Illustrator Shows BG Error When Importing AI Flash Files

Jul 26, 2007

I've been using Flash for a couple of years now... I use it mostly for designing fashion graphics (!!!). I know that Illustrator is excellent for creating artwork, I export Flash files as AI ones, but encounter numerous errors while opening such files in Illustrator. I think the problem is with the Color settings. Flash uses RGB, and CMYK is Illustrator's default settings. When I try to export a graphic symbol (with layers, groups of objects and simple shapes) from Flash Professional as an AI file, it always exports as Illustrator 6.0 version (wonder why)...

Then I try to open this file in Illustrator CS2 and always get a "BG" error message which is similar to this one:
Can't open illustration. The illustration doesn't have the correct number of operands for an operator.
Offending operator: "Bg"
0000 Bh (lots of figures)...Bg

So after getting such a message and pressing "OK" there are 2 possible results:
1. The program (Illustrator CS2) opens a blank artboard (stage) with absolutely NO objects or symbols on it.
2. The program opens an incomplete graphic on the artboard (stage) with many missing objects and shapes (say, if I exported a graphic with 2 layers, the top layer will be missing).

Unfortunately, these are the most common results....Though a few days ago I hkept several AI files open and tried to export an AI file made in Flash. To my greatest surprise Illustrator could open the file with absolutely everything I exported from Flash! Except for Bitmap fills, of course....But everything else was just perfect! I was amazed no end! What settings should I have in order to be able to open AI files exported from Flash? If I got it once, it means it is possible to open such files... I have to use Illustrator more often now, and I need my artwork to be covered to AI files without significant modifications or corrections... Is it doable?

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mxmlc ""
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package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.text.TextField;
public class HelloWorld extends Sprite {
public function HelloWorld() {
[Code] .....

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4.  Both Using CS3

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Apr 25, 2011

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When ive made the animation in Flash and go to 'Publish Preview' there is a 'background' there. Also there is a border around the files on the stage. This appears to be the size of the 'background' in the animation. Transparency is set in the GIF settings.

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If it is possible, could anyone give me a bit of advice on how to import the file

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It looks perfect when the stage is set to 100%.But when I shrink the stage (even in the SWF), the quality of the image becomes choppy and the edges of objects become pixelated.Same thing with enlarging it.The publish setting JPG quality is set to 100%.How do I fix this?It's mostly the quality of shrinking it that I'm worried about; this image/flash will go on a webpage & I plan to have it automatically adjust its size based on the browser's size.

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