Media Server :: Fire Ondisconnect Event When Network Disconnect Suddenly?

Aug 25, 2010

how to clear the client entry from Adobe flash Media server 3.5. when net disconnect.i was expecting that on netdisconnect from the client side end(which is connected to FMS) its onDisconnect event fire similarly as it fire for browser close.But when internetdisconnect  ondisconnect event not fires at FMS side is there any way to overcome this or any other event  fire at that stage?

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Media Server :: FMLE Disconnect From FMS + Users Disconnect On Console?

Mar 30, 2011

when I'm streaming in live :a. FMLE is disconnect for couple seconds (10 -30), stop encoding and then renew the connection and the encodingb. In the same time, I can see users (streams) are disconnecting/ disappear from the console.As said it can happen once in a session, but this disconnect most of the users and they have to refresh their browserto get the live session again.Currently I'm using FMSS 3.5.4 r210, Linux redhat 5.2,6 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU 16GB.I found a post named "FMS disconnect from FME" (Jun 7, 2010 3:36 PM by BJWP Ltd)

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Media Server :: Stream Recording Suddenly Stops With No Event Notification

Jun 15, 2011

I'm running FMS 4.0.2. I have a server side script that will record a stream that is playing on a remote server. This script was running fine on FCS 1.5. When running on FMS 4.0.2 the stream starts recording fine, but after a few minutes it stops on its own with no event notifications on the stream. No NetConnection or NetStream events are registered. I thought it might have been been an issue staying connected to the remote server.

But then I wrote something to publish a stream directly to this server, and have a simple server side script record the stream on the same server, but the same thing happens - it stops after a few minutes with no notifications. Again the code works fine in older versions of FMS/FCS. This has obviously proven problematic that I cannot record a stream longer than a few minutes. The problem occurs both on streams published via the Flash Player (Sorenson Spark) and the FMLE (H.264).

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Media Server :: When FMS Shutdown The Network, The Client's NetConnection Didn't Dispatch Any Event?

Aug 7, 2009

A client connected to the FMS for playing live video.The problem has been found that when FMS shutdown the network, the client's NetConnection didn't dispatch any event.But when the client shutdown the network the client's NetConnection will dispatch NetConnection. Connect.Closed event.How could flash client know the FMS' server side networking problem? Does it necessary to use heartbeat mechanism between FMS and client?

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Media Server :: OnDisconnect Function Called Automatically At Any Time?

Jul 15, 2010

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Media Server :: Execute External Script OnDisconnect  (main.asc)

May 19, 2011

Does anyone know if it's possible to execute an external script with the onDisconnect function on FMS?
I'm trying find a better way to log when a user disconnects from a chat application.

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Media Server :: FMS Disconnect From FME?

Jun 7, 2010

We are new to FMS and have just deployed a FMS 3.5 for a live streaming project.but I seem to be getting a bit of an issue where the FMLE seems to disconnect and reconect to the FMS several times.but some times the FMLE seems not to be able to reconect back to the FMS.  I read somewhere that this bug have been fixed with the FMS version 3.5.3 updater.also I can see the client still connected afoter they drop connection on the admin console.I dont mind setting up the updater but just want to be sure this would fix the problem as I have live web TV on the FMS.Also is there a way to update without loosing all the config? FMS running on Windows 2008 server R2,4mbDual Zeon CPU

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Media Server :: Disconnect After 5-10 Minutes?

Jul 26, 2009

After 5-10 minutes of use my application disconnnects  all users....does anybody know some general causes of this or how do i fix the server logs i get code 600 normal disconnect.

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Media Server :: Fms App Which Won't Disconnect People In IE

Mar 26, 2010

I have an fms app which won't disconnect people in IE unless they close the browser completely. Simply going to another url in the browser leaves their name in the peoplelist. I've tried everything here without success. Even IE 8 shows same problem on Vista. IE on XP works fine as well as some versions of IE on Vista.Firefox, opera, chrome all work fine everytime.The problem, it seems, is IE won't "leave" pages until it's closed no matter what.

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Media Server :: No Disconnect On Refresh (IE9)?

Apr 19, 2011

When a user refreshes the page in IE9, the disconnect handler isn't called. So in an application like a fms lobby, a user seems to stay in the list when he actually isn't there anymore.

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Media Server :: TIME_WAIT Then Disconnect When Republishing?

