IDE :: Flash Animation - One Lake Which Changes Its Shape During The Closeup

Apr 17, 2010

i'm currently working on one animation that is going to become video in the future. But i have come across a difficulty. I have two views of a meadow. The first one is far and the second is close. My biggest problem is one lake which changes its shape during the closeup. I have the first and the last positions of the lake, but cant figure out how to transform from one to the other. So my request is for advice from your side. What is the best way to do this animation.

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Very often I see on the web many flash websites very amazing for their animation in flash. For example, in monster template you can see the paper's animation like that: http:[url].... Watch the BEST DESIGN STUDIO animation... These animations aren't made with flash, but with a software from which to export a swf file that contains a sequence of shapes.What is it? It seems to work in 3d, but the objects moved are always planes and not 3d models.

(39.4 K)
test.swf (42.1 K)

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var speed = 4;
var viscosity = 1.3;[code]....

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Main.inst.stageQuality("low"); //hack to kill anti-aliasing


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Rotate A Shape 90� In Flash/CS5 Professional?

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Make Flash Non Standard Shape?

Jun 19, 2011

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Can't Save A Shape Tween In Flash CS4?

Sep 26, 2009

I'm using Flash CS4 on a MacBook Pro with Snow Leopard OS X 10.6.1.I've added two shape tweens on two layers in my main timeline. The SWF tests fine. All is good.I close the document.I open it up again and the tween shapes are gone and there are only regular frames between the transitional shapes in their respective keyframes.I've already added shape hints, and they are completely restored when I convert the intermediary frames back to shape tweens.Exporting to SWF after restoring the shape tweens works fine.
Closing and then opening the FLA still results in the shape tweens reverting back to regular frames.Exporting an SWF from the newly opened document shows no shape tweening as it is gone from the main timeline.Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

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Professional :: Flash CS4 Does Not Allow Shape Tween

Nov 3, 2011

I want to make a Shape Tween where a text of a small size increases in size. I followed a tutorial, and I did what it tells me: I put the starting text in the first frame, create a blank keyframe at the end where I put the bigger text, I then use the selection tool to right-click on both text objects in the video clip and select Break Apart which I do twice, and then I should be able to create a proper Shape Tween... but when I click on a random free and either right-click or go to Insert, Shape Tween is greyed out. How come? I also tried the other Tweens, but they don't do anything.

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Flash - Color Under A Point Or From A SHAPE?

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I am using flash as3.I have some shapes I have drawn on the screen. They are made using:


to draw them. Each shape has a different color for fun (different beginFill).How can I get the color of the shape under the mouse pointer as I move the mouse around the shapes?I see two choices so far but don't know how to do either of them: Get color under the mouse point get the color from the shape properties (preferred)how to do either of these...

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