Flash 10 :: Small Lack In Frame Looping?

Aug 8, 2010

I made a gear and created a 40 frame long tween for it using this: i36.tinypic.com/97tk0h.png @ 24 fps. But when the tween reaches the 40th frame and starts again from 1st frame there is a small small lack. I mean i pauses for very very very small time (almost not noticeable, but i see it anyway as developer). So is there any way how to make it work perfect with out the small lack/pause?

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ActionScript Code:
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var len:Number = a.length;


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function mouseMovement(e:MouseEvent):void{
van.x = (mouseX/20) + 490;
van.y = (mouseY/20) + 285;


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loop = loop + 1
if (loop < 4) {
} else {

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Keep On Looping Till Click A Button To Make It Go To Frame

Apr 14, 2005

i have 26 frames. i want frame 1-25 to keep on looping till i click a button to make it go to frame 26.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Project Looping 3 Times From The Start To The End But Stopping On The Last Frame After The 3rd Time It Loops

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Looping Menu - Go Back To Frame And Play From There So It Would Loop All Until The Button Is Clicked

Apr 10, 2010

I've got an intro for a movie,and a single button appears around frame 58,and I've tried giving it a function so it will skip to fram 478 and play the whole movie from there on:

PlayCompl_btn.onRelease = function() {

but it keeps saying "statement must appear within handler" and I've got the same problem when the movie reaches frame 477 I want it to go back to frame 58 and play from there so it would loop all until the button is clicked:

PlayCompl_btn.onEnterFrame = function() {

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Have used the preloader at [URL] and it seems to work fine however after the last frame of the movie it appears to flick (quickly) back to the preloader info, note I want the movie to loop continually. Is there a way I can add something that will make the movie loop direct to frame two and miss the preloader?

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