Jun 1, 2010

I am using FMIS 3.5.3 (Linux)  to fork an RTMP stream from FMS to two different CDNs.  My FMS  application does roughly the following:1) Client.prototype.FCPublish()  creates two NetConnections, one for each CDN2) Each  NetConnection's onStatus() creates a new NetStream object if info.code  == 'NetConnection.Connection.Success'3) The stream that's  supplied to FCPublish() is attached to each NetStream4)  .publish(, "live") is run on eac

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Media Server :: FMS Connections Doesnt Disconnect

Aug 14, 2011

URL...I am running application instance that implements publisher/subscriber on video streams. Application code is very thin and can be removed completetly if required. In a specific time, randomly, disconnect messages stopped happening which causes the folowing:

1. Streaming service shows decrease of bw per second

2. Users count is increasing linearly.

3. No disconnect messages apears on access.0x.log

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Media Server :: Live Stream Reconnect / Disconnect Best Practice

Apr 19, 2010

When streaming a live event through FMS 3.5, is there a list of guidelines or best practices to handle the situation when the stream disconnects and should reconnect.Basically, what I do now is wait 20 seconds after the initial disconnect, then close the stream and ask the user to ty to reconnect to the stream again.

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Media Server :: Serverside Recording Suddenly Stops?

Jun 3, 2009

I've implemented a serverside script that records the current stream to disk. This record method is called from another clientside flash application. On some occasions the recording suddenly stops after a few hours without giving any errors, and without there being any network dropouts (Flash Media Encoder doesn't report any dropouts). What can be the cause of this, and what can I do to make the recording more stable?

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Media Server :: Recording Stream Suddenly Stops

Sep 2, 2011

Our team is developing an application that allows users to communicate via their own camera, and make a record of all user's cameras that are in the same room. However we have come across an issue with our FMS 4 server. The issue is that sometimes when a user records all streams in a room at one point the recording process for particular streams suddenly stops but at the same time streaming is still working. For example, 2 users were broadcasting and one of them was recording their streams. At the end of the recording there were 2 flv files, however one of them was only a quarter of the actual length. The logs for the damaged stream were:

- publish stream at 10:48:38
- play stream at 10:48:38
- record stream at 10:48:44
- unpublish stream at10:53:11
- stop stream at 10:53:12

Total length of the flv file should be more than 4 min but actually it is only 1 min 12 sec.

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Media Server :: "onDisconnect" Not Called Up With MS Internet Explorer Users

Nov 8, 2010

We are using Flash media server 3.5 with Windows. We have deconnection problems with visitors using Microsoft Internet Explorer (to be fully confirmed but we are nearly 100% sure) and in chat rooms; there they wait for their turn to speak to an online consultant, sometimes this waiting list can be 10 to 15 strong. Normally, when a client is automatically disconnected from a session, whatever the reason it is the ˜onDisconnect which is called up. Sometimes and with MS Internet Explorer this is not the case : the visitor or user is not anymore present in the chat room, he has quit or he got his interview with the consultant but ˜onDisconnect™ is not launched.

This causes unexpected problems like one or several people in the waiting list being kicked out of the ˜room all of a sudden without explanation for the user. Normally our consultants are on the air for one hour; after this time frame another consultant comes into the same chat room and normally he gets the remaining waiting list from the previous consultant and the previous hour of chat. Sometimes but often, the new consultant coming in sees the first one or the first two of the wainting list kicked out of the list : he then takes the second or third one in the old waiting list.

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Media Server :: Server Streaming Into Secured Network

Mar 22, 2010

Currently we are running a FMS 3.5 server and to 99.9% of our clients they can see our streams with no issues. This all started after we moved server from influxes to in house. Everything was back to working ok but one client. They must be behind a very secure network becasue they see the player we have but no video, only gray boxes. My first guess is that they are blocking RTMP. I tried to get into her machine via remote but it required domain authentication. This was working with our old system but not the new one. Nothing much has changed execpt hosting companies. Normally we could use port 80 to stream out of but we currently have a different web server fordwaring traffic through 80 and our firewall will not route host headers. What could be the best way to make this work?

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Flash :: Use Network / Ip Camera With Media Server?

May 12, 2009

How I can use ip/network camera with Flash Media Server.I am not able to configure it.Is there any other way of configuring such cameras ?I want to publish live stream data captured by ip camera on Flash Media Server.

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Media Server :: Trying To Map Directories To Network Drives?

May 15, 2010

By default, the server runs as System Account with no access to network drives. You can change the service user to a user with network access privileges with a UNC path. In Windows 2008, when I change FMS service to log on as user and start the service I get
"Windows Could not start the Flash Media Server (FMS) service on Local Computer.
Error 1067: The process terminated unexpectedly".
When I change it back to Local System Account, it works fine. Tested in Windows 7 x64 and I was able to start the service as a user log on. I checked the local policy group and the user have rights to log on as a service. I compared Windows 7 setting to Windows 2008 and they match.

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Media Server :: FMS Not Visible In Local Network?

