ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop Music When Playhead Leaves Frame?

Oct 8, 2009

I am creating a website that should have music playing abilities. (Sounds cool that way lol). I have a music player MovieClip and in it, it has some actions. It is placed on a frame on the main timeline. I also have an actions layer that has some code controlling other contents of that page on the site.

The music player works fine but when I leave the frame which the music player is loaded on the main timeline, the music keeps playing. How do I stop it?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Stop The Music From Playing When You Exit That Frame?

Jan 22, 2009

i am building a flash web site using the goto and stop method, with each "page" of the website being a different frame. on one page i have a music player, and it all works fine, and if you press stop before leaving that "page" or frame it all works well.the problem i've run into is if you go to another frame while the music player is still playing the music continues playing and when you go back to the frame the music player is on and press stop it doesnt do anything and if you press play it will start playing the song again with both songs playing over to stop the music from playing when you exit that frame. here's the code for the music player:

Code: Select all//Music Player
var musicReq:URLRequest;
var music:Sound = new Sound();[code]..............

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Movie Clips And Background Music - Unable To Stop Music At The End Of The Animation?

Apr 30, 2011

I'm working on an animation where I have my "dog" fighting the evil vacuum cleaner. I got most of it to work the way I want it to.

1) I have movie clips entitled pepper_mc (where my dog is supposed to be walking), swirl (where a swirly-type symbol is supposed to spin over the dead vacuum's head), and vacuum_mc (where the evil vacuum is supposed to have a swinging arm (called vacuumarm_mc) that I created using the bone tool). When I add them to the stage and test them, the animations within the movie clips don't happen.

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Here's the file --> Pepper and the Vacuum of DOOM!

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import fl.controls.Slider;
import flash.ui.Mouse;


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on(press) {

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Is there a way to deactivate a drag when the mouse is released outside the bounds of the stage, perhaps by using a different method that doesn't rely on a button?

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import flash.filters.BlurFilter;
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;


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I am using an older version of flash. This is technically a game question but it is in older flash.My MC is a movable char that can jump, fall, and land on platforms. I would like to program a way for if the char falls and doesn't meet ground (i.e. falls out of view entirely) for a new frame to play on the main timeline OR for a movie clip to load asking it to try again OR for the game to start over completely. Whichever method is easiest.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Wait Playhead For 5 Second In A Frame

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how will be actionScript for waiting the play head in a frame for 5 second ?

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IDE :: Make The Playhead Start On Frame 1?

Oct 15, 2009

If I have for example a simple timeline with 2 labels.The first one is called "Intro" and the second one is called "Loop".So I would like to make the playhead start on frame 1 ("Intro" starts) and when it gets to frame 100 ("Loop" ends), make it loop 3 times and then go back to frame 1.So I would simply write the code:


Lets say it does, how would it increment loops to more than 1, if when its incremented to 1 the playhead goes to frame 1, runs that code again, so loops would be assigned 0 again, right?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Stopping The Playhead At A Specific Frame?

Mar 26, 2010

im looking to be able to use a mouse click to trigger an animation of something spinning. but depending on which event listener is clicked i want the animation to stop at a specific frame for each thus allow further mouse clicks and feature access. does anyone know how i can do this in AS3?

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Jul 19, 2010

I have a lot of Flash files for which I need to export jpgs of their last frame. write a command for moving the timeline's playhead to the last frame, then exporting a jpg (at Full Document Size, 72 dpi, 96% quality)?

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Professional :: Trigger An Event To Send The Playhead To Another Frame And Load Another Swf?

Mar 7, 2010

I am in the final stages of building my new web site: http:[url]....On most of the pages in the portfolio there is a video "Commentary" link (top right corner).Each of the commentaries are flv called up by f.ex:

Once the video is done playing, it fades to black.I would really like the flv to trigger an event to send the playhead to another frame and load another swf.I could use a pause command and let the main time line pause so many milliseconds and then proceed, but it is probably not consistent how long it takes each viewer to download the video and watch it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tell The Playhead To GotoAndStop(); On Frame 2 Of The Main Timeline From A Class File?

Jan 21, 2010

How do i tell the playhead to gotoAndStop(); on frame 2 of the main timeline from a class file?....I'm trying to oop this program.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Call It From Inside A Movie Clip As The Playhead Passes A Frame?

Jan 17, 2010

Ok so I have a function (loadthm1) on frame 1 of the main time line. I want to call it from inside a movie clip as the playhead passes a frame. In as2 I could just say _parent or _root.functionName(); but in as3 I get a undefined method error. How do I point to the function and call it?

ActionScript Code:
var thmLoader1:Loader;
function loadthm1(url:String):void {


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Stop Music Playing On My Website?

Apr 30, 2010

I've agreed to helping a friend out to make a few changes to her website.

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