IDE :: Google Voice Mail Widget?

Dec 31, 2009

Is there a way we could embed this widget into flash?

HTML Code:

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="" width="230" height="85"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><param name="FlashVars" value="id=xxxxx&style=0" /></object>

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Embed Custom Google Voice Widget In Flash

Aug 6, 2009

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Flash :: Live Voice Chat With Manipulated Voice Audio With RTMFP

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Pitch audio data, convert to ogg/mp3 using existing encoders for flash, send, decode ogg/mp3 and play. But this would mean encoding each and every sample packet that is received from the microphone, adding header stuff, etc. So this would likely not even yield that much of a benefit compared to raw audio data.2.1. This would actually be a good way if there was a Speex encoder/decoder for flash. But ironically, there is none other than the built in one (which is used for encoding/decoding audio in NetStreams) that cannot be explicitly used. ot offering it, Adobe...Send the data to the Cumulus server, pitch (and probably convert) there and send to the recipient. This would likely not even be that much faster than 1. and also throw away the exact benefit of RTMFP, P2P communication.

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var widget //Widget;
var rss;
var textfield:TextField;
function onWidgetResize( evt:Event ):void
[Code] .....

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May 17, 2010

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I not using javascript correctly to get the referrer?

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Professional :: Play Pause Widget Captivate?

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I have read a lot of threads on this, and I am trying to create a widget that will allow the button to toggle between Play/Pause pictures and play and pause the captivate as necessary.Right now my script reads as below: The button will toggle bwteen play and pause pictures. But will not pick up the .rdcmndPause=1; .rdcmndResume=1.

this.Pause.visible = true;
this.play1.visible = false;


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Feb 6, 2011

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It's certainly possible, as Slideshare app [URL] does it.

And, I see that it's a Flash component. I have an iframe (Javascript/html) widget.

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May 29, 2011

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Now planning to support Windows 64 bit. Unfortunately flash support for 64 bit is still in preview mode. SWT browser widget loads 64 bit IE though both version of IE (32 and 64 bit) available.

How can we try to enforce 32 bit IE in SWT browser widget?

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Java :: Access GWT Functions From Flex Widget?

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I want to develop a GWT javascript application that must interact with a flex widget and fire events from 2 directions (flex to GWT and GWT to flex)For example I develop a function in GWT called onWidgetSelected(int widgetID){ ...} the generated javascript code does not contain the name of this function. So If I want to invoke it from flex through javascript call what should I do ?

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Flash :: Make The Actual Application/widget?

Jul 5, 2011

I have made an analog clock in adobe flash CS5 and want to make it a proper application. When i create an exe file it will run in flash player or firefox etc., which i dont want. Visual Basic 8 could not help me either.

So my question is: How do i make a real, self running and self installing application for this flash clock?

There are hundreds of clocks to download on the net, which run on there own and do not open in flash player. How is this done?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Coding Custom Widget Challenge?

Aug 17, 2009

Given a few months on my own, I could probably hack something together, but an experts input would be much nicer.This is a custom Google Voice widget/form. I have the backend code, and can share, but right now I need all these pieces to fit together. It is mostly ELSE/IF statements, starting with the first page, and transitioning to the next widget page depending on the data input, correct or incomplete/incorrect as the variables determining which widget page to open.This will definitely take some Flash skills too, but minimally.Currently the SCENE1 page just shows each of the different widget pages and is not meant to represent the final widget - the final widget will be the first page and when clicked transition to a widget/form different page in the same spot, and again, depending on the input.If you want to give it a try, you can download the .FLA here:

FYI: This same widget HAS been sucessfully programmed in AJAX, with it's tons of code and multiple files, but the challenge was to make it work the same way in Flash. This is the very first TRUE custom Google Voice widget - all others I've found are custom icons that when pressed launch Googles GV widget - so this widget is one of a kind! You can view the working widget and download all the AJX components here if you'd like

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Captivate 4 Widget To Mute Sounds?

Jun 24, 2010

We do not use the playbar for our projects.. we use independent buttons.I struggled making a widget /button for Captivate 4 that would Mute/Unmute all sounds... In case you are struggling too... here is the code that worked for me:(you will need to know how to make a widget)

var soundOn:Boolean = true;
var globalSound = new Sound(_level0);
muteOffOn_btn.onRelease = function(){[code]....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating A Flash Widget For A Client?

Mar 8, 2005

I am in the process of creating a Flash widget for a client. I am an accomplished Flash designer, but this particular project has got me stumped! The client absolutely loves the concept, but the current approach that I have taken just isn't practical. I have used Swift3D to produce the animated squares manually, and then pieced them together in Flash. This is fine for 6 squares, but the client wants the image to be divided up into about 100 squares, which translates into a lot of manual work! In addition, the SWF file is going to get very big very quickly due to all the frames needed for each square. Lastly, the client wants the option to change the images used at a later date, which simply isn't an option at the moment without starting from scratch.

I cannot think of an easy way around the above problems other than producing the animation at run time, which is what I am trying to do now. However, I can't think where to start! Ideally, there would be two JPGs which Flash would carve up into squares and animate itself but this is really pushing my abilities.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Wordpress Styled Widget / Snap To?

Aug 28, 2007

What I'm trying to accomplish is similar to Wordpress widgets. When you take a hold of a widget, you can drag and drop it in between / in place of another widget and the previous placeholder moves aside...

For example, if you had two movie clips beside each other like so:

[ 1 ] [ 2 ]

You click and drag [ 1 ] over to the right, and [ 2 ] moves into place of [ 1 ]. Thus ending up like so:

[ 2 ] [ 1 ]

Follow the link below to see a .mov of exactly what I'm talking about:[URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Custom Flex Widget Does Not Scroll

Jun 28, 2011

I have created a custom Flex widget by extending UIComponent that I call FlexMapBuilderWidget. I have overriden the various UIComponent methods for measurement, children, display list, etc.

I used this widget to replace a plain old Sprite so that I could add some layout based functionality. When the Sprite was there, I was able to get scrollbars using:

<s:Scroller width="100%" height="100%">
<s:Group width="100%" height="100%" clipAndEnableScrolling="true">
<gapView:MapBuilderWidget id="mapDisplay" />


I have done test output to check the reported size of the FlexMapBuilderWidget in its measure() and updateDisplayList() methods, the size is always reported as a large enough number to require scrollbars.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Record Voice From A .swf App?

Dec 30, 2008

So, it's been about 2 years since I've had to use any Flash. But I wanted to figure out how to record voice from a .swf app

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