Professional :: FLVPlayBack Loop And Menu Doesn't Work?

Feb 17, 2011

My FLVPlayBack integratino doesn't work : menu don't show, the video don't loop .
It's here :
And the code generated by flash CS5 pro :
<div id="flashContent">
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="385" height="282" id="pic-du-midi-fevrier-2011" align="middle">
<param name="movie" value="videos/pic-du-midi-fevrier-2011.swf" />


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Professional :: 5.5: FLVPlayback Doesn't Work On IPad?

May 5, 2011

I have read that the FLVPlayback component has been optimized for the iPad, but I can't get it to work at all.I had it working, albeit poorly, in CS5.But the same app, published with CD5.5, just shows a flickering FLV icon instead of video.

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Flash :: Professional - Menu Doesn't Work After Opening An External Link

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ActionScript 2.0 :: AS 2 FLVPlayback Doesn't Work In Browser

Nov 9, 2010

- Flash CS4 Professional Version 10.0.2, working in Actionscript 2

- I work with Mac OSX 6.4

I implemented a FLVPlayback component in a Flash file I've published on my website, so it could load an external movie without having to put it in the SWF itself. It works fine when using the SWF offline, but when I put it online it never runs on the first go. I either have to restart the browser, or when that doesn't work I'll have to wait for a few hours before it magically does what it's supposed to do.This goes for both Safari and Firefox on my Mac, and while using Firefox on a PC (I haven't tested different scenario's yet). Once it works, it'll always work on that particular computer in that particular browser. At first I thought the browser didn't allow internet access to the SWF (the FLV that it uses are hosted on a different site), but that doesn't seem to be the problem. Maybe it's a cache issue, but I haven't been able to prove that either.URL..I kept the actionscript at a minimum. When the play button is pressed, it simply goes to the next frame where the FLVPlayback component is ready to launch the content. As you can see on my website there is a visual loader when you select the play button, but this is just an endlessly repeating movie clip that doesn't do anything accept give the viewer the idea that something's loading.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flvplayback Seekbar Doesn't Work

Oct 14, 2010

I'm using the standard flvplayback component v.

When I load a flv file in it, all UI buttons and buffering work correctly with the exception of the seekbar - when I drag the seekbar handle forward, the video doesn't go to that position, after I release the handle, it jumps back to the beginning of the video and it keeps playing from there

Does anyone know if it happens because of the specific flv file or I need to add some AS3 code to the seekbar to make it work?

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import gs.TweenLite;import gs.easing.*;import fl.transitions.Tween;import fl.transitions.easing.*;
var videoOn:Boolean = false;


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FLVPlayback Skin Doesn't Work On Local Access

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I want to play a video, for it I decided to use a FLVPayback with a skin, and it works very well when I test it in Flash CS4, also when i called it from my server with the "network access" only preference. But when i embeded into a html... it plays the video but the skin does´t shows up.

here is my code:
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.*;3


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Professional :: Flvplayback Doesn't Works With Source Is In A Server Pc?

Feb 10, 2010

I'm working with flash CS4, with an adobe air file with as3, doing a desktop application to use in Windows , I google about information, but only find answers for web.I'm using a flvplayback, and when at source property add a local path as C:folderVideomyvideo.mp4 ,everything works fine, but when source is a server path from other computer as therpcfolderVideomyVideo.mp4 , doesn´t works. I'm not if a flvplayback bug.I have always the possibility to make a map folder, but this application is for a client, and if I can solve if add new map folder, it's better to me.

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See attached file:Why doesn't this work

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Here's the link to the file--see button 8--- [URL]

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Nov 23, 2009

I have a flash website, with two menu the main menu that loads by Loader class swf files with the respective content. And the secondary menu that changes the language of the site. How do u implement the action of having the site translation?

1)Passing params Load file.swf?langid=n then reading by loader info (this one is not easy to test since loading swf with params doesn't work in flash ide debug env.)or

2) on load complete cast the loader to a movieclip the accessng a main func with the task of translating the whole swf contents(the same func i should have at point 1)

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i put this in actionscript



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Professional :: Preloader Doesn't Want To Work?

Oct 13, 2010

For this website I've put a preloader on the 1st frame and the site on the 2nd.I've tested the site after having created a small animation which makes appear the main menu, a logo and an image.Everything did work good, so I went on building the site.Now that I have created some pages I've tested again the whole site and the preloader doesn't work anymore.Testing the site on the "ctrl+enter" window and simulating the download I have a white background (both the preloader and website background are yellow) then I see the preloader for a fraction of second and suddenly the site appears.

Publishing the site on my web space the background is correctly yellow, but the preloader doesn't appear, the browser's loading bar stops at half then the preloader appears again for a fraction of seconds and suddenly the site appears (tested on Firefox, IE, Opera, Chrome and Safari, same behaviour with all of them).It looks that the preloader is become part of the site and that there is an invisibile preloader.The setting in: Publish settings -> Flash -> Script Settings -> Library Path -> Default Linkageis set to "Merged into code"the same happen if I set "Runtime Shared Library" and "Custom Preloader Loop".

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Professional :: Command Script Doesn't Show In Fl CS4 Menu?

