ActionScript 2.0 :: Fading Text In One Frame Without Looping

Feb 19, 2004

If I have a word like "casting" and I want to make it fade away in one frame using actionscripting, how do I prevent it from looping when I test it. Because if its a movie clip, how do i control it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Fading Out Text INSIDE A Text Area?

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I have text showing up in a text area, I know I can make the background transparent, but how do I make the actual text showing up an _alpha of oh say 30 or 40...I've tried..(inside the onClipLoad event of the text area)

this.text._alpha = 30;
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Here is the script of it:

var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();
var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest("scene2.swf");


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Looping Animation On Stopped Frame

Jan 10, 2010

I'm new to flash, knowing only a couple of commands such as stop(); and gotoAndPlay.

I'm creating a UI menu for the beginning of a flash project. On a few layers, I have objects and buttons while the "stop();" command is applied to the frame to keep them on the screen as a Title screen or menu-like idea.

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I am making a game, which currently works(!) by playing frame one repeatedly. What I would like to do is add two more frames (before and after) with frame 1 being a menu, and frame 3 being another screen (like game over/menu).

Basically I want to have a button on frame 1 with start or w/e and then it goes to frame 2 and keeps repeating frame 2 until gameover=true or similar. How can I do this? (basic I know!)

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Professional :: Text Fading At Different Times?

Jan 14, 2010

I have almost completed my first Flash project at work, after numerous losses of sanity, blood, sweat and tears. Anyhow I am on the last step and can see the end in site.

I have a movie within the webpage where text fades in. There are three components to the section; static text, a button and text that is linked via another movie file. When the text fades in each of the elements mentioned fade in at different times/rates. What should be looking at? I think that all the frame rates should be the same? Should I combine them all into one and make the fade easier to work with?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Fading The Dynamic Text?

Jan 20, 2003

I am making a childrens story book for school and to go between the pages of text I want the text to fade in and out.. I have been trying many different things and have looked quite thoroughly and have found nothing which is what i want.

What I Would Like If I have a book (see book.jpg attached) and in that book i will have text. When the next or previous page button is pressed the page will go to either the previous or next page.

The way I think it whould be done When you click on the next or previous or next button the text is written into a dynamic text field with action script, but is there anyway to have that script fade in when it is written with action script.I think this would require having just one dynamic text field and the buttons on one frame and then just writing and fading the dynamic text in that text field when you click the button. Also is there anyway to set the previous and next button to load different text depending on the text that is already loaded?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Fading Text As It Scrolls In / Out?

May 9, 2007

I'm sure this is very simply but I can't seem to get the trick down. I have a simply scroller with text. Nothing dynamic, just a plain 'ol scroller. I'd like the text to fade in or out, from the top or bottom, as the user scrolls. Take a look at this site and click on The Film link. The text fades as you scroll up/down. [URL]. I've tried making the mask for my scroller into a gradient but that doesn't affect the text.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop Movie At Last Frame Instead Of Looping?

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Jul 30, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop Preloader From Looping First Frame

May 23, 2010

My latest Flash project is almost finished apart from one small but annoying thing. The first frame containing the preloader and no images keeps playing on loop with the rest of the movie, I just want the rest to loop and the preloader to disappear for good when it's finished doing it's preloader thing! I'm guessing there's some actionscript I have to put somewhere to stop the first frame playing on loop, I'm just not sure what or where.
Here is the test page with the flash as header: [URL].

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Looping Through Array With Frame Labels?

Aug 27, 2009

I'm trying to make a next button loop through frame labels on the timeline. Here is my current code and it doesn't seem to be returning anything..

ActionScript Code:
var a:Array = ["a", "b", "c", "d"];
var len:Number = a.length;


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Flash 10 :: Small Lack In Frame Looping?

Aug 8, 2010

I made a gear and created a 40 frame long tween for it using this: @ 24 fps. But when the tween reaches the 40th frame and starts again from 1st frame there is a small small lack. I mean i pauses for very very very small time (almost not noticeable, but i see it anyway as developer). So is there any way how to make it work perfect with out the small lack/pause?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: GotoAndPlay() Looping Frame Range?

Feb 5, 2011

I have a keylistener that makes my player object gotoAndPlay(10) and I want it to play frame 10-28 then repeat until it's told to go elsewhere. I tried putting gotoAndPlay(10) on frame 28, but it never actually reaches the code. I tried putting a trace statement there. While the animation reaches frame 28, the actionscript is never run. Yet, if I move the code anywhere between 10 and 22 it does run. But 23 to 28 it does not. There are no keyframe structures that exist between 10 and 22 that don't between 23 and 28. Also, the gotoAndPlay() code only plays one frame of where I tell it to go then resumes the rest of what it was playing.Basically, I need to gotoAndLoop(10, 28) ... which I will write after I figure out how to make it work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Blend Music Looping From A Frame?

