Flash :: Create Reusable Component Which Contains Assets In CS5?

Feb 26, 2011

I need to create slideshow for gallery. And one thing that i don't know is how to create reusable components. For example i want to create 3 components ImageLoader, Dock(that consist drom ImageLoaders) and SlideShow(that consists from Dock and ImageLoaders).

ImageLoader it is a container which loads image and while it loading showing some animation
Dock it is a container wich have few of ImageLoaders, it used to create Dock of thumbs images to chose.SlideShow it is a container wich have few of ImageLoaders, it used to preload images to ImageLoaders and the change them on mouse click.I need that all of this components was accessible fom action script, so i can create new instances of them.

Example code:

im1 = new ImageLoader('../im1s.jpg');
im2 = new ImageLoader('../im2s.jpg');
dock = new Dock(new Array(im1,im2));
ss = new SlideSHow(new Array(im1,im2),dock);

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// replace the body movieclip with a new looking one
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Mar 6, 2011

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IDE :: Reusing Reusable Classes?

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C# :: Reusable C#, Java And/or Flex Components?

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myText = loadHtml("blah.html");
myTextField.htmltext = myText;

This is my current code, but I don't know how to pass the data back out of the function.

loadHtml = new LoadVars();
loadHtml.onLoad = function() {
trace(this) // traces the text file.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Reusable Preloader Using MovieClipLoader?

Apr 30, 2005

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reusable Buttons / Menu Items?

Jun 16, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reusable Button With HTML & Variables

Feb 2, 2010

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the html code would look like this:

PHP Code:

<param name="FlashVars" value="myText=HOME&myLink=http:\www.MyWebsiteHome.com"/>

How would i go about doing this with CS3?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making Image Gallery Reusable?

Feb 9, 2009

I would like to make my image gallery reusable because I would like to load a 2nd and 3rd XMLList into it.

My images are loaded into duplicated movie clips on the stage with different instance names.

See code below:

ActionScript Code:
import gs.TweenMax;
import gs.TweenLite;
import gs.easing.*;


how to make this image gallery reusable. I've tried putting it into a class, but I cant access the instances on the stage.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Make Reusable Rocket Classes

Jul 11, 2010

The sequence basically involves rockets being fired when an appropriate timer event is triggered. Each instance of a rocket has a code which looks for a mouse click event, and then tells it's parent (I've called it "gameplayzone") to remove it from the scene.I've got a problem where:I'd also like to be able to update a score variable held in the gameplay zone (add 50 to it's current value for example)I also want it to modify a "lastcolour" variable in the parent, which is a string. The lastcolour variable is used to see if the play is clicking rockets of the same colour, which is used to calculate a combo points bonus.

The biggest issue however is that I'd like the gameplay container to simply be able to add a new instance of a rocket when I want to, but also define that specific instances values (x position, y position - but also xVel, yVel and yAcc which are properties inside the rocket class)This is a blunt question, but... What's the best way to do this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Breakdown A Functionality Into Reusable Classes?

May 28, 2008

how to breakdown a given functionality into resuable classes.The style of scripting is very messy and lots of repetitive codes, as most of the time I just jump straight into scripting without prior planning (bad habit).Now with this component as a base, I want to learn how to manage my codes in a cleaner, more efficient way, OOP style. (I only get to know about how good and time-efficient OOP style programming is after I 'discovered' the Tween class a month ago lolx)For a start I will need some planning.. that's the place where I'm now stuck in..I've come out with the core items which I think should be as classes

1) Controller

2) Drag clips

3) Hit boxes

How much further should I break them down? Read from tutorials that generally classes should only perform one task is that true? The controller deals with 2 tasks (handling events and 'calculation part'), should I break them into 2 separate classes?From tutorials I also get to know that we can assign a class to a symbol in the library. Is it possible for to attach classes at runtime to script generated or existing timeline instances? something like instanceName = new classFunction(parameters) ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating A Reusable Video Player

Feb 11, 2011

So Im developping a video player that I can reuse in my projects.

The video player contains both .as files and graphical assets (buttons, loading bar, etc). And the graphical assets need to be styled for each project.

