IDE :: Fault With CS3's Auto-formatting?
May 12, 2007
I've been experiencing a supposed fault with CS3's autoformatting.It completely ignores my selected option of putting spaces around operators, and when assigning variables a class:
var theText = new TextField ();
it turns it into
var theText=new TextField ;
erasing the parenthesis... this is definitely not normal.When I delete the spaces that it creates, then autoformat it, it recreates the two spaces...
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05-31 18:13:15.498: DEBUG/FONT(9183): WARNING: **************************** Detect FLEngine error 1 ****************************
05-31 18:13:15.558: DEBUG/(9183): ---------------------------------------------------------------> call AudioTrack stop()
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package classes{
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.Graphics;[code]....
Now as you can see in the xml the 1st message is without any formatting, the 2nd and 3rd are. In the attached comment.jpg you can see what the result is. I can't figure out where the "enter" and those extra "spaces" are coming from but I suspect it's from the 'font' tags.btw. those red background are just the textField backgrounds to show where the text should start.
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Apr 27, 2011
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var headerFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
headerFormat.color = 0xF5ECDD;
headerFormat.size = 40;
Is resulting in the whole textfield being formatted according to bodyFormat. If I comment out the last line (so I never append the second line of text, but leave the second setNewTextFormat call intact), the first line appears with proper headerFormat formatting.
how setNewTextFormat works? I thought it was only supposed to format new text being added.
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I would like to convert a number, like 142, into minutes and seconds so it reads 02:22
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Nov 6, 2008
I (well, a rather angry client) found an oddity I would like to consider a bug in formatting htmlText coming fom XML's toString() method with css.
If somehow an empty tag ends up in XML like <h1></h1>, all of the following text in the field is formatted to the CSS defined props of h1. In the (simplified DocumentClass) code below I have an XML object which has an empty h1-tag after the first sentence of the first paragraph. Placing the XML it in the field renders the text following the empty tag as bold and with the fontsize set for h1.
Strangely, if the html source is initialized as a string and put straight in the textField (see commented code), all formatting is OK.
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Mar 2, 2011
i've assigned properties to a NumberFormatter object so that formatted values contain a leading zero, trailing zeros and a 2 decimal places.
the formatting works unless the number being formatted is 0. how can i format a 0 with the set properties so that 0 becomes 0.00?
var numFormat:NumberFormatter = new NumberFormatter(LocaleID.DEFAULT);
numFormat.leadingZero = true;
numFormat.trailingZeros = true;
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Jan 12, 2010
I've imported an external XML file that includes both image and text elements into a textfield, and now I want to format the elements with an external CSS.I've had only limited success. Images appear below the text, instead of inline or aligned Left or Right, Flash ignores DIV or SPAN styles, etc.I don't know if I'm overestimating flash's abilities to render styles.I've attached a zip with the fla and all external scripts, as well as an html of what I'd like the end result to look like.
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May 3, 2010
I have a file where I am importing info from an XML file using atttributes. It works fine, except I no longer want the font to be embedded. I want to either call if in from a stylesheet or set it in the actionscript, so it uses same arial or san serif used on the rest of the web site it is a part of.
my code.......
var myImages:Array = new Array();
var myXml:XML = new XML();
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Nov 25, 2007
this is my xml row and i wish to apply html formatting to info parameter at the end of line.
<marker name="Amar Yatri Niwas" address="Tourist Complex Area, Fatehabad Road," address2="Agra - 282001, Uttar Pradesh, INDIA" lat="27.160835" lng="78.033607" id="2" thumbpath="" type="hotel" category="3 Star Hotel" web="" info="test2" />
info="<b>test</b> <a href="test.htm">i am online</a>"
i know CDATA but i tried all the way and it didnt worked .
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May 14, 2009
I am populating the text of text fields with data from an XML file. I would like to do two things.
The code looks like this:
PHP Code:
DSGbox.textFirstName.htmlText =; DSGbox.textLastName.htmlText =;
First, I would like to format the text... bold, font size, etc...Second, I would like to concatenate the first and last name to appear on the same line without space in between caused by two text fields. I tried the following, but it didn't work.
PHP Code:
DSGbox.textFirstName.htmlText = +;
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Aug 19, 2009
I have a date field in my RSS XML field. I would like to display just the month and day in my Flash rotator. How can I parse just the data I need?
PHP Code:
<pubDate>Tue, 18 Aug 2009 15:28:58 CST</pubDate>
I would like to only display: Aug. 18
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Aug 13, 2011
simple I have done this a million times..
function sendtoReview() {
toReview = new LoadVars();
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