Actionscript :: Create Flash Component Without Visible Scene?

Mar 6, 2011

I would like to integrate mp3 sound file into web-page using Flash, just to play it if some event occurs. It seems to me, the easiest way to do that is to integrate a small swf file into web-page and send path to mp3 file as parameter in element. So basically swf gets path to mp3 file and plays it.

Is it possible to make flash element (swf file) without a picture or without scene? It looks like, flash element always need to have a visible screen, but I don't need it because my flash component doesn't need to show anything to a user.

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1. Is there an event that is called when a frame is changed (Event.FRAME_CHANGE doesn't exist ) since the way I'm doing it now is to have a local variable which I compare with this.currentFrame.
2. This may sound weird, but is there a way to create a screenshot of the current visible area and use that as one would any other visible object? This would allow me to Tween that one out instead of the array of children that I'm using now. I know it's possible in OpenGL, to render the current view scope to a texture array, but does Flash have this capacity?
PS: This is all done inside a separate class, in case that matters (I am very noobish).

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everything here is fine. It opens finely. But... i want to pass parameters where if i click a button in html page My.swf should open a particular scene called 'Scene 2' rather than scene 1. i tried


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< mx:Application xmlns:mx="" xmlns:rest="com.sourcestream.flex.http."
xmlns:custom="Components." initialize="loadProduct()"


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CS3 :: Create A Scene Which Has An Image Of A House?

Dec 22, 2009

I am trying to create a scene which has an image of a house. The image zooms and the stage area contains just the door (giving effect of getting closer to the door. initially you see the entire house and as you move closer, you see only the door).

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Create Button To Connect To Another Scene?

Feb 8, 2011

I am having trouble using Flash CS5 Action Script 3.0, and looking for some help. I have a button named BtnRndMain, that when clicked, I would like to bring me to a scene called Main and start on frame 1.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Scene Tutorial

Oct 5, 2003

does anyone here know where i can find a good tutorial on a flash game where you can click and drag graphics or movie clips to a certain area on the stage, lets say a canvas and you also have the option of changing that objects position, size and transparency. just like in the website of finding nemo

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Scene Tutorial?

Oct 5, 2003

where i can find a good tutorial on a flash game where you can click and drag graphics or movie clips to a certain area on the stage, lets say a canvas and you also have the option of changing that objects position, size and transparency.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A Simple Loading Scene In CS4?

Apr 1, 2009

I have tried using the following to no effect:

ifFrameLoaded ("Main", 80) {
gotoAndPlay("Main", 1);

CS4 says this has been replaced by flash.display.MovieClip.framesLoaded but this doesnt seem to work the same, i keep getting errors.

Basically I have scene called "Loading" and I want AS3 i this scene to wait until my scene called "Main" has loaded before proceeding to it. I have an animation in the Loading scene to show its loading.

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Professional :: Create A Button That Links To A Scene?

May 4, 2010

I created a button symbol, a new layer called actions. what the code is to link the button to "scene 2" "Fframe 3"? and start playing?
I was very familiar with frevious version of Flash, but now have a hard time figuring out the action library? Where can I find a great reference for action script commands?

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Aug 13, 2003

I need to create a scene or a frame with a button.When I click on the button the Game should start to play.Since I am not able to upload the file please use this below link to access the FLA file.This is What I did: I tried 1 space on the 1st key frame It didnt work.I also made a new scene created a button gave a action-script (go to) It didnt work.

When I created the button (action-script go to next frame or next scene) and modifying the frame number in the action-script on the actual game key frames.This is the Problem I am facing: It doesnt go to the last frame of the game (Last Frame - Click to play again)

My level in action-Script (Beginner- intermediate)

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Apr 4, 2005

I'm trying to create a fog of war scene for a game but not using masking, it needs to be done using OOP not OOP AS 2. its for a college project, i was showen code to create fog of war using hittest but that means i have to use a lot of seperate objects to create this? what im looking for is to create a area around the user object like for warcraft if u know what i mean? any tips on how i could achieve this using OPP would be great?

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