IDE :: FLVPlayback Doesn't Play At At (only On Browser)?
Jul 17, 2009
If I double click on the published SWF file (thus opening it with the FlashPlayer 10 executable), the video plays correctly. Nonetheless, if I double click on the published HTML file, there isn't any video played at all. This doesn't happen if I put the files on a webserver, the video plays correctly on the browser.I checked the "source" property of the component, which doesn't have any absolut path (the video file resides on the same folder as the FLA/SWF folder, so the "source" property only has the FLV filename).
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Nov 9, 2010
- Flash CS4 Professional Version 10.0.2, working in Actionscript 2
- I work with Mac OSX 6.4
I implemented a FLVPlayback component in a Flash file I've published on my website, so it could load an external movie without having to put it in the SWF itself. It works fine when using the SWF offline, but when I put it online it never runs on the first go. I either have to restart the browser, or when that doesn't work I'll have to wait for a few hours before it magically does what it's supposed to do.This goes for both Safari and Firefox on my Mac, and while using Firefox on a PC (I haven't tested different scenario's yet). Once it works, it'll always work on that particular computer in that particular browser. At first I thought the browser didn't allow internet access to the SWF (the FLV that it uses are hosted on a different site), but that doesn't seem to be the problem. Maybe it's a cache issue, but I haven't been able to prove that either.URL..I kept the actionscript at a minimum. When the play button is pressed, it simply goes to the next frame where the FLVPlayback component is ready to launch the content. As you can see on my website there is a visual loader when you select the play button, but this is just an endlessly repeating movie clip that doesn't do anything accept give the viewer the idea that something's loading.
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Oct 27, 2010
The title essentially is the question, how do I open the .swf without the browser's control bar junk? and maximize the window?
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May 5, 2011
I have read that the FLVPlayback component has been optimized for the iPad, but I can't get it to work at all.I had it working, albeit poorly, in CS5.But the same app, published with CD5.5, just shows a flickering FLV icon instead of video.
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Oct 14, 2010
I'm using the standard flvplayback component v.
When I load a flv file in it, all UI buttons and buffering work correctly with the exception of the seekbar - when I drag the seekbar handle forward, the video doesn't go to that position, after I release the handle, it jumps back to the beginning of the video and it keeps playing from there
Does anyone know if it happens because of the specific flv file or I need to add some AS3 code to the seekbar to make it work?
View 12 Replies
Jun 4, 2009
i have a video in my swf wish i start playing when i click a button.when i click the button the video fades in and starts playing..but i cant get the video to fade in and start play smoothly..anyone having an idea what to do to make the flvplayback fade in smooth?or do i need to use the built in tween functions instead of tweenlite?
import gs.TweenLite;import gs.easing.*;import fl.transitions.Tween;import fl.transitions.easing.*;
var videoOn:Boolean = false;
View 4 Replies
Oct 13, 2009
I want to play a video, for it I decided to use a FLVPayback with a skin, and it works very well when I test it in Flash CS4, also when i called it from my server with the "network access" only preference. But when i embeded into a html... it plays the video but the skin does´t shows up.
here is my code:
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.*;3
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Feb 10, 2010
I'm working with flash CS4, with an adobe air file with as3, doing a desktop application to use in Windows , I google about information, but only find answers for web.I'm using a flvplayback, and when at source property add a local path as C:folderVideomyvideo.mp4 ,everything works fine, but when source is a server path from other computer as therpcfolderVideomyVideo.mp4 , doesn´t works. I'm not if a flvplayback bug.I have always the possibility to make a map folder, but this application is for a client, and if I can solve if add new map folder, it's better to me.
View 6 Replies
Feb 17, 2011
My FLVPlayBack integratino doesn't work : menu don't show, the video don't loop .
