I've set my movie to 2fps so that I can play a note of a musical scale on each frame. Unfortunately, playback at this fps is not as uniform as I'd like and makes the full scale sound rather amateurish. I wonder if there is a way to make flash stick to a solid 2fps? Everytime I play back the slight timing errors are the same so there's a pattern to it's out-of-time-ness. I'd rather not increase the fps as that would require more frames and a larger movie to keep track of/publish but if it's the only solution I may have to. Has anyone else experienced this sort of behaviour?
I've uploaded my .swf here in the hope someone may find it useful: AudioLayer.swf Any tips or suggestions would be most welcome! I've looked everywhere on the web but I can't for the life of me find out why it's happening.
My image gallery scroller play back is jerky, it seems like a interlacing problem.This is a swf file with mouse interaction (mouse left scroll left, mouse right scroll right) 30fps, they are jpegs at 300x300 pixels.Mainly the upper part of the pictures are affected.I've looked everywhere in Flash CS4 and cant find the option setting for interlace or progressive, or does it even exist?I've tried setting the Jpeg setting as progressive in Publish setting but the problem still persist...
I've got a short animation at 720p - not much going on, just some symbols moving around the screen - but playback in flash player is jerky (more flashy, actually) - not smooth at all.
I've got the latest video drivers for my card, running a dual-core 2.4GHz with 6GB of RAM - my CPU meter says it's having no trouble playing the flash. The video card is an Nvidia quadro NVS 285 (pretty old & crap, but should have no problems).
I don't suppose anyone has got any ideas. I am using FlashEff2 for an effect but the entire animation is jerky, not just the bit with the FlashEff. I would post the fla but I can't see any way to do that on this forum - if anyone would like to see the source, please email me at elliot dot sumner at gmail dot com.
I used media encoder to convert my 3 minute widescreen 856x480 video to a 428x240 flv. It plays OK on my computer but after I embed it in a webpage in Dreamweaver and upload it, it plays jittery on the internet. How can I get it play smoothly like all the other flash videos I see on the internet. Here's the link: [URL]
I've created a vertical accordion based of this one url...But for some reason in my version the scrolling is jerky and sometimes overlaps causing two layers to flash. How can i fix that. All i've done is change all the width values to height and all the x values to y.[code]
I don't do much flash but can sort of get myself around. I'm having issues with a classic tween in CS4. I have a jpeg of magazine covers inside an MC that repeats a scrolling left movement. The client has commented that it comes across a little jerky and isn't smooth enough.
What can I do to smooth the jerkiness of my tweening text? The actual textFields are all already set to "anti-alias form animation". But they aren't behaving as nicely as they could be. I tried embedding the font etc...
I have an interactive graph that works fine in Flash but jerks along when swf is online. The graph is at I will gladly send the original file to anyone.
It seem when I trying to drag the bordercontainer to move along x-axis position on mouse down. It appear to move stable but became jerky when I drag a little faster.Any way to get bordercontainer move with smooth motion?[code]
I recently launched a Flash website that has video tutorials synchronized with Flash animations. Overall the site is functioning well, but I have an isolated instance of user having very jerky video with the audio occasionally cutting out.
His connection speed is fine (3572.7 Kbps). When I asked him for details he said the video was jerky from the start, and 'the video cycled from smooth to jerky once every half to a whole second.' He is using Flash player WIN, on win XP with all updates. When asked he did not provide the browser version.
Here is a link to the site: http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com..._Analysis.aspx
The programming is done in AS 2. It's set up using net connection and net stream for flvs hosted on a media server. The flvs have cuepoints to trigger the animations. When a given flv is finished downloading the next flv in the list is then preloaded. The buffer time is set to 6 seconds.
I haven't been able to recreate the problem. The feedback that we've gotten suggests that the site runs fine. If anyone has trouble viewing this please let me know and please provide details.
I have a fairly decent grasp of flash, but not so much of the action script side of things. I need to make a banner similar to the one featured here:[URL]..
As you can see, the image is jerky and juddery when it scales down. From what I can find out, I think I need to use the pixel snapping feature to help make it a smoother fade, but I haven't got a clue how to write the actionscript for it, or where to put the actionscript. Can anyone give me any pointers?