Feb 15, 2009

I have a command script (framesSelected.jsfl - the code isbelow) which outputs information about frames selected to theoutput panel, which I find very useful. With CS4 (Windows XP), whenI place the jsfl file in the (suggested in the manual) folder(C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Flash CS4enConfigurationCommands)I expect it to show in the command menu as it did in CS3. Itdoesn't. Can anybody tell me why, and what I must do now to get itto show? (script follows)

var current_tl = fl.getDocumentDOM().getTimeline();
var selectedFrames = current_tl.getSelectedFrames();
var selectedRegions = selectedFrames.length/3;


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Professional :: Find And Replace Doesn't Work In CS3?

Nov 24, 2007

Here's an unexplainable problem, at least for me... I'm trying to use Edit --> Find and Replace in Flash CS3 to replace a line of code that occurs in many frame scripts throughout the FLA, but when I click "Replace All", it says "No items found". I'm sure everything is set up correctly in the Find and Replace window:Search in: Current Document, for: Text, and I'm sure I'm typing everything correctly. I have "Frames/Layers/Parameters" and "Actionscript" checked below, and everything else unchecked.

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Mar 17, 2010

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Nov 21, 2010

I have made a simple animation using only the timeline. The animation is covered by a button "Knapp"  (alpha 0) wich activates the actions. The whole thing works fine the first time. The last action says go to and play frame 2, wich has two actions: stop + go to and play frame 4. But this action does not work the second time. I tried to set the action to frame 3 instead of 2 and the same problem occured on another action on the timeline as well.
Here is the last action on my timeline:
Knapp.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToAndPlayFromFrame_11);
function fl_ClickToGoToAndPlayFromFrame_11(event:MouseEvent):void{    gotoAndPlay(2);}


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Nov 24, 2010

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Nov 25, 2010

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Nov 26, 2010

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Professional :: Video Path Doesn't Work?

Feb 1, 2011

I have a flv that is loading from a subdirectory off my flash swf.Everything works fine when I load the video from [url].....However, when i start the video from, the video is not located.What can i do to remedy this?  I'm not using an absolute url in the component parameter inspector.For example
should I use a different path?

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Professional :: Can't The 3D Rotation Animation Doesn't Work On Other PCs?

Feb 16, 2011

I have created a Buttons Menu and then using Flash CS4 AS3 3D Rotation Tool Just added tilting effect using manual tweening and added the following code:


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Professional :: Pencil Tool Doesn't Work?

Mar 25, 2011

When I draw something, the line doesn't show at all - I get a box outlining the area that I created the drawing in, but I can't see anything in the box itself. I tried previewing (View>Preview mode), but that showed as a hairline and I wasn't able select it to DO anything to it

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Professional :: IOS 5 Beta Publishing Doesn't Work?

Jun 17, 2011

I recently updated my flash to cs5.5 and my iPad (1g) to the IOS 5 beta. Since then I haven't been able to publish my apps to any IOS device. The apps run in adl and as swf on my macbook pro, but on my iPad (IOS 5) and iPhone 3gs (IOS 5) they just start up and freeze at the stage. I use a loader to load a soundfile and image to the stage right at the start but they just don't show up.

The weirdest thing is that my colleague uses cs5.5 on windows and cs5 on a mac to publish to the same iPad and his apps do work! When I tried to publish on another mac in cs5 I just got the same problem as before.

I hope someone knows a solution for this problem because it is getting on my nerves.

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Jun 20, 2011

When I played Pogo Payday Freecell, if I'd right-click on a hidden card it would show that card.  Now (on Flash 10.3) if I right click I get a pull down menu with show card - press space bar, Global setting and Adobe written.

I've also noticed on a number of other sites that right click now bring up this pul down menu with Adobe written on the bottom. How can I change the settings so they work like they used to?

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Professional :: LoadMovie Doesn't Work In Lightbox

Jul 26, 2011

I load multiple SWFs into a single SWF for seamless user navigation and playback. This allows me to have multiple scenes and a single menu from which to jump to them. Now on to the problem...As you can see in my current site, the LoadMovie function works properly when the SWF "loader" sits on an URL>..HTML page opens with an SWF on it, which correctly loads a movie file(s) into it.However, when I put the exact same SWF "loader" file into a prettyPhoto lightbox: URL...(click the Clinical Ink thumbnail to see the lightbox)The first SWF loads fine but it doesn't load the movie into it.I've tried multiple SWFs that also work fine on an HTML page, all with the same result.

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Professional :: Why The Preloader Doesn't Work In IE 8 But Works In FireFox

Jan 22, 2010

Why the preloader doesn't work in IE 8 but works in FireFox?


index.swf (224.8 K) (3.2 K)

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Professional :: Animation Doesn't Work When Load One Swf Into Another - Buttons

Jan 28, 2010

I'm new and am having a bit of trouble loading one swf into another for a preloader and main program. If u open up flashSite.fla or the swf, everything works, but when I load it into a mc container of preloaderMomSite, the animated buttons no longer work. If someone could take a look, I would love to find out what I'm doing wrong. All files are located on in the same directory.


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Professional :: Import Of Custom Class Doesn't Seem To Work

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OK, I have my custom class defined in a file called "". This is what it contains:

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