ActionScript 2.0 :: Blend Music Looping From A Frame?

Apr 4, 2011

1.Is it possible to blend music looping from a frame lets say frame 1 to frame 10 and then having it not loop but go into the other frames lets say frame 11 to 21?

2.How can i get it to just either blend or loop, i know looping is possible but i've forgotten how, i haven't used flash since 06'

3.Is it possible to put two songs on one frame without making it sound really bad or jumbled up? can i put sound effects on a button, lets say you click something or get a coin in the game how can i make it so the 'coin noise' goes on the button?

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CS3 :: Looping Music For Background

Apr 24, 2009

I am used to working in Flash MX but now have CS4. You use to be able to just drop an mp3 file onto a layer and it would loop continously now it's not doing that.I need help in a big way to loop this mp3 file in CS4.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Stop Music From Looping

Nov 16, 2010

how do i stop the music from looping in the code below???// Written.. Happy Chodingstop();// Assign The URL to the mp3 to playvar req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("images/song001.mp3");// Boolean value for button functions, to switch in the conditionalsvar isPlaying:Boolean = true;// Create the sound object

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Looping Music Won't Play

Mar 29, 2005

I am loading a movie in another flash movie clip. The first movie "animation.swf" has background music that loops twice. Linked in the library as "Song" and played as below:

loopMusic = new Sound ();
loopMusic.attachSound ("Song");
loopMusic.start (0,2);

It plays fine, but when that file is loaded in the main movie using loadMovie the sound doesn't play.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Background Music: Looping, Stopping?

Sep 1, 2009

I've got a few questions about background music. Such as...

- How do you get music to loop in the background of a stopped frame (or multiple stopped frames)?

- How do you get the looping background music playing in a stopped frame to stop when a certain button is clicked?

- and How do you get music to stop playing in regular, non-stopped frames when a certain button is clicked (although it's probably the same as the above question...)?

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Professional :: Add Music Looping Over And Over For 600 Frames, Then Stops?

Oct 1, 2010

I have a music track that I want continusuely playing and looping for until my 600 frames stop, then it stops. (by the way my frames/sec is a 1, not 24 like the default). Also it would be nice if in the last 5 seconds it could somehow fade away. How do I do this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Looping Music Wont Play?

Mar 29, 2005

I am loading a movie in another flash movie clip. The first movie "animation.swf" has background music that loops twice.Linked in the library as "Song" and played as below:

loopMusic = new Sound ();
loopMusic.attachSound ("Song");
loopMusic.start (0,2);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Music Looping Continuously Regardless Of Timeline

Apr 29, 2009

I just want my loop to keep playing regardless of the timeline stopping and starting.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Link A Button Thats Embedded In Frame 2 (music Page Timeline) To A Frame In The Main Timeline?

Nov 22, 2011

How do I link a button thats embedded in frame 2 (music page timeline) to a frame in the main timeline ( frame 3= biography page)? Both pages are on the same scene with link buttons embedded in each page independent timeline.

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Professional :: Music To Frame - Audio In CS5.5 Pro

Mar 8, 2012

Never thought waiting seven years to update my software would be such a relearning In Flash MX to add audio into a movie clip, animation, etc, all you needed to was add the file to your library and drag it onto the frame in which you wanted the audio to play. However when I try this in CS5.5 nothing happens. I'm sure there's just a different implementation now, and I don't know what it is.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play Music Only Until Certain Frame?

Nov 10, 2009

Im using as3 to start playing 1 music in the intro of my website... but i want that music to stop when he reatch frame 600...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Music Starting Once Frame Is Selected?

Nov 30, 2008

I'm making a platform game at the moment with each levelinside a frame. For the background music I was going to embed thesound sound file in the library and whenever the app moves to a newframe on the timeline new music will play. It needs to be on eachframe as each level of the application is a frame itself.So for example

Frame 2 = Level 1 Plays, BackgroundMusic runs
Frame 3 = Level 2 Plays, Stop Music 1, and Play


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove Music Added To The Frame?

Nov 15, 2010

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Looping Animation On Stopped Frame

Jan 10, 2010

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I'm creating a UI menu for the beginning of a flash project. On a few layers, I have objects and buttons while the "stop();" command is applied to the frame to keep them on the screen as a Title screen or menu-like idea.

My problem is that I would like a animation, or a movie clip, or something that is looping in the background for a more detailed menu screen.. However, I can't figure out how to run the animation while the current frame is stopped.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Keep Looping Current Frame?

Mar 29, 2011

I am making a game, which currently works(!) by playing frame one repeatedly. What I would like to do is add two more frames (before and after) with frame 1 being a menu, and frame 3 being another screen (like game over/menu).

Basically I want to have a button on frame 1 with start or w/e and then it goes to frame 2 and keeps repeating frame 2 until gameover=true or similar. How can I do this? (basic I know!)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop Music When Playhead Leaves Frame?

Oct 8, 2009

I am creating a website that should have music playing abilities. (Sounds cool that way lol). I have a music player MovieClip and in it, it has some actions. It is placed on a frame on the main timeline. I also have an actions layer that has some code controlling other contents of that page on the site.

The music player works fine but when I leave the frame which the music player is loaded on the main timeline, the music keeps playing. How do I stop it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Resume Background Music Playback Out Of Frame

Mar 6, 2011

So I have a Flash CS5 presentation which uses ActionScript 3.0, and currently is completely finished except for the addition of background music.