I have a series of mp4 videos (H.236 @ 22 fps) streaming from an akamai FMS serve via RTMP protocol in flash player 9+ with AS 3.My goal is to create client side playlists that smoothly switch from one stream to another. I am creating these playlists using a series of netStream. play (filename,start,len) methods. If I don't use an offset for the start parameter, then the stream switches smoothly from one video to the next with not noticeable jump or jerkiness. However if I introduce a start offset, say a few seconds in, I start to see a quick little hiccup or pause between the seams as it switches from one playlist stream to the next.
Embedded a few FLV movies in my flash SWF and they appear ok and play back properly when I test the movie from within flash (CNTRL + ENTER) or just run the generated SWF file i can see the playback controls fine.
But when i put that flash movie into a HTML file and preview it, the playback controls are nowhere to be seen. I have a strong feeling it has something to do with the location of the playback skin in relation to the movie or html file (but i have copied the skins like 10 times and pasted them into every level of my website and I still cannot see the playback controls!
I have a cool idea for an animation, but need it to play backwards at the end of it's timeline...how hard would this be to do?So, in essense it would play frames 1,2,3,4,5 then immediately 4,3,2,1 and then 2,3,4 and so on...
how to detect the end of an flv playback. I am loading in a flv to a webpage, using the FlvPlayBack component. Everything is working fine as to be expected. How do I insert a credits image to display once the flv has finished? Users would need to be able to restart the flv playback too. I have been looking at cuePoints etc...
I'm trying to get an instance of an FLV Playback that serves as a background to one of the sections of my Flash site to fade in once the section is entered, and fade back out again when it is exited. I've put it into an mc called 'vid container' and I applied some simple motion tweening to the container, to fade it in from 0 opacity to 100 and back down again. What I'm having trouble understanding is that, while the fadeout works absolutely fine, the fade in doesn't work at all.
Is there a way to create a temporary button that allows you to pause a SWF in the middle of playback? Hopefully when you pressed a 'resume' button, the SWF would beginto play at the exact point where it paused.
im using flvplayback to play a video that is around 3 minutes long.i wonder if there is a way to speed up the playment of this video?for axample skip every second and third frame or so when playing?
I am new to adobe forums and flash platform. I am using flash cs3 / 8 for almost a year now (timeline with some basic actionscript - AS2). What I need for my projects is a playback skin for the produced swf's. I tried captivate, but when I import the skin actions don't work any more (i tried several tactics - synchronize ... ect). Is there any other way to add a player skin with start /stop buttons and active scrubber bar (slider bar). I can easily create custom start/ stop buttons that does the job but I can figure how to make a scrubber bar that will respond to my flash project user interaction (e-learning purposes).
I've encoded an flv with cuepoints. When I play the video, it freezes at the cuepoint. I'm useing as3 on windows 7. I've removed the metaData callback from the code below as the problem occurs with and without the callback.
nc = new NetConnection();nc.connect (null);ns = new NetStream(nc); vid = new Video();vid.attachNetStream(ns);ns.play('names1680.flv');
I am playing an swf on a VB.net form which works fine but I've added an FLV to another layer in the same swf and when I run it, the FLV doesn't appear. If I run the swf by itself the FLV appears. I've tried using the FLVPlayback component and tried coding the FLV with AS3, both work when I run the SWF by itself but the FLV still doesn't appear when run in VB.
I imported an FLV video and selected a Skin via the Video import wizard. The Under... skin did not display. The Over... skin shows just a sliver of it at the bottom of the published video. There is also a black border about .38" high at the top and bottom of the video. The sliver of the playback control is over the lower border. I've tried resizing the video in the Publish Video dialog, using No Borders and nothing helps. Using Flash CS4 on Win XP. I used the AMEncoder to convert the MPG to FLV.
I've created a "flashloop" for a client, but it won't loop. I've done it in AS3, and all the code is on the first frame of the maintimeline, which does not have a stop() on it. I've published it to loop, and made sure the HTML has the loop = true value, but it doesn't loop. The SWF doesn't even loop when played in the Flash Player.
function pauseRestart(event:TweenEvent):void{ timer20.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, fadeLogo); timer20.start();} function fadeLogo(event:TimerEvent):void{ fadeOutLogo = new Tween(logo,"alpha",None.easeNone,1,0,3,true); timer20.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, fadeLogo); timer20.stop();}
I have an ad banner in which I am certain I touched nothing that would affect the lack of looping in the file and lo and behold some elemnts loop even though in the actionscript it says to stop looping it....The trace says it played out the function to stop looping but it still does. I am not an actionscript pro but could anyone PLEASE possibly look at the file and tell me how to make sure EVERYTHING stops looping? The looping is causing google to prevent us from putting up the banners