Media Server :: When FMS Shutdown The Network, The Client's NetConnection Didn't Dispatch Any Event?

Aug 7, 2009

A client connected to the FMS for playing live video.The problem has been found that when FMS shutdown the network, the client's NetConnection didn't dispatch any event.But when the client shutdown the network the client's NetConnection will dispatch NetConnection. Connect.Closed event.How could flash client know the FMS' server side networking problem? Does it necessary to use heartbeat mechanism between FMS and client?

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Media Server :: NetStream/NetConnection Client Property

Apr 7, 2011

Both NetConnection object and NetStream object has a client property. Can I use the same client for both objects?

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Media Server :: When One Client Closes Its Netconnection All The Other Clients Of The FMS Are Also Disconnected Automatically

Jan 1, 2011

I have a big issue with FMS 3.0 and specially with netconnections. Sometimes, when one client closes its netconnection, all the other clients of the FMS are also disconnected automatically. I am trying to find an explanation but nothing... It seems to be a bug as, most of the time everything works very well, but sometimes (not often) this strange behaviour happens. I don't know what to do and it's really annoying as it affects the reliability of my application.

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Media Server :: Fire Ondisconnect Event When Network Disconnect Suddenly?

Aug 25, 2010

how to clear the client entry from Adobe flash Media server 3.5. when net disconnect.i was expecting that on netdisconnect from the client side end(which is connected to FMS) its onDisconnect event fire similarly as it fire for browser close.But when internetdisconnect  ondisconnect event not fires at FMS side is there any way to overcome this or any other event  fire at that stage?

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Media Server :: FLVPlayback Component's NcMgr.netConnection Is Null When Connecting To My Flash Media Server?

Jan 13, 2010

I'm trying to troubleshoot a Flash Media Server working with a little video playback application I wrote a few years ago that has suddenly stopped working.I'm using CS3/Actionscript 3.My app uses the FLVPlayback Component, and was working well last time I checked.  I recevied a report that the videos stopped working, and have been looking into it.I figured I'd add a bunch of event listeners to the FLVPlayback's ncMgr.netConnection so I could get debug info on things like io errors, net status, etc.The problem I'm running into is that the netConnection is null when I set it to anything on my Flash Media Server, and adding any event listeners to this netConnection throws errors.Here's what I've tried so far:

Playback of a local FLV file works fine.In the FLVPlayback documentation, I found an example and stole the URL of the stream they were using in the example, and that works fine, although it is an HTTP protocol stream rather than RTMP.Any attempt to access FLV files on my Media Server, which has worked fine in the past, basically cause the FLVPlayback object to sit and hang in "buffering" mode and never progresses beyond this point.The netConnection object in this case is null.Here's my code:[code]........

Again the purpose of this is to troubleshoot the video streaming from the Flash Media Server, and it seems like there is no netconnection to the server being created.Does this mean that the server is not working, or is there a problem with the way I'm trying to access the content on the server?This was all working fine before, and I have set up the server-side application .ASC files and such to allow things to work fine on the server end.

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Java :: Verify Contribution Of Client-server Network Latency In Application Performance

Sep 24, 2011

We have a typical Flash+J2EE application that makes multiple requests from client to server (over Flex remoting), which is taking quite a long time on some client systems (and hence results in poor application performance on such systems).

Now, suspecting issues with network connectivity (latency) on such client system(s), we need to identify how far does it contribute to the slow response of the application (rather than performance issues in the application itself).

So, what are the best way(s) to diagnose this on a client system (Windows)?

Note that we have tried profiling our application, which does not indicate bottlenecks there, so we just need to clearly identify the possible network issues.

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Media Server :: Find Client Disconnected When Client Lost Net Connection?

Oct 27, 2010

how can I find on fms server that client disconnected if if client disconnected due to power cut off. I client manually close the application then onDisconnect on server is called but if due to power cut off it does not called.

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Media Server :: RTMFP Connection - Change The NetConnection Url To The Remote FMS Server

Sep 27, 2010

I'm using the RTMFP protocol to publish and play video and audio, but i'm with a little problem. I installed the FMS 4 Development Server in a Windows Server machine located in our local network and it works perfectly. In order to deploy our application, we have a remote server with a fresh install of the Ubuntu 10.04 Server, and the FMS 4 installed in this server. In other server we have the Java and Flex application, which will be used in the client browser.

The problem is that when trying to change the NetConnection url to the remote FMS server, which is the Ubuntu server, the netconnection can't connect to it. When changing to the RTMP protocol it connects, but with the RTMFP don't. I can't find any information in the log files or anything else.