Mar 18, 2011

I have a problem with FMS 3.5 installed on Windows 7. The problem is that FMS works only on my local machine, I am not able to use it from computers in local network. I turned off all windows firewalls and my machine is visible for other computers - I am able to connect to FMS Welcome site on apache on default port 8134, but streaming fails, and I cannot do the same on port 80.

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Media Server :: Bad Network Data; Terminating Connection

Aug 13, 2010

Many times, each day, a notice this error in the event log :


each time after this error, the netconnection between the publisher and the server close. I have some log in my app who check the connectivity between the publisher and the server:


I just want to confirm if it's the real issue of this problem or if other thing can provide this result and how can I prevent the deconnection of the publisher if this append again?

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Media Server :: Implementing IP Multicast On An MPLS Network?

Mar 2, 2011

I work for a carrier, and am looking at implementing IP Multicast on an MPLS network to support enterprise executive webcasts. As your probably aware, there are multiple multicast methods available.
Anyways its down to two multicast methods. PIM-SM  ( which our engineering group will probably reject to complexity)
PIM-SSM ( Which not every application supports Can anyone advise on whether Adobe flash media server ( and player ) support PIM-SSM multicast?

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Media Server :: Streaming The Same Stream On 2 Different URL With 2 Network Cards?

Apr 11, 2012

I have a work station with Osprey 230, I need to stream the same stream on two diffrent URL via 2 network cards. Is that possible ? Which software you reccommend ?

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Media Server :: Streaming Movie DVDs Within School Network?

Jun 16, 2009

Im looking to stream educational DVDs within my school, i now have a spare server but im not 100% sure what adobe flash product i need to do this?As ive seen a few different options to buy but thinking will the Adobe Flash Media Streaming Server  3.5 be good enough?Also the streamed files are they all via web page or can you use something like VLC player and connect to streamed files that way?

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Media Server :: Application Sharing (passing Events Over Network)

Mar 3, 2010

I wan't to share the application over the network using as3 with FMS in such a way that events performed on application on one PC should also reflect on all the connected PCs. for example if I shared a notepad, the task performed by me on that notepad should be reflected to all the connected users and vice-versa, like remote desktop works.

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Media Server :: Users On Specific Network Can't Connect To Video?

Dec 1, 2010

We've just installed Flash Media Server 4 to host video for a new client. We've gotten it to serve up video to the public and ourselves (inside our own network), but the problem is our client cannot view the videos. They keep getting a "can't connect to the network" message.Does anyone know of how we should troubleshoot this? The videos are each about 90 minutes long, and for right now, there are six of them, which is why we wanted to stream instead of embedding them.

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Media Server :: About Peer - Assisted Network NetStream.MulticastStream.Reset

Dec 1, 2011

I am developing a video system using the peer-assisted networking of FMS. but when I have published video successed, I can't receive the video at some endpoint.


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Media Server :: FMS 3.5 Says 'Bad Network Data': Error In Handling RTMP Extended Timestamps / ChunkSize?

Jun 3, 2011

For a client, I am working on a project where a live RTMP stream is published to an Adobe FMS 3.5.6 server from a java application, using Red5 0.9.1 RTMPClient code. This works fine, until the timestamp becomes higher than 0xFFFFFF after 4.6 hours, and the RTMP extended timestamp field starts being used. I have already found: when the extended timestamp was written after the header, the last 4 bytes of the data were being cut off. I have fixed this locally, and now the data being sent seems to me to be conformant to the spec. However, FMS still throws an error message in the core log and then kills the connection from the Red5 client. Here is the error message:


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Media Server :: Flash Media Server 4.5 Log Files Filed X-sname And X-event Detials

Mar 23, 2012

I am using flash media server 4.5 for video streaming and genrate log files. In log file i have found the user publish point name in "x-sname" filed but this filed contains blank values in many events.This fileds contains value only in "PUBLISH,UN_PUBLISH,RECORD and PUBLISH_CONTONUE" event and other then these 4 events all events are not user related event.?I like to fetch the user bandwidth detials using these log files which user used how many bandwidth.I also like to know I can see serval files on flash log folder name "access.00.log,access001.log and admin.00.log,admin.001.log" Any one please explain what is the name convation for this filed how can i identifiy which files contains information for which date.?

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Media Server :: Activating PHDS From Application.xml And Event.xml Causing The Server Error

Mar 5, 2012

Dear community, i am searching for 6 days for a solution but i couldnt find. I installed the trial version of Adobe Media Server 4.5. I am trying to host live stream and it is working without error. but when i activate protection (PHDS), server gives en error code: 20...

Here is the server log...
After i could take the Live HDS, i made these settings as described at [url]

My application.xml and event.xml files are:

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