IDE :: Put Image Data From A FILE Into The UIComponent?

Jan 9, 2010

Since there is no Flex forum on this site, I will ask here (or mod just move it to correct place). UIComponent tutorials always have this graphics.draw or whatever the call is in the updatedisplaylist overrided method. Why don't I see any tutorials or any documentation that shows how to put image data from a FILE into the UIComponent (a png, jpeg, whatever). Drawing anything by writing code is retarded. I am not going to draw a picture of a bird in code. In the gaming world, the C++ (or c# for xbox) programmer isn't the 3D modeler. And even then, the 3D modeler isn't the dedicated artist.

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<div id="img_chart_1">
<img src="..../ >

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var pathVars= new LoadVars();
pathVars.onLoad=function(ok) {


This is where the path_var becomes undefined

trace("This is outside the function... "+path_var);
pathVar1="This is outside the function... "+path_var;

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function loadXML(loaded) {
if (loaded) {
_root.thedate =


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Feb 1, 2010

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So, we're considering: Flash - most widespread, but from what i read has lackluster development tools. (and no iPhone/iPad support for now). Silverlight - allows us to use .NET CLR, so a big ++ (a lot of code is in .NET). But is not supported for most mobiles ( rumored android support in the future) HTML5 + Javascript - probably the most "portable" option. The problem is having to rewrite all that image processing code in Javascript.

Clarification: I don't need further ideas on what libraries are available for Silverlight and Javascript. My dilemma is choosing Silverlight means no support for most mobiles choosing Flash means we have to redevelop most of our code AND no iPhone/iPad support HTML5 + Javascript we have to redevelop most of our code and not fully supported yet in all browsers choosing two (Silverlight + Flash) will be too costly Any out-of-the-box or bright ideas / alternatives

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Flex :: Update UIComponent Size?

Feb 23, 2010

I've created a AS3 class which extends UIComponent so that I can easily add it to my MXML layout. It works fine, but I'm trying to figure out how to update the UIComponent width and height dynamically. I want my super UIComponent to draw a border around the content, so I need get the specific 'content' dimensions in order to do this.

I understand the idea of UIComponent is that you are supposed to specifically set the width and height... but I am literally only extending it so that I am able to use my custom component with MXML easily.Is there a method in which I can get the width and height of a UIComponents 'content'?

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May 23, 2010

What is the difference between a UIComponent and a Sprite in Flex.

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Flex :: UIComponent Click Handler?

May 27, 2010

I'm trying to put a label and an image on a UIComponent, side-by-side. I want to use UIComponent for efficiency reasons, and the entire component is more complicated than just a button with an icon.

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Aug 29, 2010

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