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Media Server :: Server Streaming Into Secured Network

Mar 22, 2010

Currently we are running a FMS 3.5 server and to 99.9% of our clients they can see our streams with no issues. This all started after we moved server from influxes to in house. Everything was back to working ok but one client. They must be behind a very secure network becasue they see the player we have but no video, only gray boxes. My first guess is that they are blocking RTMP. I tried to get into her machine via remote but it required domain authentication. This was working with our old system but not the new one. Nothing much has changed execpt hosting companies. Normally we could use port 80 to stream out of but we currently have a different web server fordwaring traffic through 80 and our firewall will not route host headers. What could be the best way to make this work?

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Media Server :: Get The NetConnection Out Of A Flvplayback Component?

Nov 30, 2010

I followed the above example in AS2,but only get the error:
Call to a possibly undefined method getNetConnection through a reference with static type's my code:             this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME,


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Media Server :: NetConnection.proxyType Not Works?

Dec 13, 2010

I need a solution for this: when the port 1935 is closed, the NetConnection switch rtmpt (port 80). The NetConnection class built in function: proxyType="HTTP" not works or I use not rightly.In the FLVPlayback class works this function, but I don't know how..

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Media Server :: NetConnection.Connect.Failed?

Jun 30, 2011

i m new for FMS I just wanna make a connection, I put swf file in FMS folder and here my codepackage{  import;  import flash.display.Sprite;  importflash.text.TextField;  import;public class main extends Sprite  private var

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Media Server :: Netconnection Events Not Firing?

Aug 22, 2011

Can anyone tell me why I would not be getting Netconnection.NetworkChange and Netconnection.Closed events would not be getting fired when I am working on Flash CS5?

I get the Success event, but when I am attempting to test my reconnection code I pull out my network cabled and I never get the closed event.

Interestingly, I do get the Closed and NetworkChange events when I am debugging, but not when I just run the movie.

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Media Server :: Cannot Establish NetConnection - Raw TCP/IP Connectivity Has Been Established

Nov 23, 2009

I have FMS 3.5.2 installed on a VMWare CentOS image running under OS X. I have the CentOS IP mapped to the host "fms.vm" on both the host (OS X) and CentOS machine and can access the FMS Admin just fine, either via a browser on OS X or a browser on CentOS. No problem there.


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Media Server :: Send An Image Using NetStream Or NetConnection?

Jun 23, 2010

Would I be able to send a image using NetStream or NetConnection?

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Media Server :: NetConnection.Connect.IdleTimeOut Every 10 Minutes?

Aug 19, 2010

Am publishing a live stream from server to server per:I noticed that about every 10 minutes or so the stream would seem to go down.n instance there is unloaded every 10 minutes like clockwork. Message reads "Instance _definst_ is shutdown by the script... Unloaded application instance _definst_." This is preceeded by the"NetConnection.Connect.IdleTimeOut" message.During the 10 minutes inbetween, the stream displays fine on the viewer.The live docs say this message means "the publisher of the stream is idle and not transmitting data

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Media Server :: 'NetConnection.Connect.Failed' When Using Public IP

Aug 19, 2010

I am getting "NetConnection.Connect.Failed" error when trying to connect to my FMS 3.5 server from Internet.Things work pretty well when the application is hosted and accessed on my local network. Now when I want to connect my live stream application to Internet it isn't working. Public IP for my server is of type (My machine is mapped to the ip so to connect I need to mention the port as well).I am running IIS and FMS on the same machine. I have changed the default tcp/ip port of iis to 8080 and the ports for FMS are set to 1935,80.I have updated the HTTPPROXY.HOST value in fms.ini to HTTPPROXY.HOST = :8080 (port of IIS)HTTP tunneling and HTTP Proxy are also enabled.

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Media Server :: Netconnection.connect(), Which Port To Open

Sep 25, 2010

I have a swf running within a web browser and publishing audio stream to the server. If the client's computer has a firewall, should it be configured for outgoing etconnection.connect() request?

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Media Server :: RTMP Streams Over RTMFP NetConnection

May 29, 2011

Let's say user A connected to the FMS server with an RTMFP NetConnection, and user B connected to the server with an RTMP connection. If I want to connect them together, would it be better if I also connect A to an RTMP NetConnection to the server?

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Media Server :: NetConnection.close() Not Closing The Connection?

Jul 7, 2011

I'm creating a very, very basic AIR application which mainly just needs to check if a given FMS is up and running. To do that, I'm simply connecting to the FMS and after a successful connection, disconnecting to free up the connection slots. All is repeated at some interval. This is like a monitoring tool.
However, looking into the admin panel (Influxis) I can see that the number of active connections is ever growing, even though I'm calling close() on the NetConnection instance every time.
Also, adding a timer to trace the netConnection.connected value outputs always "true", after the close() function has been called.
I'm not creating any NetStreams, nothing.

