IDE :: Lack Of Smoothness In Playback

Jul 1, 2009

I'm creating a movie with a swift flying quickly across screen, but in playback it always appears as if there are two or three swifts flying together almost on top of one another, a sort of stuttering effect in the playback. I've tried altering frame rate/frame number ratio; tried viewing the swf file in the external movie player, but nothing seems to improve it.

Is this lack of smoothness a basic problem in Flash with moving objects, or is it something to do with my Flash preferences, or even my computer settings? What are the standard ways to try and increase smoothness of playback in Flash?.

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nc = new NetConnection();nc.connect (null);ns = new NetStream(nc);
vid = new Video();vid.attachNetStream(ns);'names1680.flv');

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<param name="loop" value="true">
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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movie Won't Playback

Jan 21, 2011

I've created a "flashloop" for a client, but it won't loop. I've done it in AS3, and all the code is on the first frame of the maintimeline, which does not have a stop() on it. I've published it to loop, and made sure the HTML has the loop = true value, but it doesn't loop. The SWF doesn't even loop when played in the Flash Player.
addChild(title1);title1.x = 840;title1.y =  650;title1.text = "Identity Management";
timer1.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, beginIntro);timer1.start();
function beginIntro(event:TimerEvent):void{    trace("beginIntro initiated");    addChild(slatsR);
This is the code at the ending:
function pauseRestart(event:TweenEvent):void{    timer20.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, fadeLogo);    timer20.start();}
function fadeLogo(event:TimerEvent):void{    fadeOutLogo = new Tween(logo,"alpha",None.easeNone,1,0,3,true);    timer20.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, fadeLogo);    timer20.stop();}

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Professional :: How To Stop Playback

Jul 7, 2011

I have an ad banner in which I am certain I touched nothing that would affect the lack of looping in the file and lo and behold some elemnts loop even though in the actionscript it says to stop looping it....The trace says it played out the function to stop looping but it still does. I am not an actionscript pro but could anyone PLEASE possibly look at the file and tell me how to make sure EVERYTHING stops looping? The looping is causing google to prevent us from putting up the banners

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Looping Four FLV Videos Playback

Oct 30, 2009

I have four flv videos (video1.flv, video2.flv,video3.flv and video4.flv) and I want to play them one after the other. When video4.flv is finished I need the movie to start playing video1.flv again and the rest after it, an endless loop. How can I do that? I'm using CS3 ,AS2 and Flash Player 9.

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Code: Select allfunction craDone(e:Event):void {
trace("LOAD"); (portfolioBucket_mc,


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