Right now the approach Im thinking of is having a base videoplayer.fla, and importing the library items into my new fla, and modifying the graphical assets manually there.

The other option Im thinking of is compiling a swc, but afaik the styling would become more complicated and more limited to colors, fonts, and such.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX04] Reusable Preloader From Tutorial?

May 2, 2005

I've been using the "Reusable Preloader Using MovieClipLoader" from the tutorial section of this site.The only difference is that i don't use 'm for preloading jpg. I load external swf files containing video. Everything works fine so far. The only problem is that the preloaded video already starts playing while preloading (at about 30%), but without showing the video.This is the code i have so far:

bar._visible = false;
border._visible = false;


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Creating Reusable Rollover Button With Dynamic Text?

Mar 14, 2011

I'm trying to create reusable rollover button states with dynamic/changing text - any cleaver workaround for that?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Reusable Class - Package Structure?

Nov 19, 2009

I have been working on creating a package of reusable code for myself. I frequently create projects that have a set of panels, which I re-skin for each particular project, and each panel has its own body of functionality.There are about 10 different panels that could be used in a given project, but not each panel is used in every project. Some projects use 5, some use 8, some 10 etc. My problem is that when migrating the panels to a new project, I don't nessicarily want to have every single panel in the library with appropriate exports etc. if it's not going to be used in the project.

For example

PHP Code:

package panelPack {public class Main extends MovieClip{public function Main(){}public function activatePanel1():void{var panel1:Panel1 = new Panel1();}public function activatePanel2():void{var panel1:Panel1 = new Panel2();}public function acti


Then I have something like a config class that would have code like this:

PHP Code:


Then each class is something like this, referencing a library item that is exported:

PHP Code:

package panelPack {public class Panel1 extends Panel{public function Panel1(){var closeButton:SimpleButton = this.closeB;var submitButton:SiimpleButton = this.submitB;..........}}} 
I don't have to have panel1, panel2.....panel10 in the library if i'm only activating 1, 3, and 5!If i don't have those items in the library i get all kinds of undefined properties buttons etc. Everything that in the MC that gets exported.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Convert MC Button Code To Reusable Function?

Dec 14, 2006

Basically I'm using the code below to change the colour of the text in a movie clip that I'm using as a button. This works fine, but I have 8 buttons in my navigation and at the moment have to duplicate this code for each one. How to turn the colour change code into a function that I can reuse?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Reusable Loader - Allow For Loading Swf's - Jpegs And Is Fully Customizable?

Apr 27, 2007

Does anyone have a loading solution that allows for loading swf's, jpegs and is fully customizable? My duct tape solution had been to have loaders in every swf that i was planning to load in- but this feels silly. I've tried a couple of components from the adobe exchange but they lacked a bit of elegance. Whether it's a class or example file- I just want to be able to smoothly load content into the parent- where the loader also resides.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create An Animated Bar Chart Or Line Chart Type Of Component In Flash Programmatically?

Sep 14, 2009

How can I Create an animated Bar Chart or Line Chart type of component in flash programmatically, which should depends upon an incoming XML data, the chart should have the basic criteria like, Chart Label, Item Tooltips, background grids (without using any image). There also needs an ability to change the data which should reflect the chart as well.

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Actionscript :: Keydown Event Reusable Code / Write Once And Use Anywhere In Flex Application

Apr 5, 2011

I am new to flex framework.I have created an application using flex framework 4.1 which is having various components that are shown to the end user in the form of a popup window using <mx:TitleWindow>.This titlewindow is closed either on the click of the close button (displayed in it's titlebar) or by pressing the "escape key" on the keyboard.I coded a functionality wherein I close the current TitleWindow whenever an 'escape' button is pressed.Here is what I did.On the keydown event of TitleWindow I called this function.[code]I had to repeat this code for every TitleWindow that I have used in the project.How can I write the above functionality only once and reuse it amongst various TitleWindow and other components so that the code for the same is not repeated across various components? Every TitleWindow that I am using has different code, scripts and layout in it.

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