Editable Assets Within A Swc-based Component

Nov 5, 2009

I created several swc-based components with AS3 and Flash CS4 extending the UIComponent structure. After exporting a fla-based component to a swc-file i created a flash-extension with the Adobe Extension Manager and installed the component.This swc-based component works fine and shows up in the component panel, but i'm not able to edit the components assets because they don't show up in the library anymore.Can someone please tell me if there's a way to export the components assets respectively the components symbols with the swc-file in order make them editable and show up in the library of the FLA which's using the component?

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Flash :: Create Reusable Component Which Contains Assets In CS5?

Feb 26, 2011

I need to create slideshow for gallery. And one thing that i don't know is how to create reusable components. For example i want to create 3 components ImageLoader, Dock(that consist drom ImageLoaders) and SlideShow(that consists from Dock and ImageLoaders).

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Example code:

im1 = new ImageLoader('../im1s.jpg');
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ss = new SlideSHow(new Array(im1,im2),dock);

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Flex :: Swapping Movieclips With Other Assets At Runtime In A Flash Component

Sep 2, 2011

I have an animated character swc that is an empty skeleton basically (has all the body parts, animations, and functions/vars). I want to essentially put different clothes on that character at runtime so I don't have to have many copies of this character in my resources.

For example, I have 'skeleton' (the non-clothed model) and 'Bob', 'Jane', and 'Mary' characters. 'skeleton' is animated and fully works as an exported swc, and to get the other characters in their clothes/skins, I open up Flash CS5 and replace the movie clips with the 'clothed' versions of the components. To clarify,'skeleton' has "body parts" as movie clips that are all animated on the timeline, such as "head","face","left arm","right arm", etc. I open up 'Bob', who has the same exact design as 'skeleton', with the exception that 'Bob' has all the clothes and such as differently-designed movie clips. The size, shape, orientation, and reg points are all the same across all the components. After I've replaced all the movie clips in 'skeleton', I export it as a swc named 'Bob.swc' and I do this for all the characters.

What I'm asking is, how can I do this process ^, but at runtime instead, so I don't have all these duplicate root swcs ('skeleton' has a lot of frames on it) so I can cut down on a bunch of space? So I can do something like:

// bob gets all the actions and animations of skeleton
var bob:UIMovieClip = new skeleton()
// replace the body movieclip with a new looking one
bob.body = resources.bodyassets['bob']['body']

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Flash :: Self Updating Air Application Assets Without Re-downloading Assets Already Downloaded

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I want an air application to be able to update the assets it uses, but minimizing the download needed, so only downloading files added since it last updated.I'm thinking this would include a server portion which would zip the needed files based on a version number? Has anyone implemented anything similar / got any thoughts on the best approach to building this sort of system?

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var someComponent : RigidBody = _componentManager.getComponent(RigidBody);

Priority: Some components need to update before others

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Here is the screenshot of my 3 custom components, representing chat bubbles:

Here my custom component Bubble.mxml drawing black text on green background:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


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Mar 22, 2011

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var newTitleWindow:MessageWindow = PopUpManager.createPopUp(contextView,MessageWindow, true) as MessageWindow;
newTitleWindow.text = message;


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Making A Client Editable Site ?

Jul 1, 2009

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Aug 30, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Editable RSS Feed In Flash

May 18, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating An Editable Board?

Oct 21, 2004

i want to make a editable board, that i can drag and drop activites into,i'm having difficulty doing it, the instructions are provided in the attached fla

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create An Editable Grid?

Oct 29, 2004

I'm having problems creating a grid that will change individual movieclips' frame when rolled over when the mouse is down. My script seems to be acting erratically, when I push buttons, all of the mcs change even though the code to change them is onRollOver.[code]....

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Dec 23, 2010

I created an multiline TLF editable text field in my fla file. How can I format different alignments and font size for different lines in the same text field?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating An Editable Board

Oct 21, 2004

i want to make a editable board, that i can drag and drop activites into,i'm having difficulty doing it, the instructions are provided in the attached fla.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating An Editable Grid?

Oct 29, 2004

I'm having problems creating a grid that will change individual movieclips' frame when rolled over when the mouse is down. My script seems to be acting erratically, when I push buttons, all of the mcs change even though the code to change them is onRollOver.Click on the "Create Your Own Map" button in the bottom left.Then you should be able to use the buttons in the bottom right to select the new color/value of the grid items.Here is the code I am using to do this:

_root.mouseIsDown = 0;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Editable Text Boxes?

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I'm trying to implement a feature like the text boxes in adobe photoshop. I want my user to be able to add a text box to the stage that they can move(drag and drop) and go back and change the text later. I also want to be able to keep track of the text boxes so I can let the user change the color, etc. How can I do this?

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The text box will have a default value of lets say "default 1", but will be able to be overided when its compiled to, lets say "Layer 1". Is this possible at runtime? Basically I want to achieve the same goal as just like renaming a layer within flash.

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Feb 29, 2012

I want to make text editable in images in flash to get copy from text can i Make this and other question please can i convert text in image in flash to normal string?

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IDE :: Create An Area On My Flash Website That Is Editable By Others?

Mar 26, 2009

how to create an area on my flash website that is editable by others? I'd like them to be able to add photos online. So... a photo album type thing?how to achieve this? I'd like to have the uploaded images specified / limited area space (eg.75 pixles x 75 pixles) so the user could see it online after it's been uploaded. I use flash 8.

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