IDE :: Making Some Interactive Training Apps For A Company?

Jun 2, 2010

I am currently making some interactive training apps for a company, It seems like flash is the way to go since I know AS3 and am comfortable with it. The problem comes where my boss wants to be able to sell these apps as learning aids to schools. Would using something like adobe air with flash be the way to go?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Media Player For 2 Hour Long Training Videos?

Jan 21, 2009

Ok here is the situation. I've made a media player for 2 hour long training videos. 1. Their are cue points throughout the FLV that have questions the user must answer. 2. The user is allowed to skip to different sections of the video(the beginning of each segment), but they are not allowed to skip forward in a particular segment, unless they've already answered the question for that particular segment.

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Aug 16, 2011

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Sep 15, 2011

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HTML :: How To Make Company About Video

Jan 17, 2011

I would like to make videos like [URL]. They are pretty amazing for how simple they are...They accurately show what the company or service does. They did Google Doc's Videos and a lot of other companies videos. How would I create these. I know flash but what else and what skills would I need to have to accomplish making these?

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Professional :: Adding Flash To My Company Website?

Apr 17, 2011

i was curious on what i would need to incorparate flash to my business website rather than the service we are using currently. We have noticed that the flash images on our website are having issues loading and getting stuck currectly.My website address is http:[url]... there is flash type images at the top of the page as well as the middle.

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Flash : Create An App Used To Display Company's Portfolio?

Nov 29, 2011

I am trying to create an app used to display my company's portfolio. This includes a show-reel section.I developed it using HTML and jQuery, and converted it into an AIR app using the plugin for Dreamweaver.Admittedly this my first attempt at creating an app this way, but it all went smoothly until I wanted to play the video.

My Flash video player does not work, and according to some similar posts I read this is because of a referencing issue. I found several solutions for Flex, but that does not help my specific case.HTML 5 does not seem to work in AIR 2.0 either, so I am a bit stumped.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Created A Flash Presentation For The Company?

Apr 11, 2008

First post - I'm a designer just picking up AS2 for the 3rd year - so I know how to get in trouble..nonetheless, I created a flash presentation for the company I work for and they want to use the demo at conferences and what not... It's a single scene with nested/nested/nested MC spewn throughout... right now everything was hodgepodged in AS3 as I was desperately trying to get familiar with it. So I suck

I can't figure out how to tell the topmost timeline (or root?) timeline to play as soon as an embedded mc finishes playing or even one layer above the nested MC - everything is on a timeline, nothing is loaded, I have no real programming skill anymore...or ever

my final result is to have my same button driven presentation run automatically so the buttons no longer need to be clicked to continue.

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Professional :: Created A Simple Movie On Company Website

Apr 28, 2010

I'm starting to use Flash again after many years. I created a simple movie on my company website.I have it set to play once and stop not to loop. I was asked to see if I could have it play once and stop like I have, but then have it replay when you mouse over.

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Mar 12, 2009

i've been asked to build a slide puzzle for an advertising company. While the puzzle itself will be straightforward they want it to thave a 'solve' button that shows the puzzle animating to the correct finish position from the positition the tiles are currently in (after the user has moved them around). It's a 4x2 grid puzzle.

Any thoughts on the best way to achieve this? Everything i come up with seems unneccessarily complex.

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IDE :: CS4 - Create An Image Upload App For Company's Facebook Page?

Jun 18, 2010

I need to create an image upload app for our company's facebook page. I've been able to successfully create the app on facebook and it pulls from a location on our web server. Right now it's just an index.cfm file with hello world in it.We're having a photo contest and what we need to do is provide a quick form (name, email, phone, photo to upload, and photo description).When a user fills out the form and uploads the image, the image shows on our app with the description and then we are notified that someone has uploaded and image.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Currently Finished Developing A MMO For A Famous And Big Company In Country?

Jul 1, 2011

As usual I brought a problem for you guys to help me figure it out. What's happening is that I currently finished developing a MMO for a famous and big company in my country, I have one week before uploading it to their server and everything is ok, besides the performance.

I'm using smartfox 2.0 and I have several rooms, what happen is that if I go inside any of the rooms everything is beautifull and fast, but if I quit the actual and go to another it will be slower, and if I do this over and over again it gets slower each time I do this.

I don't what it can be, I caught the project in the middle of the way and did my part, I was revising the code but I have no idea where to look for something wrong.

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Flex :: Build A Flash Player For The Company's Shoutcast Server?

Nov 9, 2009

I am trying to build a flash player for my company's Shoutcast server, and have seen a few articles about it on the 'net, including this SO question here. However, I can't seem to get the audio stream to actually play. It seems to be connecting alright, but calling doesn't seem to do anything.

public function stream() {
private var url:URLREQUEST = "";
private var sStream:Sound = new Sound();

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