IDE :: Loading External Swf That Are Xml Slideshows?

Jul 22, 2009

So i followed the tutorials to create xml slide-shows and then when a guest mouses over a button i load another xml swf slide-show and reload the main xml slide-show when they mouse works great to start by automatically loading the first swf xml slide-show, and it still works when i mouse over the first button. when i mouse off or mouse over another button (3 total) the slide-show starts loading images randomly and at odd intervals (originally all are set at 3 seconds).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Generic Swf For Loading Image Slideshows?

Apr 16, 2009

i have a swf that loads dynamic images from an xml. that part is working great. Also i give the swf a parameter with the xml to load through the embed code. thats working to.

What is not working I want to give the swf a height and width so i can use the same swf for multiple places and sizes. i've done it by giving absolute size to a container div and it seems to do the size job, BUT i cant get the images to load right. Ive tried every scalemode and images are expanded or they load way of the x=0, y=0 of the movie

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Dynamic Slideshows Using External Jpegs?

Dec 9, 2008

I want to create dynamic slideshows using external jpegs and for the slideshow to continue until all of the images have been shown. The images in the folder are named 0,1,2,3... etc First of all I want a function to fire that loads an external jpeg.It then checks to see if it exists.If it does it waits 5 seconds then loads the next. If it doesnt I want it to stop and show a default image.So far I have

PHP Code:

fileExists=new LoadVars();
function checkIt(success) {


This checks to see if the image exists and if it does it gets displayed. If it doesnt it shows the default image. How can I add a counter to the "0.jpg" and the

PHP Code:


I Know it involves setInterval but I cant seem to get the two things working together!

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load / Unload External SWF Slideshows Crashes PC

Aug 1, 2010

Basically I've had a really hard time trying to unload / load external swf slideshows. I've got it so I can load the first one fine, but when I tell it to go to the next frame with the next movie, the movie bit is just blank. If I have a link that goes directly to the frame of the second movie before loading the first movie, the second movie loads fine then, but will not load once the first movie has been loaded, if that makes sense. So I followed a tutorial on here to load and unload. And it almost works! The first movie loads, then I click the second movie and that loads, and then I click back on the first movie and the friggin pc crashes!!

The two movies are on the "home" and "ds" buttons at [URL]. My script is below:
// Container
var imageLoader:Loader = new Loader();
// Url Requests
var imageRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("home.swf");
var imageRequestPs3:URLRequest = new URLRequest("ps3.swf");
var imageRequestPs2:URLRequest = new URLRequest("ps2.swf");
var imageRequestPsp:URLRequest = new URLRequest("psp.swf");
[Code] .....

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Flash :: Embedding Two Slideshows?

Mar 26, 2010

I am trying to embedd two slideshows into my flash file.I already managed to integrate one, but I can't integrate another since my knowledge of actionscript is very limited. For people that know Flash well it is a really easy question. What do I have to rename in this script so that I can create a second slideshow, without always calling on the first one.Here is the script for the first slideshow:(I got it from the website where I bought the template for the slideshow from)

var loader:Loader = new Loader();
var monoslideshow:Object;
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.CO MPLETE, onLoadComplete);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Can't Get Multiple Slideshows To Run

Feb 22, 2007

I can't seem to figure out where it is. Here's my code:

var p = 0, delay = 3000, r = 0;
function loadXML(loaded) {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: 4 Random Slideshows In 1 Swf Won't Work

Nov 10, 2010

AS that is retreiving info from a config.xml file (the number of logo's per slideshow).

The flash movie needs to show 4 different slideshows in one flash movie. For this i'm using a AS 2.0 code. 2 of the 4 slideshows work perfectly. however the other 2 are not? I'm expecting there is a limitation to the code, because only the first 2 slideshows that are adressed first in the code are working fine. I'm using the exact same code, but with other variable names but it won't work...

