ActionScript 1/2 :: Create An AJAX Style Pop Up To Present Photos From A Flash Movie?

Oct 28, 2009

I would like to create an AJAX style pop up to present photos from a flash movie. I found a tutorial, but it didn't work for me. I'm trying to trigger it off the gerURL function of a button, but nothing popups. I have verified that a simple link in <a> from the html page the flash movie is on works fine, so it's just the call from flash itself.

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var totalPhotos:uint;
var maxNumberThumbPerPage:uint = 6;
var totalPage:uint;


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import fl.controls.TextArea;import flash.text.TextField;import flash.text.TextFormat;import flash.text.StyleSheet;

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Ex: photo.xml

<photo id="1">


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading External Images - Cannot Import All Of These Photos Into Movie

Feb 28, 2003

I am doing a spoof project in school where I have to build a website for a 'photographer.' So I need to showcase his pictures. I have to create 1 portfolio with 30 photos that been provided to me. The photos are all about 50K each. So naturally I cannot import all of these photos into my movie, the file size would be way to big. (Using Flash gets me extra credit) Im not allowed to use thumbnails. Just a back and forth button.

This is what I am trying to build. I want the movie to be 30 frames long. On each frame is a stop command. (easy) And on each frame is an actionscript calling one specific image. (loadMovie ("myimage.jpg", myClip); I'll then have two buttons to navigate from frame to frame. Simple right? The script I am using loads the picture from the server (or hard drive). However when it loads, it takes over. The picture is maximized to fit the stage. And the buttons dissappear. So the viewer is left with one image and nothing else. I want the picture to load into the clip and be able to access the buttons.


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Create A Shooting Style Game?

May 7, 2010

I am at uni and have a project to create an interactive game for the story Johnny Mnemonic. I would like to create a game whereby the player has a whip type weapon, there is an opponent jumping up and down and with the whip you attack them and cut off limbs -

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Create A Youtube Style Video Player?

Sep 24, 2009

How to create a youtube style video player?
starting with  flv1 playing

when it finishes we have buttons to go to 2 other  flv files

clicking a button plays flv2 or flv3 in the same player

when flv2/flv3 finishes we see another button

if we click this button we replay the whole thing (so playing flv1)
this whole thing in one video player like youtube

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Flex :: Create A Lightbox-style Loading?

Jul 7, 2010

My application's creationComplete="onInit()" has a lot of processing. Therefore I want to mask the entire application with a lightbox-style loading screen while the processing is being handled. The screen should be dark and a loading animation image in the center. After onInit() is completed the loading screen is removed.My thoughts are to add a UIComponent to the stage, and to remove it at the end of onInit().

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Create A Pattern Line Style?

Mar 2, 2009

Is there a way to create a custom line style - a pattern line.

I'd like to use my movie clip object to repeat across a line, like a dotted line, just that a dot will be replaced with my movie clip.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Refer A Masked Button [submenu Button] Present Inside A Movie Clip?

Oct 27, 2010

how do we refer the submenubutton which hasbeen masked inside a movie clip.
In my code ,
mainBtn3 is present inside  "mm " movie clip . and on click of it I am able to move to another frame using below code . But, if there is a sub menu for the button , and if I am referring it as below [mm.btn3sub1] and trying to move to another frame . I am getting following error

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.    at sumiyatried12356_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()


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Jan 31, 2009

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and I want to add a Mac Style to it, like this:


I still want the menu to scroll and have the rollover effects like a mac computer, but not have the whole menu scale..just the one Im rolling over and the two on the sides of that one...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Softwares To Create Youtube Style Annotations?

Jun 17, 2011

I'm working on a guitar tutorial website where users can select parts of a song, then write an explanation of how to do that guitar technique. The explanation will pop up, like a youtube style annotation whenever someone plays that song. It's like the youtube video annotations, except exclusive to guitar lessons:When someone plays a song, the annotations get displayed in real time.-There will be 3 sql databases: user information (ex. email, password, etc...), song meta information (ex. song name, length of song, etc...), annotation information and content (ex. annotation start and end time (to queue when the analysis/annotation should be displayed), etc...). The flash gui will interact with all databases.There's a lot of options out there (Adobe flash CS5, flex, flash builder), what are the differences between the three?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Create Text Ticker Like 3D Style Roller

Feb 25, 2005

I am curious how I would go about creating a headline ticker that would have a 3d look? I am trying to make it look like a drum roller. The part I am having trouble with is the dynamic text and how to give it a 3d look.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Better Way To Present A Lot Of Information In Flash?

Jul 9, 2008

I have a file full of text; if this were html, I'd just make an iframe and in the frame, I'd have the text page with "back to top" links throughout. But since this is flash, I'm loading an external text file, and I'd like some "back to the top" links within it. I know how to do a "back to the top" in html, but it doesn't seem to work in a loaded text file in flash. Or is there a better way to present a lot of information in flash?

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