IDE :: Detecting The End Of Flv Playback?

Mar 24, 2009

how to detect the end of an flv playback. I am loading in a flv to a webpage, using the FlvPlayBack component. Everything is working fine as to be expected. How do I insert a credits image to display once the flv has finished? Users would need to be able to restart the flv playback too. I have been looking at cuePoints etc...

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Detecting End Of Video Playback?

Nov 3, 2009

how to catch the end of FLV playback. I have an SWF which is loading a number of FLVs dynamically, based on user interaction with a main menu. I am NOT using the FLVPlayback Component. I wanted to create my own buttons and interface, so I am using the basic Video Symbol that is added directly from the library.
I have already read about using listeners to catch the complete property, but that seems specific to using the FLV Playback component. I have thought about using cue points, but I didn't create the FLVs, and I don't have access to them, to edit them. I have also tried comparing the duration of the current FLV to the time played, but that breaks when a new FLV is being loaded.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Detecting The End Of Flv?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detecting The End Of A Swf?

May 2, 2009

I have embedded a swf into a another swf using Loader & URLRequest methods, which work fine.

To detect whether the swf has ended I define it as a MovieClip. Then I check (using an ENTER_FRAME event listener) if the current frame is equal to the total frames. This works fine for a swf with a simple animation in the timeline (what I was testing on). However:

If I use the same method for a swf with a streaming flv inside it, it gives me a runtime error: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert Play_Intro@20d71b51 to flash.display.MovieClip.

If I define it as a Sprite- it plays without any errors, but then how do I detect when the swf is at the end?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Detecting End Of A Sound?

Apr 12, 2002

if I am playing a sound using start like this:


is there a way to detect when the sound is done playing? i want to make something happen but only after the sound is done playing.if i know the length of the sound, can I just wait that many number of seconds, or will it not synch up on slower/faster computers?

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Sep 30, 2009

I am trying to implement paged recordsets in a datagrid and since I've not been able to find a way as a standard feature of as3 (recordset type was not provided in as3) - I'm cooking my own.The only problem I have is knowing when additional records should be requested. I need to be able to tell when the scroll bar or other method is used to scroll the datagrid down to the end (or near the end).

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Jan 10, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Wrapping A Swf Within Another Swf And Detecting It?

Dec 9, 2010

So for a site I would like to have 2 swfs, mainContainer(just has preloader) and index(contains all assets)

This will allow me to have a nice, 0%-100% preloader.

However during development I will just be publishing index. So to start my chain of functions, I have my document class for index like this:

ActionScript Code:
public class index extends MovieClip
var path:MovieClip;


However, this will fail when index is loaded in to mainContainer, because the code gets run before I addChild on to the mainContainer displayObject.

So I need a way to detect whether index is loaded or not in another swf. How's that possible?? There doesnt seem to be an easy way.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detecting End Of Resize

Apr 5, 2011

Basically it's a browser window scaleable flash movie, that most of it's elements move position to each RESIZE event. But a part of it is pretty cpu heavy, so I want that to only update when the user have stopped resizing.

I have not found anything about this in the forums and the solutions I've tried are not working.

- tried MOUSEUP event on stage, but the mouse is off the stage, so it doesn't register.

- tried a timer that measures the stop of movement of the mouse, but mousX/Y is not measured when mouse is off the stage.

UPDATE: mouseX/Y might not work, but stage.stageWidth is updated. But still not a very nice solution

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Im creating a flash projector that opens some other projectors with the fscommand exec command. Is there a way of detecting when the mouse is over one or another to change some values of variables?

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Nov 21, 2007

I have an mc that moves into position after a button is pressed. I would like a seperate mc start playing after the moving mc this can be achieved? I have attached a sample .fla file that has the parts that are needed.The file was over the allowed limit so I have uploaded it here:I would like the mc 'red' start playing after the mc 'longBar' stops moving. The mc 'longBar' starts moving after the gray square button is pressed.

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Feb 2, 2009

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May 4, 2010

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Problem is, I also have to plan the eventuality that the application won't be run on a server, and so far, I haven't been able to detect this, or catch an error that would mean I'm not on a server.

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Mar 8, 2005

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index.htm should have menu.swf in english but index_spanish.htm should have menu.swf and show only the texts in spanish.

I though just using dynamic txt fields with a var name "lang" to set the text to "buttonname" or "nombredeboton" depending on what page the swf is located.