Below is the actionscript code:

import mx.transitions.Tween;
//load xml
xmlData = new XML();


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Slideshows - Multiple Flash Entities In Page

Mar 3, 2010

What I want to build is a photography site using flash for the thumbnail pages and slideshow, but have the navigation buttons their own separate flash entities. Can these separate flash button entities influence the thumbnail flash entity? The purpose of the multiple flash entities is so that I can embed it in my html and use css to position them so that it stretches or shrinks to fit a browser window depending on screen size. Or is that a bad idea?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Targeting With Multiple Attached Slideshows

Jun 15, 2007

My flash file creates multiple slideshow instances. These slideshow's are each controlled by some buttons and AS code that reside within the attached container clip. The code for buttons and slideshow nav is as follows (this resides on first frame of attached movie, not on _root):


The problem is that instead of just controlling the slideshow for which you are viewing, the keys control all other slideshows as well at the same time. Where the buttons, when you click them, control only the slideshow that they are contained in. I've tried writing an absolute path to the specific slideshow movie in question like:


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How To Make Intro Slideshows For Main Page Of Website

Aug 18, 2009

I have designing my website with Dreamweaver and am wondering how exactly I can make a non-interactive slideshow for my main page, preferably in Flash or Fireworks. I want the slideshow to begin each time the main page is loaded. I have been using Simple viewer to make my galleries because I don't know html, I'm a photojournalism major and happened to get the entire cs4 suite with my macbook. I'd like to learn to put more than PS and Indesign to good use.

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Flash :: Build A Web Gallery With Amazing Slideshows With Dynamic XML Files

Aug 10, 2010

Build a web gallery with amazing flash slideshows with dynamic XML files Screenshot: Attachment 72395 Features Transitions, zooming and panning effect You can choose from Random, Wipe from Left, Fade to White, Cross Expansion and other 60-plus transition effects. Zooming and panning effect is optional for advanced flash templates. XML-driven This flash slideshow are XML-driven. The XML document allows more personalized controls over the flash. Auto-playback and repeat mode The flash slideshow will play automatically after preloading, and it can repeat playback.

Dynamic customization Besides XML control, the advanced templates provide many more custom options, so that you can create slideshow that fits into your existing web design: width , height, border color, background color, thumbnail size, etc. More about dynamic customization Usage and demo visit: [URL]

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Ruby On Rails :: How To Create Picture Slideshows In Flash Project

Apr 15, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Build A Web Gallery With Amazing Flash Slideshows With Dynamic XML Files?

Aug 10, 2010

Build a web gallery with amazing flash slideshows with dynamic XML files


Attachment 72395


�Transitions, zooming and panning effect You can choose from Random, Wipe from Left, Fade to White, Cross Expansion and other 60-plus transition effects. Zooming and panning effect is optional for advanced flash templates.

�XML-driven This flash slideshow are XML-driven. The XML document allows more personalized controls over the flash.

�Auto-playback and repeat mode The flash slideshow will play automatically after preloading, and it can repeat playback.

�Dynamic customization Besides XML control, the advanced templates provide many more custom options, so that you can create slideshow that fits into your existing web design: width , height, border color, background color, thumbnail size, etc. More about dynamic customization.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading External Assets - Screen Stops Until The Loading Is Finished?

Oct 11, 2009

I have a movieclip clip that plays when the movie starts, the movieclip is a visual assets that show's that the application is loading some information but it's not showing any loading progress, just playing while the assets are loaded.I created a for loop that will load the assets using a simple loader, and then when the object is loaded the application push the object to an array.Problem is that when the loading starts all the animation that i have on screen stops until the loading is finished.The whole point is that the animation will play while it's loading.

