ActionScript 3.0 :: Making An Interactive Movie (QTE-style)?
May 8, 2010
i'm currently in the process of linking a movie i've made into a series of interactive scenes, which can half the outcome altered depending on if the player chooses to press certain buttons within the movie. As an example, at one point the character is asleep, and the text "Wake up" appears on the screen, at which point the viewer would press the a or the l key to do the action. If they fail to press a key, the character sleeps forever and the movie ends.I'm making this in Flash.
However, I have such a basic knowledge in actionscript and cannot find a tutorial online to help me with what i'm aiming for. I know how to switch to playing different scenes using actioscript but not how to set it up so that pressing the a or l keys (these are specific to different actions the user can take, only chosen to allow them to have both hands on the keyboard at once to give it their full concentration) to specifically play events.
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Can anyone enlighten me on where my error could be? I have created buttons as symbols and labeled my keyframes as 'label1, label2, etc'. As recommended in the CIB. I can't figure out where I have gone wrong!
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//Import the Tween Class and the Transition Classes
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
//Set up an Array to store the segment details i.e., segment value, colours etc
//(Here I've only used 5 colours and values so each one is in triplicate on the wheel,
//if you wanted each segment to be different just enter 15 different values into the array)
[Code] .....
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My second problem is:
Once you select your choice from the first four you can then click the same option again and it will replay the animation again. I don't want it to replay this but is they a way of using the "if" statement rather than creating another frame on every option.
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Mar 5, 2010
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Mar 19, 2010
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Oct 23, 2009
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import flash.text.TextFormat;
var tf:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
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May 13, 2010
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I use the exact same version of Safari (4.0.5/531.22.7) and Flash (10.1 r53, latest beta). Only difference I could find is that he uses Snow Leopard (10.6.6) and I "only" 10.5.8.
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Feb 4, 2009
trying to make a movie clip follow a custom drawn vertical line, the movie clip follows the cursor but only the y axis
I have added an example of what i mean and the file i need it to happen to
ps the vertical line needs to be hidden.
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Oct 28, 2009
I would like to create an AJAX style pop up to present photos from a flash movie. I found a tutorial, but it didn't work for me. I'm trying to trigger it off the gerURL function of a button, but nothing popups. I have verified that a simple link in <a> from the html page the flash movie is on works fine, so it's just the call from flash itself.
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Jan 29, 2011
I'm making a Flash game where the player throws balls of mud at objects in the sky. I'm using Box2D to model the physics. I don't want the ball to bounce off of objects (apply a normal force); instead I want it to impart its momentum on the object it is striking (like a movie-style shotgun blast).
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Jan 2, 2005
I'm trying to make Windows Media Player style controls into my movie. I know how to do stop, play, and pause already, but I don't know how to do the progress bar. I tried searching in the actionscript help menu. I couldn't find any actions that retrieve total frames in the movie and current frame number.
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Oct 10, 2009
I am trying to make an interactive flash application that works by detecting mouse overs and clicks on various buttons/movie clips and then moves to the appropriate part of the time line. But I am having an issue when I use more than one addEventListener in any one frame. I have attached the code for one such frame below. When I comment out the addEventListner and the other code relating to the followBall function this works fine and directs the user to frame Inlet_Valve_Open_Frame but now only the followBall function is working and when i try to click on the Inlet_Valve_Button movie clip nothing happens.
I have never read all the help files on the adobe flash CS3 as i don't have time and i have built this code up based on examples i have found online. I wanted to include my fla file but it's to big 6Mb. But i have attached the swf so you have an idea what i am doing.
Code: Select allstop();
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May 30, 2007
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Dec 6, 2007
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Sep 27, 2009
Making a Comic book/Video game with Flash Action Script 2.0. Check out my blog ive uploaded a couple of demos on it.Anyways i want to make a movie clip appear on stage when the user finds a key. The movie clip would be used as a trigger to send the player into an other version of the second level where a door would now be unlockable (only if he has the key).I know how to make the hittest work its making the movie clip appear on stage with an action that is giving me problemes.
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