Apr 4, 2011

1.Is it possible to blend music looping from a frame lets say frame 1 to frame 10 and then having it not loop but go into the other frames lets say frame 11 to 21?

2.How can i get it to just either blend or loop, i know looping is possible but i've forgotten how, i haven't used flash since 06'

3.Is it possible to put two songs on one frame without making it sound really bad or jumbled up? can i put sound effects on a button, lets say you click something or get a coin in the game how can i make it so the 'coin noise' goes on the button?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Looping Movie To A Definite Frame?

Feb 11, 2008

I'm doing for my website some animated pictures in flash (like banners):when the movie end I want it to loop, but not from the first frame to the last one. I want it to loop from a definite frame (for example "25") to the end.the Actionscript code to use?I tried in this way, but it doesn't work and give me errors:On the last frame: stop();Selecting the object: gotoAndPlay(25);

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Looping Frame Breaks Mouse Event?

Apr 28, 2011

I have a picture of a van moving on its x and y in relation to the mouse movement on screen..

stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseMovement);
function mouseMovement(e:MouseEvent):void{
van.x = (mouseX/20) + 490;
van.y = (mouseY/20) + 285;


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Stop Looping File At Specific Frame?

Oct 19, 2011

Ive created a banner ad in AS 1.0-2.0. The ad can only loop 4 times then it must stop. The following code does this at frame 170. The timeline is 170 frames in length, and this code is keyframed on an actions layer on frame 170 - however, I'd like the final stopped flash swf file to occur at frame 155. I can't just put this code on frame 155 - it skips a whole section of  animation (from frames 155 to 170) that I want to keep in the loops. 
loop = loop + 1
if (loop < 4) {
} else {

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Actionscript :: Looping Pauses On Last Frame Before Repeating Loop?

Feb 13, 2012

I am attempting to loop a portion of an animation in Adobe Flash Professional using actionscript 3.0.

I have added 2 extra layers to my project, called "Labels" and "Actionscript".

I have named the Labels layer "loop" and and added a blank keyframe at the start frame of the sequence I want to loop. On the Actionscript layer, I have added a blank keyframe at the last frame of the project and added the following actionscript code:


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Professional :: Fading Flash Text In Over Background Video?

Jul 28, 2010

I've read through several tutorials but I must be doing something wrong on this. I'm using Adobe Flash Pro CS4. I am trying to create a short clip that fades text in over a bacground video. When I create a motion tween on the text track, I'm generating an error and the background video is no longer visible in the preview. Instead, I see the text over the stage background color. It is as if the background video track has switched to wireframe. Here are the steps I've followed:
1. Created Flash File (ActionScript 3.0).

2. Imported Video into the State background layer - it appears as a black image in the it previews fine at that point

3. Created new layer for text and placed text - it previews fine at this point, text is overlaying video

4. I right click on the text block and choose convert to symbol.

5. Next with the play head on the first frame and the Text layer selected I choose Create Motion Tween. This is when AFP throws this error:TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at onents() at [code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Dynamic Text From An XML - Fading In And Out While Rotating?

Jul 11, 2007

SO i have looked and looked and I am beginning to believe that this may just be impossible to do with Actionscript. Basically i have a backend php file that creates an XML file of randomly selected entries from a Db. That XML file is imported to the swf file, and currently i can rotate through the XML nodes with no problem. Where i am now having issues is trying to have each entry Fade in.........and then fade out. Doing this with tweening is not an option because the tween time period never matches up with the backend actionscript rotation time period.

I have read alot about how you need to embed fonts to make this possible. have done that to no avail. THis can not be that out there of an idea. Basically i have a list of advertiser names and am wanting to rotate through them........but want a little more style than just a hard cut between the entries.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: [f5]fading Grid Not Fading?

Oct 11, 2003

when i test the movie all i see is a large grey box (border color) with a medium white box (box color) in the bottom right.when i edit the border and lose the grey box but leave its line borders then i get the image with the white box in the bottom right. i've got an image: instance named 'image', a box: instance named 'box' and a border: instance named 'border' and pasted in the actionscript in

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Fading Grid Not Fading

Oct 11, 2003

i've done the Fading Grid tutorial that Voetsjoeba wrote but i seem to be de-railing somewhere when i test the movie all i see is a large grey box (border color) with a medium white box (box color) in the bottom right.when i edit the border and lose the grey box but leave its line borders then i get the image with the white box in the bottom right. i've got an image: instance named 'image', a box: instance named 'box' and a border: instance named 'border' and pasted in the actionscript in place but it still hangs.

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