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Flash :: Loading / Unloading External SWF Using Buttons From Loaded External Files

Feb 23, 2011

I spent almost a week trying to figure out how to unload a currently loaded swf using its button and loading a new swf... I have three files, a main.fla, file1.fla and file2.fla. In my main.fla, I have a code which loads the other two files. If i will click the "unload" button in the file1.swf, I would like the main.fla to unload the file1.swf and load the other file, file2.swf. Here is the code to load the file1.swf:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading External XML On An External Server Into Flash Movie When It Is Uploaded

Jun 4, 2004

[FMX] I am having trouble loading an XML file on an external server into my flash movie when it is uploaded. The data loads in fine when the flash file is on my local computer with the xml file on a server. As soon as the flash file is uploaded the XML data will not load in.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading In And External Swf And Unloading It From A MC Button Inside The External Swf?

Nov 2, 2010

I used to do this fine with AS2 and now i'm struggling to get it to work in code is as follows:

PW1.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK,loader1 );
//==================== PS function =============================================
var ldr:Loader = new Loader();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading External SWFs From Another External Swf Into The Main SWF Container?

May 4, 2011

I have created a main "site.swf" file that loads a "default.swf" file into a container after a preloader. On this default.swf file I have buttons that needs to load new external SWF files in its place in the container. All of the external SWFs contain buttons and navigations that will also call up other external SWFs into this container. So, I would like to know how to program each button (some are movieclips as buttons) to unload itself and load the respective SWF into the container (eg. AboutUsButton to call up aboutus.swf into the container). I do not have a main navigation on the site.swf file bacause the navigation changes on each SWF that needs to be loaded into the container.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading External Pngs And External Text With Html?

Jul 19, 2009

I want to load external png's through this code:

(for this code, check the mcBandPreloader in de .fla file)

var imageLoader:Loader;
var RespJpeg:String = "images/arch1Proj.jpg"
function loadImage(url:String):void {


Here the problem is that I can't type html in my external txt file. (I did checked the html button in Dynamic Text Properties. What am I doing wrong here?

.fla can be downloaded at [URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading A External Swf Into A Movie - Its Loading Only A Part Of It?

Mar 16, 2004

I'm loading a external swf into a movie everything is fine with that. The only problem is that its loading only a part of it. Does anybody know why? Also, this swf is a mp3 player with streaming. The streaming part works but the playback doesn't.If i start only the mp3 player by itself it's is the fla for the player

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ActionScript 2.0 :: External Swf Loading Into Target Movieclip Loading

Apr 20, 2005

I'm trying to load a SWF movie into a target movieclip called blankmc. The SWF movie is loaded from an absolute URL (eg. [URL]/img/20042005113934movie3.swf ) My Loading Progress code fails to detect the SWF file size. However the same code works perfectly for a JPG! Essentially the .getBytesLoaded() and .getBytesTotal fail to work. Why is this and how can I get it to work for loading SWFs?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop .mp3 And .flv In External Swfs When Loading A New External Swf?

Apr 10, 2009

Specifically, I am building a flash page that loads external swf files and inside some of the external swf  files, I would like to add audio and flash video (flv) streaming from the Flaash Media Server. In some of the external swf files, (using a FLVPlayback component) when you press a button on the main timeline to unload the current playing swf the audio/video continues to play after loading the new external swf file.So I believe that my approach is all wrong and I should be working to dynamically load the .mp3 and.flvs in the external swf ... my questiion is how to unload those assets when loading the new external swf

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading External Swf Which Attached With Its Own External Class?

Jun 27, 2009

Lets say I have Main.swf and sub.swf, and I wanna load sub when I press a button from Main, but sub.swf has its own external class file attached, so here is the problem, when I load sub using loader class and I would get this message from the output panel:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at subScript()

seems loader class can not access sub.swf's external class when sub is being loaded.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading External Swf That Loads Other External Files?

Apr 24, 2010

Lets say I have subgallery.swf file that loads jpeg images. And I have gallery.swf file that loads subgallery.swf.The jpeg images and both swf files are in the same folder.When I test gallery.swf it loads subgallery.swf but subgallery.swf doesn't load images. When testing subgallery.swf alone, it loads jpeg files.Is there any limitation or setting preventing external swfs loading other content?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading An External .swf Inside An External .swf?