One of the pages has audio files which the user can select and listen to, and another page has video files for the user to select and watch.

As a result, I will need the background music to pause/stop itself before it reaches those frames in the movie, and start itself when leaving those frames.

Alternatively, a button for the user to click and the background music will pause or resume.

I have tried multiple methods, and currently have the background music playing from frame 1 (with the "pause/resume button" event listener) to the end. The pause button will work anywhere in the movie, but the background music will not resume at all - not even from the beginning.

I assume that this is because the song isnt loaded past frame 1?

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Professional :: Animating Music Video - Frame Rate In CS4

Nov 17, 2010

I am a student and I use CS4 on a Mac on one of the schools computers. One of the animation projects I am working I need to animate a music video. To do this I calculated out the BPM of the song and set the frame rate at 23.3 FPS so that I would have 20 Frames between beats. Then to have a visual representation of the timing I set a layer that has a red dot blink for 2 frames every 20 frames starting on the first beat.

With it set up like this and I run the animation in Flash it keeps time correctly and works. However, when I test the video the time is off. I tried changing the frame rate to 60fps as an arbitrary number to see if adjusting the frame rate had any affect of the test file but when I tested the video at 60fps it did not run any faster than before. I exported the video to a SWF and MOV file but it was still off.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Stop The Music From Playing When You Exit That Frame?

Jan 22, 2009

i am building a flash web site using the goto and stop method, with each "page" of the website being a different frame. on one page i have a music player, and it all works fine, and if you press stop before leaving that "page" or frame it all works well.the problem i've run into is if you go to another frame while the music player is still playing the music continues playing and when you go back to the frame the music player is on and press stop it doesnt do anything and if you press play it will start playing the song again with both songs playing over to stop the music from playing when you exit that frame. here's the code for the music player:

Code: Select all//Music Player
var musicReq:URLRequest;
var music:Sound = new Sound();[code]..............

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Music Is On Loop But Starts Over Itself When Change Frame?

Apr 30, 2009


I followed it exactly and the button worked fine with the music,

but then i stated to add keyframes, it works fine carys on playing on every keyframe i go to, but the problem is when i go back to the first keyframe the music still goes on which is good, but its starts again over the one thats already playing!

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop Movie At Last Frame Instead Of Looping?

Apr 30, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: GotoAndPlay Random Frame Looping

Jul 30, 2009

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Flash8 :: Make 4 Frame Looping Banner Ad Under 40k?

May 4, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop Preloader From Looping First Frame

May 23, 2010

My latest Flash project is almost finished apart from one small but annoying thing. The first frame containing the preloader and no images keeps playing on loop with the rest of the movie, I just want the rest to loop and the preloader to disappear for good when it's finished doing it's preloader thing! I'm guessing there's some actionscript I have to put somewhere to stop the first frame playing on loop, I'm just not sure what or where.
Here is the test page with the flash as header: [URL].

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Looping Through Array With Frame Labels?

Aug 27, 2009

I'm trying to make a next button loop through frame labels on the timeline. Here is my current code and it doesn't seem to be returning anything..

ActionScript Code:
var a:Array = ["a", "b", "c", "d"];
var len:Number = a.length;


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Flash 10 :: Small Lack In Frame Looping?

Aug 8, 2010

I made a gear and created a 40 frame long tween for it using this: @ 24 fps. But when the tween reaches the 40th frame and starts again from 1st frame there is a small small lack. I mean i pauses for very very very small time (almost not noticeable, but i see it anyway as developer). So is there any way how to make it work perfect with out the small lack/pause?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: GotoAndPlay() Looping Frame Range?

Feb 5, 2011

I have a keylistener that makes my player object gotoAndPlay(10) and I want it to play frame 10-28 then repeat until it's told to go elsewhere. I tried putting gotoAndPlay(10) on frame 28, but it never actually reaches the code. I tried putting a trace statement there. While the animation reaches frame 28, the actionscript is never run. Yet, if I move the code anywhere between 10 and 22 it does run. But 23 to 28 it does not. There are no keyframe structures that exist between 10 and 22 that don't between 23 and 28. Also, the gotoAndPlay() code only plays one frame of where I tell it to go then resumes the rest of what it was playing.Basically, I need to gotoAndLoop(10, 28) ... which I will write after I figure out how to make it work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Fading Text In One Frame Without Looping

Feb 19, 2004

If I have a word like "casting" and I want to make it fade away in one frame using actionscripting, how do I prevent it from looping when I test it. Because if its a movie clip, how do i control it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Looping Movie To A Definite Frame?

Feb 11, 2008

I'm doing for my website some animated pictures in flash (like banners):when the movie end I want it to loop, but not from the first frame to the last one. I want it to loop from a definite frame (for example "25") to the end.the Actionscript code to use?I tried in this way, but it doesn't work and give me errors:On the last frame: stop();Selecting the object: gotoAndPlay(25);

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Looping Frame Breaks Mouse Event?

Apr 28, 2011

I have a picture of a van moving on its x and y in relation to the mouse movement on screen..

stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseMovement);
function mouseMovement(e:MouseEvent):void{
van.x = (mouseX/20) + 490;
van.y = (mouseY/20) + 285;


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