So what I need is a method to swf detect whether the page is english or spanish (perhaps based on browser url?) that way I could use just one swf file for both languages.

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I thought I had a nice way to do this, but it's not always accurate for some reason. I was using (where myNumber is a number):

evenOrOdd = myNumber % 4; // 4 or any number
if (evenOrOdd == 0) {
// Number is even

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Mar 2, 2009

I was working on some simple keyboard movement for an AS3 game, but running into trouble. Some keys would work, some won't!.I started a new flash just to test the keyboard, and confirmed what I was seeing. Some keys like "D" will work, while others like "A" don't seem to. Here is the code from the keyTest program.

import flash.display.*;[code]..

So when I press D or W, this flash outputs "68 down" or "87 up" or whatever as intended. But if I press keys like A or S, it outputs nothing. Wut?

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Flash8 :: Mouse Detecting The Correct MC?

Jul 12, 2009

I am tring to create a "find and destroy" game..I have 20 ball shaped movie clips..they move around randomly..I want to click(destroy) only the ones having certain names (enemy1,enemy2...enemy8)or having certain can I write a function so that I can explode them clicking with my mouse .



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Aug 6, 2009

I'm trying to write a script that will check to see if an image or video file exists in an external directory. If the file is detected, then a new MC will be created and the file will be imported into it. If the file is not detected, then nothing will happen.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detecting The End Of A Linked Movieclip?

Mar 7, 2010

I have a problem where I can't detect the end of a movieclip in my project.

I have the FLV video linked for actionscript, so that I can control it dynamically with a few other things using AS3.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Launching And Detecting A Child SWF?

Sep 4, 2008

I have a project where a swf is going to call another swf via a url and the calling swf needs to detect when the child swf is done. The child will not have any means of communicating with the calling swf so the calling swf will need some means of launching the child and detecting when the child is exited (either by ending or the user closing it).

Below is the current code. flashThickBox throws an error because it apparently doesn't understand the format of the data passed to it. launches the child correctly but does not provide any means for detecting when the child is exited.

The url is [URL] which is a simple html page that loads player.swf. It has to be done in this format as we currently have older authorware files that need to be launched via this same method.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detecting If Sound Is Embedded In A FLV

Sep 15, 2008

I wonder if there is a way to detect if an FLV has sound embedded in it. I have various videos that I am streaming in and some have sound and some don't. Those that don't, I want to hide the volume controls and mute button and (you guessed it) those that do have sound, I want to show the volume controls, etc...

I know that I could make an extra flag in my XML file that describes the videos but I am wondering if there is any fancy pants way of using some sort of built-in, unpublished sound detection within the NetStream or NetStatus Event.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Detecting Microseconds In Flash?

Dec 16, 2009

I have tried searching for a solution on the net but to now joy.I can detect millisecondes in flash (getTimer()) but what I would like to do is detect microseconds.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Detecting RollOver Without Button?

Jul 12, 2010

I have made a movie that loads many sub movies into itself and I want an information box to appear  when the mouse pointer rolls over each movie. Some of the movies just play and loop so to get the box to pop up I just load the movie then attach an invisible button over it in the same size and position, which works fine. The problem is that some of the movies are interactive and have internal buttons that respond to the mouse rolling over them, so if I put a external button over them their interactivity is blocked. I also want to avoid putting custom code that targets the parent movie into the loaded movies so I don't have to adjust every movie I want to load. Is there a way to keep the interactivity of the loaded movie but still detect a mouse rollOver?
The scale and position of the loaded movies changes continually, but the only way I can think of of achiving what I want is to write code that continally calculates the size and position of the loaded movies and compares the position of the mouse pointer with them and brings up the info box if a hit is detected. This would be fairly complex

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detecting MOUSE_LEAVE When Mouse Down

Oct 10, 2010

I need to be able to detect a MOUSE_LEAVE on the instant the mouse leaves the stage no matter if the mouse is DOWN or UP. This seems to be impossible or a limitation in AS3. The MOUSE_LEAVE only gets dispatched if mouse is UP or after the mouse is released outside stage. Is there any API like isMouseOutsideStage instead of using listeners which i can use instead? stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT) is also not applicable because whenever my slide show changes images, MOUSE_OUT of stage gets dispatched which is undesirable.

The code below works perfectly where it detects a release or release outside if is other than myButton. The weird thing or perhaps an undesirable behavior is that if i release outside stage, equals myButton thus detecting a "release" instead of "release outside". I think that when we release outside stage, the want to be null.


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