May 24, 2005

I created a site using Kirupa's external .swf loading tutorial. Now in one of my externally loaded .swf's, I am loading another external .swf. I've gotten this to work fine, but the second external .swf (loaded into the first) contains buttons that will swap this second external .swf with another external .swf. I can't seem to get the AS references to the variables set up correctly in order to swap the swf's. The initial .swf loads fine, but the button control gets complicated inside it. It sounds rather confusing, so I've included a link to the .fla's and .swf's below.


The file structure:

-band.swf load's profiles_main.swf

-The buttons in profiles_main.swf are trying to load chris.swf (swapping it entirely with profiles_main.swf)

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IDE :: Loading External Swf That Loads Other External Files?

Apr 24, 2010

I have subgallery.swf file that loads jpeg images. And I have gallery.swf file that loads subgallery.swf.The jpeg images and both swf files are in the same folder.When I test gallery.swf it loads subgallery.swf but subgallery.swf doesn't load images. When testing subgallery.swf alone, it loads jpeg files.Is there any security limitation or setting preventing external swfs loading other content?

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Professional :: Loading External Swf From Within An External Swf?

Dec 20, 2010

everything was going fine on a website project I've been working on, until yesterday. I'll try to explain the whole scenario first, and I'll put the code in here too so anyone can try to figure out what is wrong. Here's the breakdown of the site:
1) There is a MAIN SWF file that plays an intro and then stops on the last frame with the "Main" Navigation buttons.
2) Inside the Root folder where the MAIN SWF resides, there is another folder called "swfs" which contains six main external navigation pages, as well as another folder called "galleries" which contains additional external swf files for six gallery pages.
3) On one of the layers of the MAIN SWF, there is a movie clip called "mySWFLoadingClip" that the "Main" Navigation buttons load and unload the external  swf pages onto. These all work perfectly. The problem start on the next step. This is the code I used for the navigation buttons on the MAIN SWF timeline:

If anyone can help me figure this out I would be really grateful. This is a very important project and the deadline is coming up very soon. Please help me figure out how to load an External SWF onto the main time line and then load an additional external swf from within the first external swf. I'm stumped.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading External SWF From Within An External SWF?

Dec 20, 2010

Ok, everything was going fine on a website project I've been working on, until yesterday. I'll try to explain the whole scenario first, and I'll put the code in here too so anyone can try to figure out what is wrong. Here's the breakdown of the site:

1) There is a MAIN SWF file that plays an intro and then stops on the last frame with the "Main" Navigation buttons.

2) Inside the Root folder where the MAIN SWF resides, there is another folder called "swfs" which contains six main external navigation pages, as well as another folder called "galleries" which contains additional external swf files for six gallery pages.

3) On one of the layers of the MAIN SWF, there is a movie clip called "mySWFLoadingClip" that the "Main" Navigation buttons load and unload the main swf pages onto. These all work perfectly. The problem start on the next step. This is the code I used for the navigation buttons on the MAIN SWF timeline:

var Xpos:Number = 0.0;
var Ypos:Number = 0.0;
var swf:MovieClip;
var loader:Loader = new Loader();


how to load an External SWF onto the main time line and then load an additional external swf from within the first external swf.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading An External List Then Loading The Files In That List?

Sep 3, 2009

So I am trying to load a text file into flash, grab all of the files listed in it and then load them into flash. Not working. Heres my code.

ActionScript Code:
import flash.display.Sprite;


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Loading An External Swf?

Feb 21, 2010

in the attached document "page6a.fla", i've been having some problems loading a external movie into a container.

1. open "page6a.fla"

2. open the library and double click on the symbol "staff_text"

3. i want to load the external file "6scroll.swf" into the "loadshape" movieclip symbol on level 84.

4. "page6a.swf" is being loaded on level 80 of another movie.

this is the code i'm using.. _level80.loadshape.loadMovie("6scroll.swf", 84);

here are the files: [URL]

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