It's here :
And the code generated by flash CS5 pro :
<div id="flashContent">
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="385" height="282" id="pic-du-midi-fevrier-2011" align="middle">
<param name="movie" value="videos/pic-du-midi-fevrier-2011.swf" />
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Jun 30, 2009
I have a fla (Home) with a flvplayback component. If I load it using a loader using this script
var loader:Loader = new Loader();var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("Home.swf");loader.load(req);addChild(loader);stop();
when I preview it in Firefox or IE and click on the seek bar or volume bar the control slider 'sticks' to the mouse cursor instead of jumping to the spot where I clicked. If I just compile it and play it in Flashplayer the seek bars work as expected. If I preview Home.fla directly they also work properly.Could this be a loader-flvplayback bug?
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Apr 17, 2011
I have an instance of an flvplayback component on a frame (not the first frame) on a timeline in a flash AS3 flash app file. I would like to stop the movie when i exit that frame, either via gotoAndStop() or whatever else.s there a listener for this? Or any solution that people know of?
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Jan 19, 2009
if I put in the contentPath of a FLVPlayback component a file that doesn't exist, how can I catch an error event? (All files are loaded locally, without a FMS) I tried to dodge the problem using other events, but if the file doesn't exist, pretty much none of the events will work.
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Aug 31, 2010
I'm currently trying to use the FLVPlayback component and pass a source FLV that's living on a cloudfront webserver. The problem is that the cloudfront requires authentication in the form of query strings in the source FLV. For example:[code]It adds on "&FLVPlaybackVersion= 2.1" to the end.I saw a different article that said I should add a dummy variable at the end like "&dummy=.flv" because I was told that Flash is basically looking for an .flv extension at the end and you can trick it, but it doesn't work because they add on additional code.
View 9 Replies
Dec 7, 2011
In my project I have to play a flv vedio in swf file so in place a FLVPlayback component in one movieclip and when I hv to show I make that movie clip visible and play the vedio from starting.Its working fine on my computer but FLVPlayback controls (play pause button, seek bar volume controls) are not showing in other people computer on there browser...
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Dec 21, 2008
I was wondering if anyone knew how to hide the skin in the flvplayback component on ROLL_OUT. SkinAutoHide seems to work whenever it feels like it and sometimes the button controls just stay over the video. This happens in Safari and IE I believe. I am used Actionscipt 3.0OR does anyone know how to get to the display list of the component, where all the names to all the buttons (and skin) is housed, using the instance names from the component fla file does not work. I looked at the documentation and the names of all the button sprites are there, but i need the name of the background that the buttons sit on top of.
View 5 Replies
Jul 9, 2009
I'm using the FLVPlayback component to play 4 FLVs.
There are 4 buttons in the swf that can call up each video to start playing. Here's what's on the button 1:
function vid1(e:Event){
vidPlayer.source = "mymoviename.flv"
vid1_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, vid1);
All the controls in the skin (play, stop, pause, etc) are great, except I need to also have a "play next" control.
What type of script to do I need to attach to the "play next" control?
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Jul 14, 2009
I have a strange problem that I was hoping someone might resolve. I'm a new visitor to the Flash world from other development platforms, so the language seems pretty straightforward, but I have now spent a week and a half on this one bug.
Basically, I'm trying to play an F4V using an FLVPlayback component. However, it seems that the video only plays if the f4v is already in the client cache. If the cache is empty, or disabled, then the FLVPlayback component throws an Error 1000, which seems to suggest it's having trouble connecting/pulling the video off the server. But since it does work on the second visit, then I suspect that it does indeed perform the download -- it just THINKS it can't. [code]...
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Aug 17, 2009
I'm using Flash CS3 Pro. I want to play over 5h FLV video by FLVPlayback. but 4h video -> no problem. 5h video -> seekbar and total time view have BUG. duration : 21117.796totalTime : 4340.615 why return different value??? FLVPlayback have limit of flv??
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Mar 9, 2010
Is there any way that i can load a local mp3 file using flvplayback?
