Making A Client Editable Site ?

Jul 1, 2009

I am making a website for a client in which I need to incorporate some way of allowing easy client editting.Having looked online I havent found anything that will fit the requirements exactly but have seen the functionality on other sites in the past. Ideally I would use a secure web page with a form where the client could select the item to edit using a drop down and then proceed to fill in a few boxes, saving the new content that would be then viewable in the flash file.

I origianlly thought of an html form that stores the saved info in an XML file that could then be drawn out in the flash site.Is that the best way?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating An Editable Board

Oct 21, 2004

i want to make a editable board, that i can drag and drop activites into,i'm having difficulty doing it, the instructions are provided in the attached fla.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating An Editable Grid?

Oct 29, 2004

I'm having problems creating a grid that will change individual movieclips' frame when rolled over when the mouse is down. My script seems to be acting erratically, when I push buttons, all of the mcs change even though the code to change them is onRollOver.Click on the "Create Your Own Map" button in the bottom left.Then you should be able to use the buttons in the bottom right to select the new color/value of the grid items.Here is the code I am using to do this:

_root.mouseIsDown = 0;

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