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Media Server :: Client-server Media Relay Using RTMFP In FMS 4

Sep 23, 2010

I am trying to make clients to connect FMS4 server over RTMFP for my video conferencing application.It is basically a client-server media relay application in which clients with webcam/mic connect the server and the server relays video/audio data to other clients. This application is working perfectly with FMS 3.0 but it was RTMP rather than RTMFP - I simply replaced 'RTMP' with 'RTMFP' in netConnetion and tried to test in Flash Media Development Server 4.0, but it is failed to make a connection from a client - it was working after replacing it back with 'RTMP' of course.

I believe server-client media relay is possibe using RTMFP in FMS4 because Adobe said:"Although RTMFP is often used for peer-assisted networking applications, you can use RTMFP in unicast, broadcast, and multi-point publishing applications as well. Simply replace the RTMP protocol in the NetConnection.connect() call with the RTMFP protocol:" in url...

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Flash :: Use Network / Ip Camera With Media Server?

May 12, 2009

How I can use ip/network camera with Flash Media Server.I am not able to configure it.Is there any other way of configuring such cameras ?I want to publish live stream data captured by ip camera on Flash Media Server.

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Media Server :: Trying To Map Directories To Network Drives?

May 15, 2010

By default, the server runs as System Account with no access to network drives. You can change the service user to a user with network access privileges with a UNC path. In Windows 2008, when I change FMS service to log on as user and start the service I get
"Windows Could not start the Flash Media Server (FMS) service on Local Computer.
Error 1067: The process terminated unexpectedly".
When I change it back to Local System Account, it works fine. Tested in Windows 7 x64 and I was able to start the service as a user log on. I checked the local policy group and the user have rights to log on as a service. I compared Windows 7 setting to Windows 2008 and they match.

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Media Server :: FMS Not Visible In Local Network?

Mar 18, 2011

I have a problem with FMS 3.5 installed on Windows 7. The problem is that FMS works only on my local machine, I am not able to use it from computers in local network. I turned off all windows firewalls and my machine is visible for other computers - I am able to connect to FMS Welcome site on apache on default port 8134, but streaming fails, and I cannot do the same on port 80.

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Media Server :: Multiple Or Single NetConnection Object Per Application?

Sep 22, 2009

If I'm streaming live video and chatting in an FMS app, should each component have its own instance of NetConnection or should they share one? Was thinking perhaps the quality of the live video stream would be hurt in a sharing situation but am not sure the architecture works like that.
From a development standpoint, I'd like to make one NetConnection instance in my main application file and connect with it.  Then, when successfully connected, I'd like to pass that connection into any custom components that need it. 

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Media Server :: NetConnection Using POST Requests To Retrieve Data?

Aug 20, 2010

I've noticed that when I use in my client Actionscript it sends a POST request off to the server. I thought this was odd because requests for data are normally GET operations but I didn't worry about it because it doesn't impact my applicationow I have our sysadmin complaining about the amount of data I'm shifting over POST requests because POST requests aren't cached by the web servers (and we are working with the kind of traffic levels where that matters.) Is there anyway I can make call() use GET?The code  I'm using is all fairly standard, but here is the relevant snippit:

var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
nc.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler);
nc.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, securityErrorHandler);


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Media Server :: Get More Info For NetConnection.Connect.Failed Error?

May 11, 2011

I have a single server that runs IIS and FMS, both on port 80.  The server has two internal IPs assigned to it, one for IIS and the other for FMS.  I also have two static public IPs.  My router maps one public IP to IIS' internal IP and likewise for FMS.
IIS works fine.  Using an online port scanner, I was able to determine that port 80 is responsive for both public IPs.  Before I had configured my Adapter.xml and fms.ini, only IIS' public IP was responsive.  This seems to indicate that FMS is fine.
However, when my ActionScript creates a NetConnection and calls connect(), my netStatus callback takes about half a minute to be invoked, and I get "NetConnection.Connect.Failed".  Which is not very informative.  Is there a way to get more info about the cause of the error? 

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Media Server :: Bad Network Data; Terminating Connection

Aug 13, 2010

Many times, each day, a notice this error in the event log :


each time after this error, the netconnection between the publisher and the server close. I have some log in my app who check the connectivity between the publisher and the server:


I just want to confirm if it's the real issue of this problem or if other thing can provide this result and how can I prevent the deconnection of the publisher if this append again?

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Media Server :: Implementing IP Multicast On An MPLS Network?

Mar 2, 2011

I work for a carrier, and am looking at implementing IP Multicast on an MPLS network to support enterprise executive webcasts. As your probably aware, there are multiple multicast methods available.
Anyways its down to two multicast methods. PIM-SM  ( which our engineering group will probably reject to complexity)
PIM-SSM ( Which not every application supports Can anyone advise on whether Adobe flash media server ( and player ) support PIM-SSM multicast?

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Media Server :: Streaming The Same Stream On 2 Different URL With 2 Network Cards?

Apr 11, 2012

I have a work station with Osprey 230, I need to stream the same stream on two diffrent URL via 2 network cards. Is that possible ? Which software you reccommend ?

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