp3?

May 4, 2009

Is there a way to configure/control the volume level of an mp3 that automatically plays in your flash segment?  In other words I'd like for the volume to play at a 30 or 50% level.

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Media Server :: Configure IIS And FMS On Same Machine?

Jan 26, 2010

I have been running a test server using Apache as the web server. The problem is I need to be able to run FMS on an IIS machine, and there is a conflict over each trying to binding to port 80. I have read that a solution to this problem is to have 2 IP addresses, having FMS bind to one and IIS bind to the other. This is not a requirement for Apache and FMS. Why is it a requirement for IIS and FMS? This question my show my lack of knowledge of the difference between the 2. But, is it possible to configure IIS or FMS so that they share port 80 like FMS and Apache do? how Apache and FMS work together, and why IIS cant?

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Media Server :: Configure Wamp With FMS 4.5

Mar 10, 2012

I'm looking for a way to configure wamp with FMS 4.5. I installed fms 4.5 without the apache server that comes with it. From the way it looks, fms seems to be running; i was able to run the sample files that came with it. I really need to know to configure these two.

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Flex :: Externally Configure Logging In App?

Dec 24, 2009

I was wondering what people are using for externally configuring logging in a Flex app. Are there any ready baked solutions out there, similar to Log4J's configuration via properties files for instance?

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Flex :: Configure AMF Serialization Warnings?

Apr 9, 2010

I have been trying to test my application to make sure that all the important classes can serialize/reload themselves properly (especially those which implement IExternalizable):

public function testMyObjectSerialization():void {
var myobj:MyObject = new MyObject();[code]....

And I would like to be warned when I try to serialize a strongly-typed object which does not have a [RemoteClass] set (because that almost certainly represents a bug in my code).So, is there any way to configure the AMF serializer to give warnings?Also, it seems like this might be possible using services-config.xml... But the documentation seems to imply that services-config is channel-level, and I'd really like it if my unit tests could run without talking to the server (and I'm not using LCDS, so a bunch of the services-config wouldn't apply to me anyway).

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Flex :: How To Configure CrossDomain XML In Tipfy

Feb 16, 2011

I would like to know how to configure the flex crossdomain.xml in tipfy with the Google app engine skd. Tipfy is a framework using in Gae. I would like to know: where I can place the crossdomain.xml, in the root or other place, do I need script to redirect to the xml, what files that I need to modify, eg. app.yaml. Any other things or file I need to modify or create to make it work.

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Java :: Configure Jboss For Two Different Ports?

Jun 23, 2011

I have a ear file and a war file, need to deploy them in two different ports such as 8443 and 5480 respectively. How to configure two ports seperately for those two files. I have no experience configuring JBoss.

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