IDE :: Package Files To Open In Internet Browser
Sep 22, 2010
I'm getting close to finishing the application I'm working on, and the person I'm working for is going to be distributing it via DVD. to package my flash file in some format so that when the user opens the file, it will open the swf in an internet browser?
The reason I need to do this is because I have some xml data in it that is keeping it from being fully functional unless opened in an internet browser. I'm not entirely sure why this occurs, because the file works fine in Flash Player on my computer, but not when moved to anyone elses. So, the workaround is to open it in an internet browser.
Anyway, I figure that in order to have the file open in an internet browser, it'd have to be packaged as an exe or some other similar file type, but we want it to be cross-platform.
Maybe there's an easier way, but I need to find out how to package my swf file so that it automatically opens in a browser.
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<script type="text/javascript">
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May 12, 2003
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Aug 24, 2010
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