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Apr 7, 2010
I wanna know how to play video in flvplayback in as3. in as2 the method was flvplayback.contentpath=video.flv
but what's in as3?
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Sep 15, 2010
I didn't find any solution in the past discussions, I want to sync two FLVPlayback in the stage.Now I quickly solved with a Countdown of about 10sec;one can choose a project from a ComboBox and the two FLV play when the countdown reaches 1. That's not the right way as they never play in sync the first time..
I think a BufferingBar can do the job, detecting the end of the buffer. but I don't know the code to add...
This is the code I use with the Countdown:
cb.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, changeHandler);function changeHandler(event:Event):void { if(ComboBox( != "")
View 15 Replies
Aug 8, 2009
I am building a faq page with flvs for each of the 10 questions. But for some reason the flvs will not load dynamically (with Actionscript). When I load the source from AS and write play(); I can only hear the sound but no video.
The weird thing is that the flvs play ok when i specify the source in the component inspector and don't load them from the AS.
Even weirder, i tried replicating my project on a smaller version to show the problem, just with two buttons and two FLVPlaybacks and this time it worked. But will not work on my page! I am going nuts cause i dont know why it does that! I Mean it should work but it just doesnt![code]...
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Apr 8, 2010
Video won't play from XML
I have been trying to pull a single random video (.flv) from an XML list to play it using the FLVPlayback component. I managed to get the description from the <desc> tag and the title <vidtitle> tag in the xml file but can't get the flv to play in the player.
I dragged a FLVPlayback component onto the stage and gave it an instance name of "display" but I still cannot get it to work. I get no errors when hitting "control + enter" the video never loads. My code is below.
Code: Select all//Let's load our video classes
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Jan 14, 2010
So i've made my .swf files. The only thing is they all play at full screen when i play them using my web browser. I need them to play at 548 x 408. when i open the .fla and go to properties it says the size IS at 548 x 410 but it can't be if its playing full screen.
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Sep 29, 2009
Will the FLVPlayback Component (version play an MP3 file without it having to be streamed through a Flash Media Server? All I'm looking for is to place a player into my Flash that plays an MP3 file that's in the same directory as the SWF.
Here's my code... it's pretty simple:
var myMusic:FLVPlayback = new FLVPlayback();
myMusic.source = "mySong.mp3"; = "SkinOverPlayMute.swf";
myMusic.skinBackgroundColor = 0xCCCCCC;
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Mar 24, 2011
I have FMS 4 and using AS3, no matter what I do I can't get any of my recorded FLVs to play in FLVPlayback.
Is there somethign I'm supposed to install on FMS to get it to play properly?
WHat should my path be? I've been told that the flv are living in the fms/applications/storyvideos/streams/videos folder.
I've tried every combination of paths I can think of.
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Jul 27, 2011
i'm trying to embed h264 mp4 video into website using flash cs3 professional.
when i select the source file it's looking for .flv files and not the mp4 file so the mp4's are greyed out.i read a great tutorial using a pc which shows the workaround for being able to see the mp4 files.url...I'm however using a mac and this method of putting an * in the file name box doesn't work on mac.
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Dec 18, 2009
I have this code as a preloader for flvplayback and it work ok
I have the flvplayback (flvplayer) inside a movieclip (mcfilm) all this I have in a function so I can easy call it when I need the movie to run. The problem is that it run the first time but if I stop it with a button and want to play it again, nothing happend, it just say loading (the mcladdar show)
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Feb 22, 2007
Is it possible to play SHOUTcast streams using the FLVPlayback control?
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Nov 18, 2010
Is it possible to use the FLVPlayback class to play an instance of the Video class? I'm loading the video (which is just an audio track with cue points) in using GreenSocks LoaderMax (along with the rest of my assets) and so have various instances of Video. The FLVPlayback class only accepts a String as its' source. Is there any way to hack it to bypass whatever loading it does and just feed it the video directly?
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