How To Update A MySql DB Using Flex

Aug 10, 2009

i've done some simple apps to get the felling of it, nothing involving updating a file or a database.I wanted help, how to do a query to a MySql DB from a Flex application (thats gonna be running in a web server).I didn't saw any duplicated questions, sorry if any exists, just point me to it.

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package some.package.VO {
public class VOPerson {


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people: {pID, pName}
departments: {deptID, deptName}
people_departments: {pID, deptName}

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<view id="productView" label="Products">
<panel id="chartPanel" type="CHART" ChartType="Pie2D" title="Productwise Sales" x="215" y="80" width="425" height="240" showValues="0" >
< /panel>
< /view>

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Nov 24, 2009

I create a custom component to override the linkButton to make it behave that if an exist value is found, it would shown as "Added".

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public class Btn extends LinkButton{
public function Btn(){


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Dec 16, 2009

i have the following code:
<mx:Repeater id="user" dataProvider="{data}">
<mx:VBox styleName="repeaterVBox">
<mx:Text text="{user.currentItem.a}. {user.currentItem.b}"


the dataProvider 'data' updated itself every 3 seconds, so every 3 seconds that is a flicker of some sort, i see for a really short time an empty area and then it gets redrawn again. is there a way to make the update somewhat faster ?

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Flex :: Update Automatically Data From Datagrid?

Jun 11, 2010

I have datagrid binded with data acquired from web service which, as you may suspectretrieves data from some db. Datagrid has some editable columns and I want to update db through appropriate web service call without adding button "Update" as a last column in datagrid.

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Flex :: Update - Why Does UpdateDisplayList Stop Happening

Jul 30, 2010

Overview: The code giving me the problem is deployed here: [URL] The problem I am running into is that a certain sequence of actions (I don't fully understand how or why) is causing my calls to invalidateDisplayList to fail to produce a subsequent call to updateDisplayList. What I know is that during this period, some other visual effects will fail to occur (such as changing the width of a component or the addition of a new child).

Example: The program below draws two columns of horizontal lines. The column on the left is drawn during commitProperties, the column on the right is drawn during updateDisplayList. A certain sequence of actions can cause the right column to stop updating.

To trigger this bug: First add a new item. Now hit the start button and a bar starts filling up. If you press the add row button, the right column and the filling bar both stop growing. The left column continues unfettered. The extra component won't appear until the last line of the if statement in TEComputeRow.tick() doesn't execute for a frame. Click on the stop button to halt the execution of the block inside the if statement in TEComputeRow.tick() and everything goes back to normal.


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I have a custom <mx:DataGrid /> that is updated with data from a ColdFusion server every 60 seconds. I've noticed that every time the DataGrid updates and redraws the scroll position is reset to the top.

Is there a way I can preserve the scroll position for my DataGrid?

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How i can get manually entered value in datagrid column on first click of button.

protected function id_btnAdd_mouseDownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
edlColor = new EDLColor();
edlColor.ColorToString = "rgb(0,0,0)";


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